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PD wunderkid secretly rising through the ranks of the The Mob. |
Oh. And Jack Nicholson being ****ing nuts. http://media2.giphy.com/media/xPr70ZGoMQJgc/200_s.gif |
Have you seen This Boy's Life? That was 4 years earlier and his acting was pretty good in it. |
My favorite 3 actors right now are Leo, Jake Gylenhaal and Will Smith. All three almost never disappoint.
*The NEW Movies Thread*
Will Smith! Will Smiff is my main man. Number 1 on my man crush list, for sure.
He's been my favorite actor as long as I can remember. I used to beat the "he's the best actor" drum to shit circa 2009 or so but he's really fallen off lately in trying to force feed his shit stain little douche of a son down our throats. **** Jaden Smith a rusty tuba. |
*The NEW Movies Thread*
Denzel is great but Will Smiff is better.
Denzel is Denzel as a cop. Denzel as an undercover cop. Denzel as a train conductor.. Although he was amazing in Training Day and Malcolm X. Just not enough range for me.. |
Just watched Lars And The Real Girl. I originally thought it was probably just a stupid movie about a blow up doll. Wrong I was. Excellent film.
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I'd like to see Leto get a nice role. Dude's got chops.
Watched The Drop last night. It was so slow. I was really hoping it would be better. It wasn't bad, but the pacing killed it for me.
Still trying to finish it..lol |
Dude had been excellent in just about everything I've seen him in. |
A choice like this is totally uncharacteristic for me, but Brad Pitt is my favorite actor.
I mean Tyler Durden to Aldo the Apache nobody has played more effortless bad asses than Pitt IMO. |
Love me some Brad Pitt
Liked Pitt in every movie of his I've seen, but I haven't seen every movie of his.
Posted via Mobile Device |
Posted via Mobile Device |
Interview with the Vampire will always be my fav Pitt movie.
Watched Deja Vu. Solid movie even though the time travel logic was worse than most of the time travel movies I've seen.
Holy ****. Just saw Nightcrawler.
Rarely has my chest pounded in my heart so much during a film. Young Jake Gyllenhaal will go far in the biz. |
****ing vampire movies... LMAO |
I watched Troy last night. That was a good one.
On a similar note, Leonidas, Themistocles, Spartacus, Gannacus, Aragorn, that douche from Gladiator.. They'd all get their ass handed to them by Achilles. |
Don't forget The Departed, Blood Diamond, The Aviator |
A buddy of mine talked me into checking out Kingsman with him yesterday, and I gotta say that I was pleasantly surprised.
The action is outrageously unbelievable, but its so well done that I just didnt care, its a great popcorn movie... Colin Firth is a BOSS, and Sam Jacksons take on a billionaire villain is both hilarious and terrifying at the same time. Well worth my eight bucks. |
That film is easily in my top 10 ever. |
Watched Leaving Las Vegas.
Such a ****ed up movie, geez. |
Watched Pain and Gain.
I didn't really like it. I guess I didn't know what it was trying to be. It was funny-ish. It might have been funny if it wasn't true. Now I understand that true is a loose term. I looked up the story during the movie and man, it was a downer. They did some truly terrible things to this dude. And it was still heavy enough to not be all that much of a comedy but it was too goofy to be serious. Maybe I missed the boat, it was a decent waste of time, but I wouldn't set out to watch it. |
Going classic Star Trek tonight.
While it certainly isnt new, I watched Dog Day Afternoon last night on TCM on demand... it really drove home just how sad Pacino has become, because he was absolutely incredible in this movie.
He was just masterful, what a great actor he once was... enjoyed every minute of this old classic. |
Watching Barney's Version now with the late Paul Giamatti and holy shit it's amazing. Literally everything in it is spellbinding.
Yes, good call. Paul Giamatti is the bearded version. Wonderful movie. Great performance. Heart rending when he
http://media2.giphy.com/media/VCBfBp7s50LC/200_s.gif |
saw Kingsman last night. Was going along pretty good until the church scene, then it lost it's way. Not that i have anything against gratuitous violence, I've seen and watch plenty, but the church scene and subsequent scenes of public violence were too much IMHO. There is nothing entertaining about watching innocent people slaughter one another, and the sins of the churchgoers didn't even call for it. It was disturbng that many in our showing laughed at the scenes, as if there was something hilarious about inncoent people murdering each other on a beach. Shame they went that route, and i'm shocked so many have such high praise for the movie becuase of it.
