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In58men 03-08-2025 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Iconic (Post 17991883)
like hunt whom immediately got picked up?... ok

That should have never happened either.

Hunt doesn’t care about integrity anymore.

Mr_Tomahawk 03-08-2025 09:31 AM

Is there a QB who has more drama surrounding him, that he has nothing to do with between his family and teammates, than Patrick Mahomes?

smithandrew051 03-08-2025 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17991885)
Or do something to fix whatever culture issue is causing these guys to act like ****ing idiots in their free time.

I’m mean, yeah Im sure there’s something the Chiefs could do to put more pressure on these guys to act like adults.

But, do they really need to be told to not break the law? Hard for me to blame an employer for that one.

pugsnotdrugs19 03-08-2025 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by smithandrew051 (Post 17991849)
I will say though.

Dont give these ****ing idiots a second contract. Use them up on their rookie deals and flip them for picks.

If these guys can’t act like they have IQs above room temperature when they know that second contract is a couple years away, they won’t get smart after they get paid.

Yeah this is where I’m at.

I don’t need a bunch of choir boys but you gotta be able to stay out of ****ing jail for felonies.

Pay Trent, pay George even. Those are guys who play with edge but aren’t idiots.

OnTheWarpath15 03-08-2025 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17991885)
Or do something to fix whatever culture issue is causing these guys to act like ****ing idiots in their free time.

Not just free time.

<blockquote class="tiktok-embed" cite="" data-video-id="7452422412001430815" style="max-width: 605px;min-width: 325px;" > <section> <a target="_blank" title="@espn" href="">@espn</a> Xavier Worthy was flagged for an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty after this touchdown celebration 🎥 (📺: Netflix) <a title="nfl" target="_blank" href="">#nfl</a> <a title="chiefs" target="_blank" href="">#chiefs</a> <a target="_blank" title="♬ original sound - ESPN" href="">♬ original sound - ESPN</a> </section> </blockquote> <script async src=""></script>

RaidersOftheCellar 03-08-2025 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by In58men (Post 17991887)
That should have never happened either.

Hunt doesn’t care about integrity anymore.

Other owners care even less, apparently.

PunkinDrublic 03-08-2025 09:33 AM

You better lawyer up asshole!

KCUnited 03-08-2025 09:33 AM

This shit is starting to get old

Rainbarrel 03-08-2025 09:34 AM

Will it get to 100 posts before fingers point to Nagy? Stay tuned

ChiefsCountry 03-08-2025 09:36 AM

CP freak out is always the best entertainment

Discuss Thrower 03-08-2025 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 17991895)
This shit is starting to get old

Nah it's old at this point.

OnTheWarpath15 03-08-2025 09:37 AM

At this point, you have to hope that this is something like dad/stepdad/brother getting rough with mom/sister and X stepping in.

But if that was the case, I can't see your own dad/brother pressing charges.

Not seeing many outs on this one.

Kman34 03-08-2025 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 17991898)
CP freak out is always the best entertainment

So this isn’t serious??? I think there is a good reason to be concerned…

bringbackmarty 03-08-2025 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 17991830)
Oh FFS. Impeccable timing posting this Chiefs. Great look

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Every dream takes a team. <br><br>This International Women&#39;s Day, hear how Tiffany&#39;s mom helped her become the woman she is today in the latest Heart of the Kingdom episode ❤️ <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Kansas City Chiefs (@Chiefs) <a href="">March 8, 2025</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Nobody said he choked a woman yet, fingers crossed it's his brother or shitty uncle or something.

OnTheWarpath15 03-08-2025 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 17991898)
CP freak out is always the best entertainment

I think felony charges are freak out worthy.

Would be nice to go one ****ing offseason without this shit.

saphojunkie 03-08-2025 09:39 AM

At least now we have an accurate height and weight

Chris Meck 03-08-2025 09:39 AM

yeah, this is probably really ****ing bad.

