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I have been out of gaming in recent years but picked up a PS4 a few months ago. Completely missed Borderland 2 so got the remastered Handsome Collection and have been playing the hell out of it the past month. So good.
Has anyone seen any good recent deals for trading in a last gen console towards an Xbox One? Saw quite a few this summer that I should have jumped at with my 360 collecting dust and being an older shitty 20GB model.
or maybe try to trade up via CL/eBay. Don't take it GameStop of anything like that unless you have a shit ton of their points saved up. You'll get twice what GStop would give you just selling to a private party. As a matter of fact, what games/hardware do you have that you'd be willing to throw in? I may know someone. |
Definitely won't take it to gamestop or the like since I'd just keep it around for that little. Seems like there are too many new good games on better systems and with my limited time I won't go back the 360. I have two controllers, official battery pack and charger that kinda work and around 15-20 or so games mostly from 2011 with the newest being Halo 4. Have been considering just putting it all up on ebay and getting whatever. I have been meaning to do that with my old ass original xbox forever as well. |
I have a PS4.....but recent titles such as mario builder and mario kart have got my interest in possibly picking up the Wii U.
Anybody have one....is it worth it? Any upgrade to Wii Sports/Resort yet? |
I wouldn't say the Pre-Sequel was actively horrible, just more of the same.
reading the reviews of the new my career in NBA 2k16 make me laugh my ass off. Spike Lee made the most Spike Lee story he has ever Spike Lee'd. Seriously, in 2k15 I thought the main character was a sociopath. He is even worse in 2k16. Plus you only play 10 games in your rookie season. There are no gameplay improvements in 16 so just download a roster update and keep 2k15.
MGSV The Phantom Pain - Review
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Played via a PS4 (on a 55 inch 4K that I had to buy after my kid put a baseball bat thru my plasma). :# To start, I'm trying a different format for my reviews. We're going to break this up a bit and then summarize. Starting with a quick overview... MGSV is, (if rumors are true) the final installment of Mr. Punished Venom "Snake's" adventures into creating a military utopia. You play as Snake, (aka Big Boss) once again while he tries to take care of a slight problem in 1984 Afghanistan. If you all might recall, the Soviets decided Afghanistan would be a good place to settle and play their hilarious communist games. Unfortunately for them, several mercinary groups (aka Private Operation Forces) enjoy making money during wars and Snake's group, The Diamond Dogs are no different. Hilarity ensues as you shimmy across the Afghan Desert and the Jungles of Africa recruiting, (kidnapping) soldiers and stealing equipment. You're also on a revenge plot against another Private Army for their actions against Snake's previous group nine years earlier. All in all, the story has many layers and this is a spoiler free review so pardon me for not going too in depth). Graphics: Since buying my PS4 a year ago, several games have impressed me with their graphics. The console is just about as close as you can get to a very good PC. However, nothing's really made me say "Holy Shit" quite like this game. It's exceedingly polished, runs perfectly at 60fps and I've had no lag whatsoever. There's been no rendering issues, glitches or fuzzing either. It's by far the most polished game I've seen on this system. I have no doubt it's pushing the console to the limit. Sound/music/voice acting: As you raise your 7mm or your mammoth .50 cal sniper rifles, line up a perfect headshot at 400 meters and pull the trigger you get the full satisfaction from the shot. It feels more real than any military sim game I've ever played. Each weapon has its own, unique sound and it's very immersive. Explosions, tranq guns and flame throwers all sound perfect as well. The music in this game is wonderful. As you explore the battlefields and your home base, you discover audio tapes with a full compliment of 80's era top 40 music, classical music or some tunes that are country-specific. You can also set these songs to