that scene was ****ing hilarious |
best scene of the movie |
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZKlCtzUhPiI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. Very good. Also peace love and joy between Muslims, Christians and Atheists. :LOL:
You were taking that movie too seriously if the violence bothered you The over the top violence was on purpose to keep the movie light hearted |
Seriously, explain to me what is funny or amusing about random people on beaches or at a baseball game murdering each other? What about that would make audience members laugh? It's a sad state of affairs.... I watched John Wick last week, 142 murders and didn't bother me. Becuase it's not the same. |
Ever see dusk till dawn? I didn't laugh at the church scene, but people are not laughing at the thought of someone dying It is the over the top video game esque way in which people are dying that was "amusing" as you put it I thought the Church scene was choreographed and shot in brilliantly, which is why I enjoyed it This isn't Schinlders List; it doesn't try to take itself serious Hell one of the villains has swords for legs for crying out loud Know what kind of movie it is and watch it through those lenses |
Tried to watch "Scribbler" on Netflix but that thing was such a turd I turned it off after 20 minutes...
All of you out there with Encore On Demand service, man I cant recommend "Tyson" enough.
I decided long, long ago that he wasnt the bad guy he was portrayed as back in his heyday... but this drives it home for me, I'm no more than 25 minutes into it and I'm enthralled. He's exactly what I figured him out to be... a directionless, innocent and yes, timid kid in a bad situation. D' Amato and the earlier Irish guy really put him on the right path. I've liked him for years now, but this doc makes me like him even more... he was only a monster in the ring. |
Watched 'the over nighters' on Netflix
Really awesome documentary about the friction between out of town oil boomers and smal town North Dakotans. One of the beats docs I've seen in awhile. |
Watched 15 minutes of the "Bruce Willis Movie" Vice.
Being kicked in the balls for 15 minutes straight would have been a better use of my time. |
Never heard of it. |
With a big thanks for nothing, King... lets just say this looks like a truly awful piece of Bruce Willis crap.
Dude made bank to put this piece of shit on film, **** Hollywood, Bollywood, Saudiwood or whoever put up the money for a mess like that. Could've put a trailer in here, decided not to. |
Focus is really good.
Dumb and Dumber To was a lot better than I thought.
The Kingsman is brilliant. Highly recommended.
I liked Night Crawler.
Just wished it would have ended with him getting ass raped in prison. |
Watched "Bellflower" last night.
I have no idea why this flick got so much love. I get it. It's not that I didn't understand it or see what they were doing. I didn't like it. It was very, very slow paced and mostly boring as hell. I didn't like the characters (other than the friend that built the Medusa) and didn't really care what happened to them. It's hard to build a character/story arch when no character has any motivation. To do anything... |
Have people read the raves about It Follows. Not usually a fan of horror, but they say it rises above horror while still being one of the best straight horror movies in years.
Cool premise. Basically a spectre as an STD, where once you catch it 'it follows.' If it catches you, it kills you. Avoid enclosed spaces, never go anywhere where the entrance is your only exit. Just relentless slow but sure impending doom. Always on the move, only way to rid yourself of it is to have sex with someone knowing you're simply passing the nightmare to them https://www.yahoo.com/movies/v/follo...190030960.html |
Loved Focus. Will Smith is finally back. I hope he continues to make more flicks like that instead of force feeding us his shithead son..
Watching those types of movies with massive amounts of money being made/changing hands really makes me feel like shit, though. I just need a random stranger to give me a few million dollars and I just know everything would be OK. |
Nightcrawler is sooo crazy good, Gyllenhal bested Michael Keaton IMO... he just owns this slimey sleaze so completely.
5 of 5 stars, incredible movie. |
Ok kids, heres is the next great sci-fi/horror/character study of a movie... Underneath The Skin... it stars Scarlett Johannsen as an alien on earth to soak up humans as whatever you imagine them being soaked up for.
For our souls, for our blood and organs?... you decide. But seriously, this is one of the most artistic and well acted and original alien movies I've ever watched, period/EMPHATIC. Such a beautiful, well done piece of cinema... for a very rough outline, think 2001 for the other dimensional visuals, and Let Me In for the somber mood and tone... just for starters, that's seriously just a very rough outline. Those of you that enjoy kegs paranormal thread, you'll no doubt love this. Whats even better is that you get Scarlett in full on nude scenes with lingering, loving shots... back AND front... this movie is the real deal, beautiful and haunting. |
She's had a great start to her career. Leo DiCaprio and Will Smith. |
The actual artistic value is just a bonus, really. |
Anyone got any good Sci Fi / mind**** movie recommendations? Preferably something released in the past decade or so and isn't extremely mainstream.
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