KCUnited 03-08-2025 09:39 AM

League going to send a message to the Chiefs with these suspensions

Kiimo 03-08-2025 09:40 AM

I don't think his dad's in the picture

And I don't think he has brothers?

And he's not married so that rules out significant other.

If it's his sister or mother...that shit is going to stain him the rest of his life

KC Hawks 03-08-2025 09:40 AM

I'm tired, boss.

wazu 03-08-2025 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath15 (Post 17991886)
First person I thought about was Kelce.

Dude is coming back for a Last Dance and his teammates are ****ing it up.

Everybody can **** off with that "Last Dance" crap. Mahomes has 10 more years. Many dances left. I seriously do not want to hear that shit all year.

Rausch 03-08-2025 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17991911)
I don't think his dad's in the picture

And I don't think he has brothers?

And he's not married so that rules out significant other.

If it's his sister or mother...that shit is going to stain him the rest of his life

He has the lips and hair of a woman - prison is not where this man wants to be.

Chris Meck 03-08-2025 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 17991913)
Everybody can **** off with that "Last Dance" crap. Mahomes has 10 more years. Many dances left. I seriously do not want to hear that shit all year.

For KELCE, man. Last dance for KELCE.

Jerm 03-08-2025 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17991911)
I don't think his dad's in the picture

And I don't think he has brothers?

And he's not married so that rules out significant other.

If it's his sister or mother...that shit is going to stain him the rest of his life

He has a fiance I thought?

smithandrew051 03-08-2025 09:44 AM

Why can’t these pro athletes stick to harmless activities like unprotected sex with multiple partners?

'Hamas' Jenkins 03-08-2025 09:44 AM

Maybe Worthy's case is an aberration given his lack of past concerns, but at some point, it stops becoming an accident that you have so many guys pass through that locker room in such a short period of time that have had issues with violent crime.

TLO 03-08-2025 09:44 AM


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-media-max-width="560"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No judgment zone until I hear the details.<br>All ima say is his Moms fine and maybe he had to our paws on somebody for disrespecting. <br><br>Innocent until proven guilty details tho ��</p>&mdash; Fizzle Dolla�� (@FizzleDollas) <a href="">March 8, 2025</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Kiimo 03-08-2025 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 17991916)
He has a fiance I thought?

Fiance is not a family member

UChieffyBugger 03-08-2025 09:45 AM


Womble 03-08-2025 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by In58men (Post 17991833)
Choking somebody is legit attempted murder.

It depends.

If the choke involved TheGuardian in front of the George Brett then it's probably attempted murder.

If the choke was done on Fat Zach by his gay lover at the sauna then it's probably not attempted murder. Still gay though.

wazu 03-08-2025 09:45 AM

Guys, he was just strangling somebody for disrespecting his mother. Anybody would have done the same. What a good, honorable young man.

crayzkirk 03-08-2025 09:46 AM

It appears that our scouting department has a very unique skill set; troubled receivers and ineffective left tackles...

Kiimo 03-08-2025 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger (Post 17991923)

This is a completely pointless and useless take on the situation

DrunkBassGuitar 03-08-2025 09:46 AM


Rausch 03-08-2025 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger (Post 17991923)

That's fair.

Also fair to lean in, lift an eyebrow, and remind somebody this isn't the ****-up they want to make. For their own benefit.

notorious 03-08-2025 09:47 AM

Funny considering he was the only guy on offense that didn't choke in the SB.

FlaChief58 03-08-2025 09:48 AM

So we're going to go into the season without worthy, rice and god only knows what on the o-line. Brilliant!

OnTheWarpath15 03-08-2025 09:48 AM

Veach to his draft/FA board last night:

ChiliConCarnage 03-08-2025 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger (Post 17991923)

Probably just confusion over getting some MMA practice in

DrunkBassGuitar 03-08-2025 09:51 AM

Pat and Andy are going to have to build a dungeon and lock our WRs up during the off season. **** chain these assholes to a radiator until OTAs.