play on your helicopters loudspeakers as you enter/exit the field as well. Ever want to go full "Apocolypse Now" and play Flight of the Valkyries as you fire your side-mounted mini-gun? Well, now you can. The voice acting in this game is very good. Kiefer Sutherland is playing the role as snake and even though he doesn't talk much, the lip syncing is perfect and the voices are rich and true. Gameplay: You know, I've played a few of the MGS games back on my old PS2 and NES and I still really have no idea what in the sweet chocolate Christ is really going on. From what I understand, dudes are pissed at other dudes for some shit that went down in Columbia a few years back. Snake was in a coma and then a giant flaming whale chased him and Jerry Garcia on horseback. Ok, in other words... You don't really need to know what's going on with the lore of this game. It brings you up to speed, eventually. There's a lot to do in this open world military/espionage simulator. Take down outposts, steal equipment and materials to build your army, stealth or go full Rambo and even check out a hot chick in a bikini named 'Quiet' while she showers. Speaking of Quiet... Seriously Kojima? Did you have to do that shit? I won't dare play this game around my woman due to the harsh looks it'll bring. Basically, you have a buddy that accompanies you on missions. She's very attractive and the boys over at Konami/Kojima decided to focus on her tits at every opportunity. Kinda inappropriate, really. I guess they needed something to reel in those 13 year old boys. Other than that, the gameplay is great, (although it gets a bit old and repetitive at times). Storyline: There's not a whole with this game's storyline for the most part from main mission to main mission. "Go here and kill these assholes. Why? Because commie." However, once you really delve into the game and listen to the audio-tapes and clear several missions, it opens up and becomes interesting, (and very weird). I played about 60+ hours and finally thought I had beat the game. Come to find out, that was only the first chapter. Now I'm deep into the very repetitive, boring and tedious second chapter. It made the writing in Chapter 1 look like ****ing Shakespeare. It's seriously very monotonous and you can definitely tell where Hideo Kojima jumped off the Konami payroll. Speaking of Konami... Don't look for any more games from them any time soon. Rumor has it that they're taking orders from the Japanese Mafia to make Pachinko machines about their old video games. Assholes... First Silent Hills and now this shit? Moving on to the online element. It's really shit. You can construct "Forward Operating Bases" (FOB's) and staff them. Then people can raid your shit and take it and your troops. But that's ok, thanks to Konami you can buy insurance plans and they'll replace your stolen shit. I highly recommend you just play this thing offline and enjoy the game for what it is. If you do so, you'll be enjoying a definite Game of the Year contender. I'm scoring this at a solid 8.5. It would've had a perfect score if not for the half-assed storyline in chapter 2, the "Quiet debacle" and the shitty online effort. It's a beautiful game, very well done and exceedingly odd. It is well worth paying full price. Yes, it's been out a while but I wanted to wait to write this until everything was done. It's a good experience and you'll get anywhere from 70-90 hours of gameplay. |
Anyone get into the Overwatch beta? i dont play blizzard games, so i knew i wouldnt get in early. lol
Me and Buck both signed up like day 1 and didnt get in |
Yeah I cant wait to play that. Looks amazing.
Hearing Halo 5's campaign only takes 4 1/2 hours to complete.
Halo multiplayer has generally been lackluster too..
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dMsUPCNpMew" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sorry Blankey. I saw your request for rocket league. That was only the second time I was playing it and I am terrible. You would have killed me or worse, if I was on your team, you would have hated me.
slick deals has Rocket League downloadable for $13 through tomorrow for pc.
http://slickdeals.net/f/8241678-rock...load-gmg-12-79 |
Autumn Sale on Steam right now til Dec 1st
Gonzo's Top Ten Games of 2015
The following few posts are the top 10 games that I played this year.
