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luv 07-04-2011 12:03 AM

I said not now to his request, and then said that I didn't know him outside of facebook, so he can't send me any more friend invites.

luv 07-04-2011 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7729124)
Is the cat dead?

If not, you should send him a pic of the cat with ketchup everywhere.

Fat Cat is alive and well. She's my baby. Only good thing I got out of that relationship.

KurtCobain 07-04-2011 12:06 AM

That's good to hear.

What do you feed her? My friend just got a cat and doesn't know what kind of cat food to get. He got some expensive kitten food because it looked french.

luv 07-04-2011 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7729128)
That's good to hear.

What do you feed her? My friend just got a cat and doesn't know what kind of cat food to get. He got some expensive kitten food because it looked french.

I just get Purina One. He needs to know not to switch food too often. Some cats have sensitive stomachs.

Dr. Johnny Fever 07-04-2011 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 7729125)
I said not now to his request, and then said that I didn't know him outside of facebook, so he can't send me any more friend invites.

Applause for luv. Trust me, I'm old... I've been through this.


KurtCobain 07-04-2011 12:09 AM

Cats seem sensitive. And stuck up.

KurtCobain 07-04-2011 12:09 AM

Is your fat cat fat? Fat cats usually seem really happy. Is she fixed?

Dr. Johnny Fever 07-04-2011 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7729133)
Cats seem sensitive. And stuck up.

Which is part of what makes them awesome. They don't need your approval but they're cool with it. Much easier and less needy than dogs.

luv 07-04-2011 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by noonan (Post 7729132)
Applause for luv. Trust me, I'm old... I've been through this.


Thanks. I'm going to bed.

luv 07-04-2011 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7729135)
Is your fat cat fat? Fat cats usually seem really happy. Is she fixed?

Fixed, no front claws, and she weighs 19 lbs.

Dr. Johnny Fever 07-04-2011 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 7729137)
Thanks. I'm going to bed.


Sweet Daddy Hate 07-04-2011 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 7729138)
Fixed, no front claws, and she weighs 19 lbs.

Big Kitty indeed!

KurtCobain 07-04-2011 12:15 AM

That's a damn happy cat.

Halfcan 07-04-2011 07:12 AM

Happy 4th of July!!

chefsos 07-04-2011 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Halfcan (Post 7729207)
Happy 4th of July!!

And there it is.

1) Any one here who's American, raise your hand.

2) Happy Birthday!

Edit: Hmmm. I thought I was in the frazod birthday thread when I posted this. I was kind of weirdly proud of the fact that my only post in this thread was four years ago. And now I've gone and ****ed it up.

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