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neech 04-29-2021 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15649770)
Will not.

Will to.

Donger 04-29-2021 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by neech (Post 15649752)
True, they go back and forth all the time. I think they are lonely people and need someone in their miserable lives to talk to.

Kind of sad actually.

Hi, I'm Donger. I don't believe that we've ever interfaced. It's nice to e-meet you!

BleedingRed 04-29-2021 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15649786)
Hi, I'm Donger. I don't believe that we've ever interfaced. It's nice to e-meet you!

When you say you are Donger, do you mean the person or persona?

tooge 04-29-2021 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 15649507)
I'm not sure that pat knows what the word "immortal" means.
It also seems like the kind of thing he'd be willing to argue about for weeks on end.
Probably only rivalled by Donger in his capacity to bicker about semantics and meaningless minutiae for as long as you could take it.

You were sort of funny sometimes and mostly better than most with your leanings.

Bickering about semantics? Oh, the irony. By immortal, he means that there are still TV shows decades later covering DB Cooper and his mystery is written in books that will go on forever. You are a D bag man

Hoover 04-29-2021 08:11 AM

I would leave the CP too, but then what the **** would I do at work?

Donger 04-29-2021 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 15649790)
When you say you are Donger, do you mean the person or persona?


PunkinDrublic 04-29-2021 08:13 AM

Pat we were always on the opposite sides of the fence politically but you could always tell when I was ****ing around and being sarcastic whereas others would get pissed at me. Sorry we never got to the bottom of why Ron Paul deceived and BEP believed but maybe some stones are better left unturned.

If we’re going off conspiracies and unsubstantiated rumors, let me be the first to suggest that our former Vice President is having some form of organ failure and you selflessly volunteered yourself as a donor.


neech 04-29-2021 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15649786)
Hi, I'm Donger. I don't believe that we've ever interfaced. It's nice to e-meet you!

Yes we have its been awhile but we have.

Donger 04-29-2021 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by neech (Post 15649800)
Yes we have its been awhile but we have.

I see. Sorry, but it must have been very unmemorable.

BleedingRed 04-29-2021 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15649793)

I'm trying to figure out is this yes to person or persona, or are they one in the same?

IowaHawkeyeChief 04-29-2021 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 15649575)

laughing at your own jokes?:hmmm:

alpha_omega 04-29-2021 08:22 AM


See ya Pat!

alpha_omega 04-29-2021 08:22 AM


neech 04-29-2021 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15649805)
I see. Sorry, but it must have been very unmemorable.

With you? Yes it was, watching paint dry is more entertaining.

Dallas Chief 04-29-2021 08:25 AM

Happy trails kemosabe!

Donger 04-29-2021 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by neech (Post 15649819)
With you? Yes it was, watching paint dry is more entertaining.

Sounds like you are easily entertained. Well, it's nice to meet you. :thumb:

ptlyon 04-29-2021 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by neech (Post 15649819)
watching paint dry

I'd rather watch flies ****

BleedingRed 04-29-2021 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by ptlyon (Post 15649831)
I'd rather watch flies ****

I personally enjoy Donger's posting style.

scho63 04-29-2021 08:38 AM

Did PB post one too many "It's the Jews fault"?


TLO 04-29-2021 08:38 AM

Almost 1/10th the way there!

ptlyon 04-29-2021 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 15649836)
I personally enjoy Donger's posting style.

Wasn't referring to either poster or the conversation, just noting a different phrase for that

Donger 04-29-2021 08:43 AM

I like watching spackle dry, if it's the kind that is pink when wet and then dries white.

cosmo20002 04-29-2021 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 15649791)
Bickering about semantics? Oh, the irony. By immortal, he means that there are still TV shows decades later covering DB Cooper and his mystery is written in books that will go on forever. You are a D bag man

I know what immortal means and I know what he means, nitwit.
JFC, you're a high-strung moron.

DaFace 04-29-2021 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 15649517)
I can't help but wonder if this is related to pat's recent embrace of Judaism (as seen in his avatar) and he's decided to disregard trivial things in favor of devoted study of the Talmud.

In case you don't know, I did that. I can't even remember why. Something about being oppressed like the Jews.

Kind of funny that he never changed it back, though.

BigRedChief 04-29-2021 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 15649653)
How many scantily clad pictures of women will I need to post to get this thread to 1000?!


Originally Posted by TLO (Post 15649760)
1000 posts eh?

Should we make this happen??