If you haven't played any of these, get off your ass and get to it. Some of these would make great Xmas gifts and I'm sure the price has dropped on quite a few. 10. Life is Strange This one barely made the list because of the ending. In my opinion, it could've been better. However, a game is about the journey and not the destination. The story was wonderful and I was truly engrossed. It's a 5 part "telltale type" of game that I did really enjoy. Beautiful graphics and good music helps its case. 9. Batman - Arkham Knight Shitty PC port and repetitive tank missions aside, this gorgeous final submission by WB is a must play if you love the Batman Arkham series. The story, (while predictable) is interesting and seeing villains like Firefly help immersion. This is really a beautiful game and it's an adequate finale to the series. 8. Asassins Creed - Syndicate What can I say? This dull, predictable franchise has been on life support for 3 years. Well, the governor called and gave Ubisoft's flagship franchise a reprieve. Walking around London, playing as twin asassins in the late 1800's is wonderful. There's also a portion of gameplay during WWI that is engrossing as hell. If Unisoft keeps this up, the franchise will be well on its way back from the brink. |
7. MLB 2015
There may be a little bit of bias here with me since the game focused more around the Royals than in previous submissions but I have to admit, the game is a beautiful submission with excellent graphics and gameplay. The atmosphere and sound effects are nearly perfect. They have also found a way to make balls and strikes far more accurate and a little easier to predict while batting. If you enjoy baseball games, give it a shot. 6. Until Dawn No replayability hinder this one a bit but exceedingly hot women and some of the best graphics I've ever seen nearly pushed this one into the top 5. This game is basically a cheesy horror film brought to life via an interactive game. There's a lot of QTE's but that's ok on this one because they really mesh well with the gameplay. There were quite a few "holy shit" moments in this one and it was a really entertaining ride. Top 5 coming soon. |
Ok, here's the top five.
I put a lot of thought into the following selections. Let me just throw this out there. I based these on entertainment level, replayability and the "wow factor" when it comes to graphics and story. 5. Dying Light A cliche driven zombie game! Yaaay! However, this one is a mix of open world and parkour that melds very well. The map is mammoth and the pucker factor is off the charts, especially at night. (Hence the name) The Multiplayer "be the zombie" addition is exceedingly entertaining and will cause a few moments of tachycardia if you're not careful. It's a great game. That's for damn sure. 4. Metal Gear Solid 5 Well, this one could've been the game of the year had the second half not been a pure abortion. Konami is a crooked, terrible company and should be disbanded. That being said, the gameplay and graphics are the best I've ever seen in an open world combat/espionage simulatior if any other game for that matter. This one is a must play. Top 3 coming soon. Hang in there. |
I feel like #5 should be Dying Light
I haven't played Until Dawn, but Dying Light is killer. HOLY SHIT BALLS. When that warning for night happens my butt cheeks squeeze. So far Dying Light is my favorite game. Those mother ****er Zombies are Bastards I tell ya. I hate the Bombers they come up right behind you while picking a lock and blowy yer ass up. ****ing asshole I think it laughs at you just before Ploomp intestines all over the place and you are dead. Mother **** you Bomber <a href="http://s1260.photobucket.com/user/KCTattoo58/media/DL-z14_zpstvrn2wyg.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1260.photobucket.com/albums/ii574/KCTattoo58/DL-z14_zpstvrn2wyg.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo DL-z14_zpstvrn2wyg.jpg"/></a> I've got good at killing Volatiles at night the UV light really is useful and I really like watching them fly two stories in the air from a DIY grenade blast. <a href="http://s1260.photobucket.com/user/KCTattoo58/media/Dying-Light-Launch-Trailer-5_zps1beoblld.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1260.photobucket.com/albums/ii574/KCTattoo58/Dying-Light-Launch-Trailer-5_zps1beoblld.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Dying-Light-Launch-Trailer-5_zps1beoblld.jpg"/></a> And Mother **** you you ugly bastard, your mom was ugly too, so is your sister. |
All Things Video Games & Game Reviews Part II
No, I mean you have #6 and #5 titled as Until Dawn. Based on the description for #5 I felt like it's supposed to be Dying Light. Maybe I'm wrong.. |
Ok, here we go with the top three.