Womble 03-08-2025 09:51 AM

Honestly, this is probably the best thing that could have happened to this forum. I'm sick of logging in here and feeling dejected about that shitty Eagles game.

I'm so ****ing ready to spend the next few weeks taking the piss out of the overreactions from mental CP posters.

Let's fkin gooooo

displacedinMN 03-08-2025 09:51 AM


Kiimo 03-08-2025 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Womble (Post 17991939)
Honestly, this is probably the best thing that could have happened to this forum. I'm sick of logging in here and feeling dejected about that shitty Eagles game.

I'm so ****ing ready to spend the next few weeks taking the piss out of the overreactions from mental CP posters.

Let's fkin gooooo

Worthy has three family members, his mom and two sisters.

Like, this isn't an overreaction to be super worried about this

ShortRoundChief 03-08-2025 09:54 AM

If we can get Sky Moore to take the fall for this the charges will surely be dropped.

Chris Meck 03-08-2025 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17991943)
Worthy has three family members, his mom and two sisters.

Like, this isn't an overreaction to be super worried about this

No, this is really ****ing bad.

Sassy Squatch 03-08-2025 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by TLO (Post 17991920)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-media-max-width="560"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No judgment zone until I hear the details.<br>All ima say is his Moms fine and maybe he had to our paws on somebody for disrespecting. <br><br>Innocent until proven guilty details tho ��</p>&mdash; Fizzle Dolla�� (@FizzleDollas) <a href="">March 8, 2025</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

So he supposedly either choked somebody disrespecting his mom or choked his own mom are what I'm gleaning from this.

Chiefnj2 03-08-2025 09:54 AM

Initial charges are often exaggerated and trumped up knowing there will be a plea to a lesser charge. Not a good look, but too early to get really wound up.

staylor26 03-08-2025 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Garcia Bronco (Post 17991867)
It's really not.

Bull ****ing shit.

Alvin Kamara and his possee beat the **** out of a dude, all on video, and he got a slap on the wrist.

Rausch 03-08-2025 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17991946)
So he supposedly either choked somebody disrespecting his mom or choked his own mom are what I'm gleaning from this.

I'd bet money his mom would **** his world up.

Womble 03-08-2025 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17991943)
Worthy has three family members, his mom and two sisters.

Like, this isn't an overreaction to be super worried about this

Oh fo sho about that. But soon enough we will be getting the whole "he's gonna be locked up for X years" crap based off a dubious TMZ report.

pugsnotdrugs19 03-08-2025 09:58 AM

To be a fly on the wall when Andy and Clark got this news.

If we’re all pissed, can’t imagine where they sit

irafreak 03-08-2025 09:59 AM

Of course he did. So had we drafted Pickens instead of Moore, we'd be talking about him being the most stable of the 3 receivers we drafted?

Kiimo 03-08-2025 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 17991949)
I'd bet money his mom would **** his world up.

She is welcome to do the same to mine

pugsnotdrugs19 03-08-2025 09:59 AM

Someone can crosscheck me but it seems like all old photos including Xavier and his fiancée were scrubbed from his Instagram.

Gives me not good feelings on this one.

DrunkBassGuitar 03-08-2025 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17991943)
Worthy has three family members, his mom and two sisters.

Like, this isn't an overreaction to be super worried about this

maybe it was a sister's boyfriend or something he choked but i'm not going to be shocked by anything

Rainbarrel 03-08-2025 09:59 AM

Settling for most Lamar Hunt Trophies in a row. Seems so deflating

louie aguiar 03-08-2025 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 17991926)
Guys, he was just strangling somebody for disrespecting his mother. Anybody would have done the same. What a good, honorable young man.

I know you’re being sarcastic but that would be a lot better than strangling his fiance

Kman34 03-08-2025 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Womble (Post 17991939)
Honestly, this is probably the best thing that could have happened to this forum. I'm sick of logging in here and feeling dejected about that shitty Eagles game.

