![]() |
Just saw it in Australia. Had lots to like mixed in with some bad. A good movie trying to be a bad movie. Mark Hamil put in a great performance, as did Adam Driver. But then i was someone who loved him in the the force awakens. Wish they werent so campy with the humour.
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1pByV5AiPQ/maxresdefault.jpg https://moseisleychronicles.files.wo...2d2_empire.gif https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-01-2015/QvJD3u.gif |
It's full of leaked spy videos. |
This, however, is not a leak.
<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sdmCTZRUWPI" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
I am out of this thread until I see it. Everyone enjoy the movie!
I'm good, I didn't click on any of them.
Got tickets to the first showing of the movie in the Tampa area tomorrow night. They sent me an email about the dress code for the movie. Light sabers oksy, except during the movie. Etc.
Haven't seen a single spoiler for the movie. I'll check back in tomorrow night. |
Going tonight at 7:15...can't wait!!!
I wish I could do what you guys do, but I hate sitting in a crowded theater. ill probably go early sunday morning
14.5 hours to go and counting... CAN'T FREAKIN' WAIT! |
I'm not spoilering shit in a spoiler thread. WTF? So I'll chime in later.
Seeing it in less than an hour
Just got done.... Not quite sure how i feel about it.... Definitely need to go see it again. But as of right now i just don't know if i liked it
Just got back from seeing it and yes, some WTF moments. I still liked it but I must say that Mark Hamill is probably one of the worst actors in my life time but I still loved most of his scenes. They actually interjected a lot of humor into this one. And the humor definitely wasn't the type of humor you would expect from Star Wars.
Holding for General Hux...
People need to slow their roll.
I HATE JJ ABRAMS, HE DID NOTHING TO CHANGE THE FRANCHISE. Wait, what? Rian Johnson slightly adjusted the rules to a divine like energy field that’s connected to all living things in the galaxy? How dare he! I can only imagine the reaction when suddenly old cloaked scary man started sending sparkles from his hands in Return of the Jedi. |
Everything else really sucked bad.
This movie Sucked 2 ****ing years for them to Move Rey's parentage to the 3rd movie
Go **** your Self Rian. |
I thought the direction and pace sucked in the first act. The action scenes were great, but the conversations were directed so poorly. And Mark Hamill still sucks as an actor especially playing a tortured soul.
Rain needs to not be allowed near a Star Wars movie again. WAIT! He got 3 more movies? |
Glad I'm not the only one.
Read a review that pretty much sums up the movie perfectly for me it's a good sci fi movie that star wars fans will hate. 90+ on rotten tomatoes and I don't care to ever see it again. |
Man, it must suck to never enjoy anything. I thought the movie was good. Some moments that were a little off, but overall I enjoyed this movie and believe it was a fine installment in the series. Ready to go see it again.
I thought this movie was a Giant POS with zero payoff. |
What the shit was the plot in this movie. Find Luke/Get training ? He barely trains her and Luke never leaves the planet. Get a hacker from the casino wtf was the point of that why not just tell the Rebels your plan about the Shuttles ? The more I think about it the More I hate this movie. |
I will also never forget Force Leia Flying in space Mary poppins style Holy shit I hate this movie.
Everyone has been hailing Rian as the second coming of Irving Kurshner and what he's turned out is alternatively boring and stupid. What they did with most of the characters is dumb. The secrets we've all been wanting answers to either now don't matter, were never answered, and/or showcase that the creatives decided they'd pick about the lamest direction to go. I don't want to spoil anything for fans (even though this is a spoiler thread), but what Leia does in this movie, what Luke does in this movie, what Ren/Rey do in this movie with the help of the Force is just stupid, stupid, stupid. |
At the screening I went to they showed a short documentary on John Williams (they may have done this everywhere, I don't know) but another problem with this movie is like TFA the music is nothing memorable at all.
I liked it! **** all that noise!
<div class="reddit-embed" data-embed-media="www.redditmedia.com" data-embed-parent="false" data-embed-live="false" data-embed-uuid="01dd83e7-7e73-44d1-af26-65d23a385cc0" data-embed-created="2017-12-15T07:59:52.000Z"><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/7jwxnd/official_discussion_star_wars_episode_viii_the/dra41t1/">Comment</a> from discussion <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/7jwxnd/official_discussion_star_wars_episode_viii_the/">Official Discussion - Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]</a>.</div><script async src="https://www.redditstatic.com/comment-embed.js"></script>
This dude know's what's up. |
And unfortunately, I'm seeing it again on Saturday. :facepalm: Besides the fact that it also heavily drew upon the OT, they way it was edited was baffling.