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15649878)
I like watching spackle dry, if it's the kind that is pink when wet and then dries white.

I think women are the key to a happy life. So lets get to a 1000 using scantily clad pics of their beauty..... but keep the pink part in NSFW tags...............

Bob Dole 04-29-2021 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by BleedingRed (Post 15649836)
I personally enjoy Donger's posting style.

Which aspect do you enjoy the most?

KCUnited 04-29-2021 09:14 AM

This is going to take forever at this rate.

Masks don't work

Change my mind

ptlyon 04-29-2021 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 15649937)
I think women are the key to a happy life. So lets get to a 1000 using scantily clad pics of their beauty..... but keep the pink part in NSFW tags...............

Hey - there's pink in that

suzzer99 04-29-2021 09:21 AM

I always kind of suspected patty was some kind of paid astroturfer. He mostly posted in politics, was always in spin mode, and never let it get too personal.

Unfortunately I doubt we get to 1000 posts to find out.

Bowser 04-29-2021 09:25 AM

Take care of yourself, pat. Good luck with everything headed your way.

Bowser 04-29-2021 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 15649952)
This is going to take forever at this rate.

Masks don't work

Change my mind

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

rabblerouser 04-29-2021 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 15649931)
In case you don't know, I did that. I can't even remember why. Something about being oppressed like the Jews.

Kind of funny that he never changed it back, though.

You sure fixed his shit good, DaFace.

dirk digler 04-29-2021 09:49 AM

Well this sucks. Take care Pat and I really hope you are doing ok health wise.

wazu 04-29-2021 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 15649931)
In case you don't know, I did that. I can't even remember why. Something about being oppressed like the Jews.

Kind of funny that he never changed it back, though.

His avatar had still been the kid with the flag, right? Might be worth changing it back for him if he's leaving forever due to health reasons.

BigCatDaddy 04-29-2021 10:00 AM

He is getting ready to storm the capital?

rabblerouser 04-29-2021 10:06 AM


DaFace 04-29-2021 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 15650047)
His avatar had still been the kid with the flag, right? Might be worth changing it back for him if he's leaving forever due to health reasons.

Sure. Done.

Rain Man 04-29-2021 10:32 AM

We're already almost 1/8 of the way to cracking this case. I expect we'll tie up the loose ends in a couple of days, tops.

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 10:33 AM

SuperBowl4 04-29-2021 10:33 AM

I hope I wasn't the reason you are leaving forever. That being said, I'll miss you. Best Wishes. Sincerely, SuperBowl4 :thumb:

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 10:34 AM

the nicest thing i will say about pat is that I am now adding a +1 to the post count

dlphg9 04-29-2021 10:36 AM

Here's to hoping Googler Cooper leaves forever.

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 10:37 AM

dlphg9 04-29-2021 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 15650128)
the nicest thing i will say about pat is that I am now adding a +1 to the post count

Technically it's +2

RockChalk 04-29-2021 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 15649937)
I think women are the key to a happy life. So lets get to a 1000 using scantily clad pics of their beauty..... but keep the pink part in NSFW tags...............

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 15650133)
Technically it's +2

no, each post only adds a +1 you genious

Hammock Parties 04-29-2021 10:39 AM

I will miss patteeu.

He was always one of my biggest fans around here.

I'm sure he's following me on other social platforms, but there is always something special about the OG CP supports of the Hammock Party, in all it's many forms.

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 10:39 AM

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 10:41 AM$p$f$w=3c09989

banyon 04-29-2021 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 15649674)
Pat never reduced himself to insulting others. That shows a lot of character.

Have a good life buddy.

This is a good point. pat has been one of the best advocates for civility over in DC. It's mostly just insult and try to dunk on people festival now.

need more posters like patteeu from multiple political viewpoints.

mkp785 04-29-2021 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 15649616)
Blow me. Why don’t you depart. Everyone hates you.

As for Patty, I think he’s had health issues in the past so I’d imagine that’s why.

So you don't make constant antisemitic posts ALL the time? If I was Jewish, like apparently Patty was, I'd be offended.

FTR I was joking and don't think you had anything to do with him leaving.

PS: You're still a ****ing moron. A sensitive one at that apparently.

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 10:48 AM

TLO 04-29-2021 10:49 AM


Rain Man 04-29-2021 10:57 AM

I'm really learning a lot about golf in this thread. I never really thought of it as something that would increase my heart rate, but it is.

tooge 04-29-2021 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 15649902)
I know what immortal means and I know what he means, nitwit.
JFC, you're a high-strung moron.