I'm so ****ing ready to spend the next few weeks taking the piss out of the overreactions from mental CP posters.

Let's fkin gooooo


Kiimo 03-08-2025 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by DrunkBassGuitar (Post 17991958)
maybe it was a sister's boyfriend or something he choked but i'm not going to be shocked by anything


Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19 (Post 17991957)
Someone can crosscheck me but it seems like all old photos including Xavier and his fiancée were scrubbed from his Instagram.

Gives me not good feelings on this one.

Police reports don't call fiancees or boyfriends "family members"

KCUnited 03-08-2025 10:02 AM

CP server going to have more speed than our WR room next season

DrunkBassGuitar 03-08-2025 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by irafreak (Post 17991955)
Of course he did. So had we drafted Pickens instead of Moore, we'd be talking about him being the most stable of the 3 receivers we drafted?


SAGA45 03-08-2025 10:03 AM

Somebody call the refs!

staylor26 03-08-2025 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17991963)
Police reports don't call fiancees or boyfriends "family members"

Yea the wording doesn't sound like a gf or fiancée.

Kman34 03-08-2025 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17991963)
Police reports don't call fiancees or boyfriends "family members"

It says “household “ members too..

RunKC 03-08-2025 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19 (Post 17991957)
Someone can crosscheck me but it seems like all old photos including Xavier and his fiancée were scrubbed from his Instagram.

Gives me not good feelings on this one.

His fiancé was with his fam at the SB and just posted a video running track a week ago with a ring on.

Idk but I pray to God he didn’t do that to her

KCUnited 03-08-2025 10:05 AM

I never pictured Tooge as a speedy black man from Texas

Womble 03-08-2025 10:06 AM

Why Not? 03-08-2025 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar (Post 17991893)
Other owners care even less, apparently.

Correct. Like Jimmy Haslam GAF about anyone’s “character”

pugsnotdrugs19 03-08-2025 10:07 AM

So it’s entirely possible that it was her. Awesome.

pugsnotdrugs19 03-08-2025 10:08 AM

Anxiously awaiting the “DK Metcalf traded to Chiefs” tweets because that’s gonna make this all the more scary.

MahomesMagic 03-08-2025 10:09 AM

Very beta behavior.

BigRedChief 03-08-2025 10:10 AM

WTF is wrong with these people? Don't put your hands on a women. Ever!

Womble 03-08-2025 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19 (Post 17991973)
So it’s entirely possible that it was her. Awesome.

Crazy gf/ex lying or exaggerating to the police about getting assaulted to get some hush money before a civil suit. Something that probably happens a lot.

KC Shox 03-08-2025 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 17991795)
This can't be DV though, right? Feels like it would be a different charge if he hurt his wife/gf.

Domestic Violence is a classification of a crime, the actual criminal charge will be several I’m guessing. Battery and possibly kidnapping or illegal restraint by not releasing the victim.

scho63 03-08-2025 10:14 AM

2025 season off to a great start

Wallcrawler 03-08-2025 10:15 AM

Wr 1 and 2 suspended next season to start? Haha.

scho63 03-08-2025 10:16 AM

Kareem Hunt, Rashee Rice, Xavier Worthy, Willie Gay, Jovan Belcher.......we sure can pick em

Sassy Squatch 03-08-2025 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19 (Post 17991973)
So it’s entirely possible that it was her. Awesome.

Welp. That ain't good.

Womble 03-08-2025 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Wallcrawler (Post 17991983)
Wr 1 and 2 suspended next season to start? Haha.

Bring back Toney. We started the 2023 season with Skyy Moore and Kadarius Toney as the WR1/WR2 and we ended up with the Lombardi!!

It's time for Toney and Skyy.

Titty Meat 03-08-2025 10:17 AM

Yall overrated the **** out of pussy

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