3. Fallout 4 This game is addicting as hell. What can I say about Fallout that hasn't been said? I know that a lot of people were disappointed in the graphics but they really don't bother me. While it is time for Bethesda to retire this tired old engine, they can tell one hell of a story. When I walked out of that vault, I was awestruck. The franchise continues to improve in a lot of areas, gun modification, power armor, relationship status with companions and such. The way you can build your own settlements and basically free the entire map from those oppressive mutants and raider scum is pure awesome. I've spent 70+ hours on this one and I can't get enough. |
2. Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Good lord, every time I play this I have an RPGasim all over myself. The music, the graphics and the story are all superb. When the game first came out, the fighting mechanics were very clunky and it was frustrating. However, after a couple patches, this game is probably the best RPG ever made. It's a gorgeous effort by CD Projekt Red and I don't know how he hell they'll ever top this one. The fact that they send out free DLC every few weeks just goes to show how they want to keep the game relevant for a very long time. Each time I play this I find new and interesting missions. I can go on and on about this one but let's just move on. Play this game if you have no life because once you get about 10 hours in, you're stuck. |
1. Bloodborne
Duh! I've only gone on and on about this game since its release. I've played this game more than any other in my life. I was originally going to put Witcher in this slot but after playing the new DLC that was released earlier this month, the game is locked in at the best I've ever played. The plague, the beasts, the boss fights and the storyline are just wonderful. Keep in mind that this is one of the most difficult games I've ever played, (right behind the Souls games which I just got into). Bloodborne is perfection. You can't pause or go back to a previous save. Each decision is permanent. The music and graphics are amongst the finest in gaming history. I feel sorry for PC and Xbox players because they don't have the opportunity to immerse themselves into this addictive game. If Dark Souls 3 is anything like Bloodborne, (and it looks like it will be) sign me the hell up. |
I'm thinking of doing a top 5 or maybe 10 shit games of 2015 as well.
I know Godzilla is suppose to be on the shit list but I don't curr if I'm a fool to get it I'm hoping to find it cheap during the holidays. It's got to be mind numbing destruction. |
Putting this on my Christmas wish list. After the holidays I'm going have to take a couple extra days off just to play and have time to do everything in them. Working 55-60 hours a week is getting old. I got to enjoy some time off. |
Any good game deals?
Worst games (I've played) so far this year.
5. Madden 2015 What can you say about this game that hasn't been said? It's the same old shit that it's been since 2011. Crappy franchise mode, last-gen graphics and dull announcers that say the same shit each year make this year's submission the same old boring game. If EA would just take some time and make some sweeping changes, they wouldn't have such a poor reputation. 4. The Order 1886 Beautiful graphics aside, this game was an abortion. It's the same old cover-based shooter that we've played time and time again. Total gameplay time of about 6 or 7 hours doesn't help whatsoever. Yes, it's a beautiful game but there was no final boss fight. The "warewolves" that the game revolved around made two or three appearances and the fight was just a QTE. Very shitty effort. |
I seen on the flash sale AC Syndicate is $35
3. Battlefield Hardline
This goddamned abortion could've been something special. A real cops and robbers type game with multiplayer had some real potential. All it ended up being was a cliche driven campaign with a stupid arrest mechanic and a micro-transaction riddled multiplayer that we've all come to expect from EA. What a bunch of assholes. 2. The Crew Technically this game came out in late December of last year but it didn't work due to both PSN and Xbox getting hacked by anonymous so it falls into 2015. What an awesome premise this game was. An online, open world racing game with up to 60 people racing all over the country. It could've been great but as usual, Ubisoft ****ed that up. A horrible storyline, annoying npc's and last gen graphics really killed this out of the box. |
And the worst ****ing game I've played this year? Evolve Assholes! Turtle Rock can suck my ass. There I was, excited about this game for weeks. I get it and it's complete shit. It's a running simulator that's exceedingly unbalanced. That's all it is. There's no campaign, no real single player to speak of and the multiplayer is once again full of micro transactions. **** you Turtle Rock. Your game sucked ass. I took this piece of shit "pay to win" experience back to the store 2 days after purchase. Very disappointing. |
Have you played the Shadowrun games on steam? If not you might like them. Seattle was pretty good. Dragonfall was excellent and I haven't played Hong Kong yet. |
Ok, just FYI
I got dying light and until dawn confused. You can see why, amitite? Lol #5 was dying light. 6 was until dawn. |
I was surprised how much I liked Dying Light.