Even my 9 year old said "I thought the movie was over but nope. Then I thought the movie was over but nope. And then I thought the movie was over and it was finally over! It felt like 4 hours!". I'm absolutely baffled as to why they gave him keys to a full trilogy. And at the end of the day, where does Episode IX take us? This felt like the end of Star Wars to me. Episode IX is going to feel like some unnecessary epilogue. |
Disney clearly doesn't understand Star Wars. Princess Leia flying in space without a suit like Superman. Embarrassing. I don't know how Rian filmed that and thought -- yeah, that's a good idea. |
I didn't like the Rogue One score at first, probably because I was so engrossed in "learning" the film that it rubbed me the wrong way but now, I LOVE it. John Williams should never score another Star Wars film. Blech. |
But how the **** is this sitting at 92% the more I think about it the more pissed I am. The Finn/rose story line is worse than anything in the Prequels I'll stand by the statement. |
Little to no reaction during the film and at the end? Silence. |
I don't know how Disney manufactured all the great love for Rian or the 93% on RottenTomatoes but wholly crap that was prequel-level bad... |
What the **** was the point of even introducing that character? All I can think is that KK and Lucasfilm decided to burn the whole thing down to ground. Burn and start over. If so, great plan. :rolleyes: |
What was really bad is that there was dialogue that you could tell was specifically inserted to address just how stupid the situations were. They can't catch up to the Resistance? Seriously? Oh, we'll add a line where they make light of it. They sit around in the Dreadnought while the Resistance attacks? Fine, we'll add a throw-away line about how stupid it is that they haven't launched thousands of TIE fighters. All through the movie there are absolutely insane events that are occurring because the script is so lazy and they skirt the issues with some slapstick humor or a dumb line.
Had such high expectations for this movie -- but starting to see that Star Wars has gone off the rails... |
Oh and the other thing no one has mentioned yet (that I've seen)
JJ better make 9 a ****ing apology tour for this shit.
Start of with a 10-20 back story on snoke and how he turned Ben solo Mid way find out Kylo was lying about Rey's parents. After that 9 will be a x10 better movie than this POS was. |
The whole mission to Casino planet was a complete waste of time and actually, as a Reddit contributor pointed out, it actually led to all the third-act problems the Resistance encountered. None of the side-quests were completed or helped advance the story in any way. |
We all knew what was going to happen in Rogue One and it was still ****ing bad ass to the bone. This was an epic disaster. I might be lucky to match R1's box office. |
GOD I hate this movie. |
R1 was a much better movie even jokes felt less forced in R1 then this trash movie. How many times did they have to try and use General Hux for comedic effect ? |
What are the odds? |
Rian's Q&A screening at USC tonight:
“what Rey now knows about her parents—well, what Kylo told her about her parents” JJ can basically bring back whatever his answer is and just say Kylo was lying about it. Please JJ un**** the Star wars movies again. One good thing I will take away from this movie is I have no desire to see rian johnson's Star wars trilogy what so ever. |
This film makes Attack of the Clones look like Citizen Kane in comparison.
Whoda thunk? |
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I don’t want to spoil it. It’s not even DIRECTLY from STAR WARS. But the nine people in the Shrine premiere that got it howled. Everyone look closely tomorrow. And <a href="https://twitter.com/rianjohnson?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@rianjohnson</a> confirmed it to me. <a href="https://t.co/FuRzKtZnfr">https://t.co/FuRzKtZnfr</a></p>— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) <a href="https://twitter.com/pattonoswalt/status/941556063068872704?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 15, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Any one have any idea on wtf Patton is going on about ? |
This movie was so stupid. I'm sure I would have gotten boo'd and then been told that I wasn't paying attention when Hux commented on the situation. |
According to The Atlantic this is the best Star Wars movie since Empire...WTF are these people smoking?
https://www.theatlantic.com/entertai...s-back/548363/ |
If they knew where the base was located, why try to blow out a blast door? Just nuke it from above. The entire film is terrifyingly incompetent. It’s an exercise in excess and buffoonery. |
The Empire didn’t care about the Rebels nor did they care about their own. Director Krennic spent his adult life serving the Empire and creating the ultimate weapon and yet Tarkin had zero issues killing him and everyone else on Scarif. Kylo Ren didn’t even kill Hux. |
I ****ing loved it.
Holy shit. There's a solid 50 post stretch of nothing but bitching. Was it really that bad?
I thought it was pretty well done overall. I liked how they tried to move BEYOND the Skywalkers. Yeah, the things mentioned here (Leiaflying, the casino scene) were pretty bad, but I was happy. Hopefully the second time through I can pick up on some of the tidbits....
The audience reviews on RT are inching towards 65%. Alot of the actual fans that saw the early screenings seem to be PISSED.
I originally thought I liked it and said so in my early review. Upon reflection I am jumping on the "this was a shit show" bandwagon. Ughhh
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