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|Zach| 09-18-2011 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 7922356)
zero interest in expanding.

Signed, Larry Scott (not that long ago)

LiveSteam 09-18-2011 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7922342)

He doesn't know shit. Big 10 hasnt said know to anything or anyone since they said no to Missouri
Big 10 is just sitting like all of us & waiting to see what,& if anything happens.
If expansion is the best move at that time for the Big 10. IMO KSU & KU are no brainers out of the big 12

|Zach| 09-18-2011 08:09 PM!/Andy_Staples Interesting stuff.

Titty Meat 09-18-2011 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7922404)

Texas & OU to the B1G Ten? Interesting.

BigRedChief 09-18-2011 08:11 PM

ESPN crawl:
Austin newspaper........ Oaklahoma, Okie State, Texas and Texas Tech to join Pac 12. Announcement as soon as Monday.

LiveSteam 09-18-2011 08:12 PM

Best comment
Andy_Staples Andy Staples
@BoldSlugger @BrendanPrunty The other thing is it has to be frustrating for fans. So much misinformation. Everyone in the dark.

Saul Good 09-18-2011 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 7922325)
The B1G isn't expanding - it just isn't.

The rumors are that the SEC is looking towards VA for their 14th.

The Big East is just another dying conference.

The ACC...jesus, really? That's our new home?

The music looks like it's really close to stopping and if this thing stays like it is - MU is homeless next year. It really only takes 1 season in limbo like that to do a decade worth of damage to your prestige, recruiting, etc...

MU's in bad bad shape if something doesn't come together very soon and I have absolutely zero faith in our leadership at this point.

The SEC isn't looking at VA. They're looking at WV, and they aren't going to stop at 14. That number doesn't work well for conferences. In the end, I think the SEC adds WV, Mizzou, and someone from the Big East (likely Louisville or Cincy if they don't mind city schools).

The Big East is on life support, and ND may decide that they need a new home. That could lead to them landing in the B1G.

The B1G either moves to 16 early, or they get forced to get last pick in the future if they ever do expand. I don't think they want to be at 12 when the ACC, PAC, and SEC are all at 16.

RustShack 09-18-2011 08:23 PM

If everyone goes to 16 the B1G will end up doing it too. They said they weren't going to start it, but they will follow if other conferences start. But if the SEC stays at 14(assuming they add WVU), and B1G stays at 12, theres still room for a fifth BCS conference.

DJ's left nut 09-18-2011 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7922366)
Signed, Larry Scott (not that long ago)

Do you think they're that good at leak control?

In fairness, I should say they've shown zero interest in an expansion that includes MU.

The smoke has included Texas and ND, but that's it. And outside of the 'superschools', you simply don't hear any rumors at all out of the B1G.

I refuse to believe they simply have that conference on super-secret lockdown. There are too many people that have an interest in this for something, even rumors, to not slip out if there was legitimate interest.

I think they're just fine with 12. They know they can keep it at 12 and still get invited to the "Super playoffs" with their Conf. Champion. Hell, they could probably split into 2 6-teamers and still get their division champions invited.

They have no pressing need to expand unless its for ND or Tx. If they felt it, they'd have done it by now.

alnorth 09-18-2011 08:24 PM

At this point, KU's best chance is probably for ND to decide the Big East is dead and they have no choice but to go to the B1G.

If the Big 10 expands to 16, Kansas has to be on that list due to the sheer lack of alternatives, but if ND is not available, they could stay at 12.

alnorth 09-18-2011 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 7922468)
Do you think they're that good at leak control?

In fairness, I should say they've shown zero interest in an expansion that includes MU.

The smoke has included Texas and ND, but that's it. And outside of the 'superschools', you simply don't hear any rumors at all out of the B1G.

I refuse to believe they simply have that conference on super-secret lockdown. There are too many people that have an interest in this for something, even rumors, to not slip out if there was legitimate interest.

I think they're just fine with 12. They know they can keep it at 12 and still get invited to the "Super playoffs" with their Conf. Champion. Hell, they could probably split into 2 6-teamers and still get their division champions invited.

They have no pressing need to expand unless its for ND or Tx. If they felt it, they'd have done it by now.

The problem that the B1G has is that by not acting, they may effectively have the choice made for them to never expand. Expanding to 16 may be shut off as an available option for them if they sit out.

alnorth 09-18-2011 08:37 PM

Here's a cool toy, feel free to play with it and share your prediction.

My wild-assed guess as of tonight:

jAZ 09-18-2011 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by kchero (Post 7922348)
Thanks for the geography lesson on what cities are on the western side of the states. I still stand by my comments. Like I said I hope I am wrong for the sake of your conference, but do not presume so easily that you will not have drama with Texas in your conference down the road.

Texas won't destroy the Pac-1x conference like they have the Big-12. The revenue from the geographic monopoly that the Pac-1x has is far more powerful than Texas. That wasn't true of the Big-12. Texas has far less leverage with the Pac-1x than it did with the Big-12.

So unless you are agreeing with that fact, you are wrong.

That's not to say that "drama" can't come, but if it does, the Pac-1x has the leverage to show Texas the door. And Utah, Arizona and possibly Colorado aren't giving up the money from the LA, SF and other Cali markets to follow Texas anywhere.

Texas is joining the Pac-1x because it's their best available option. As long as it's mutually beneficial, the Pac-1x will let them in.

tk13 09-18-2011 08:55 PM

The New York Times' guy has weighed in. I believe they were the first to officially report A&M's move. He says Texas is not talking to the ACC anymore, the four teams to the Pac 12 will play out over the next 7 to 10 days. According to him Scott has not approached the Pac 12 presidents officially yet, and (no surprise) the Arizona schools, Utah and Colorado all have concerns about the deal. Also, the academic reputation of OU, OSU, and TT.

Suggests Mizzou and the SEC really don't have that much interest in each other, but might do the deed out of necessity so Mizzou isn't left hanging. Also, the Big East and Big 12 leftovers could merge based on what's left.

DeezNutz 09-18-2011 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by jAZ (Post 7922596)
Texas won't destroy the Pac-1x conference like they have the Big-12. The revenue from the geographic monopoly that the Pac-1x has is far more powerful than Texas. That wasn't true of the Big-12. Texas has far less leverage with the Pac-1x than it did with the Big-12.

So unless you are agreeing with that fact, you are wrong.

That's not to say that "drama" can't come, but if it does, the Pac-1x has the leverage to show Texas the door. And Utah, Arizona and possibly Colorado aren't giving up the money from the LA, SF and other Cali markets to follow Texas anywhere.

Texas is joining the Pac-1x because it's their best available option. As long as it's mutually beneficial, the Pac-1x will let them in.

Much earlier in the thread, I posed a question about researching funding for state universities. Where does this money come from? State appropriations? Part of the larger tuition pie?

All of this was based on the ruse that academics matter in any of this.

Utah: shit
OU: shit (but a better smelling pile than some of the other shit)
OSU: shit
TT: shit

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