LOL at nitwit. Ok. Then why did you post that? Because you are a shit stirring POS

Titty Meat 04-29-2021 10:58 AM

Cum 4 us Patteau

alpha_omega 04-29-2021 11:02 AM


ptlyon 04-29-2021 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 15650124)


burt 04-29-2021 11:10 AM

Patteeu, You and Adept were 2 of my favorite posters! Losing you both will be difficult! I would love to have you hit me up on FB. IF you remember my original name on here... otherwise, PM me. You are a true gem and I will miss you! And the overall IQ of this place just keeps plummeting!!!

burt 04-29-2021 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 15650124)


Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 15650173)
I'm really learning a lot about golf in this thread. I never really thought of it as something that would increase my heart rate, but it is.

Jewish Rabbi 04-29-2021 11:17 AM

Has anyone told this queer to eat **** pie yet?

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 11:19 AM

bye bitch

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

vailpass 04-29-2021 11:22 AM

That sucks. Good luck to you Pat.

BigBeauford 04-29-2021 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 15649937)
I think women are the key to a happy life. So lets get to a 1000 using scantily clad pics of their beauty..... but keep the pink part in NSFW tags...............

It's pretty insensitive posting holocaust photos in a thread where the OP has a star of david.

smithandrew051 04-29-2021 11:23 AM

Maybe he learned from Ubeja and developed a fear of toilets, and now his ass exploded

FRCDFED 04-29-2021 11:24 AM

See ya! God bless! Hopefully it's for the right reason!

ptlyon 04-29-2021 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 15650206)

I would like to know who this is and would also like for her to sit on my face

vailpass 04-29-2021 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 15650221)
It's pretty insensitive posting holocaust photos in a thread where the OP has a star of david.

You like the fatties there Canada?

Rain Man 04-29-2021 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 15650206)

I'm hoping for pictures of the bunkers and the rough. You know, because I'm learning about golf.

HayWire 04-29-2021 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 15650206)

What brand of putter is that?

mlyonsd 04-29-2021 11:27 AM

Well this sucks. First gaz and now pat.

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by ptlyon (Post 15650225)
I would like to know who this is and would also like for her to sit on my face

her name is page spiranac

my lord she is a ****ing goddess

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by HayWire (Post 15650236)
What brand of putter is that?

was hoping someone would notice

Titty Meat 04-29-2021 11:35 AM

Not enough pics of dudes posted in here I'm out of this thread

Hoopsdoc 04-29-2021 11:39 AM

We can do this.

ClevelandBronco 04-29-2021 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 15649485)
Seriously, I am.

I know what you’re thinking. Maybe I got annoyed by something someone said. Maybe after two Super Bowls in a row I’m satiated on the Chiefs. Maybe I’m going to prison, or joining Dick Cheney on a barnstorming tour, or maybe the antifreeze actually wasn’t a good idea and I died.

The fun of a farewell forever thread is not in knowing the reason. It’s in not knowing, and the mystery behind the disappearance. MrBlond is legendary not because he was here or because he left, but rather because of how he departed. He was DB Cooper jumping out of the Chiefsplanet plane and disappearing into the night, and with that act he became immortal.

It is now my time to parachute from the plane, and I can assure you that I will not return. It would be enjoyable to become an unsolved Chiefsplanet mystery in the process, but I can’t do that to you. It’s cruel enough that you will no longer get to read my thoughtful prose and learn from my wisdom. I can’t allow you to speculate forever about what became of me, and to always wonder if that guy with the fake glasses and mustache sitting next to you at the game is me.

So I’ve instructed one Chiefsplanet member to reveal the mystery. If this thread ever reaches 1,000 posts, that person will share the reason. But until then, you will have only my boarding pass, a flight attendant’s vague description, and 110,871 posts to remember me by.

Farewell, Chiefsplanet!

(Sound of wind rushing past an open passenger cabin door.)

I'd be grateful if you'd PM me a point of contact. You may have been the last sane man here.

duncan_idaho 04-29-2021 11:43 AM

So... headed to prison for actions on Jan. 6, 2021?

^ that’s my guess.

BigBeauford 04-29-2021 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 15650226)
You like the fatties there Canada?

I like women who look like they could carry a child. Not fatties, but not girls with a little boy's body with bolt-on boobs.

Ming the Merciless 04-29-2021 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 15650274)
I like women who look like they could carry a child.

may I recommend Page Spiranac , m'lord?

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