That's disappointing about Evolve. Thought it'd be cool. I'm hoping this Jason multiplayer idea works out (although unlikely). It'd be fun trying to run around and slash your friends lol. (Big horror movie fan here) |
Madden is shit and will never be good until they get competition. Loved 2K back in the day because of price and their ESPN halftime shows and stuff. Wish Madden had more of that in the game. They also don't put effort into the sidelines. It's a shit show constantly. Just no realism to it at all. There franchise mode now sucks. Bring back the old one. They just don't put effort into it because they don't need to. The cash cow will continue to be fed. I do it because it's the only NFL game. I am proud of MLB the show. No competition and their game is awesome, detailed and looks gorgeous. |
I take it you didn't see my post.. |
Evolve could have been something else. Make it a huge open world! God damn, how cool would it be to have an open world about 10 or 20 times the size of their current maps and have 2 or 3 monsters, 7 to 10 Hunter's all trying to organize, setting up weapons, defenses and the beasts evolve while trying to avoid hunting parties?
The Hunter's can talk over the mic but the monsters have to roar of pound the ground to locate each other. Maybe leaving scent trails for other monsters? See? How tough would that have been? I should so develop games for a living. |
Game Review: Fallout 4
Stimpak me up, doc. I've gotta get this shit done.
Mole rat meat, anyone? Ok, where to start? Well, let's go with the story. Fallout 4 takes place in the post apocalyptic colony of Massachusetts, which includes Boston and all its suburbian areas. You and your family take refuge in Vault 111 in order to escape the nuclear fallout right after the Chinese launch their nukes at the US. You awaken a bit later in a cryogenic stasis pod and hilarity ensues. I won't spoil the story but things happen that require you to walk about the wasteland and rank up your character. Like with the last few submissions by Bethesda, the "Creation Engine" is being used once again. This is the same engine they used for Skyrim and Fallout 3. The graphics are a bit better but you still have those same old strange bugs. The good thing about the engine is that on PC, you can download a shit ton of mods to really enhance the gameplay. Shit like nude npc's, kitten launchers, hot pink power armor and so on. The game is very entertaining, don't get me wrong here. However, come on Bethesda... How about retiring this old girl for something a bit less, uh 2010? The glitches get a little old as do the load times. You do get past the graphics because the story and gameplay is pretty awesome. I guess my main bitch here is the following. This is supposed to be an RPG, right? All the other Fallouts allowed the player to be either a Good Samaritan or a real douchebag. Not anymore. There are plenty of the usual RPG elements here but there's a lot missing, too. The dialogue options have been "streamlined" as well which is kind of annoying. You don't know what exactly the character is going to say occasionally. That can get a little tricky. So, apart from the glitches, graphics and 'streamlined' RPG stuff, is this a good game? Well, you probably read my Top games of 2015. Yes, it's a great f'ing game and it's worth every penny of the 60 bucks they're charging. It will give you 100 hours of enjoyment on your first play-through, probably more. You can build settlements in a Sim City type mechanic. Build houses, furniture, stores, lighting, farms, water purification centers etc. There's no limit to the time wasting you can do here. Mod your guns and your power armor, go on long hikes just to see what is over the next ridge. It's an awesome game with some technical issues. That aside, go pick this up for Xmas. You'll love it. Final score: 8.5 out of 10. |
Good god I have 8 of Gonzo's top 10 games..only ones I don't have are assassins creed and life is strange, that's funny to me.
Game Review - Bloodborne DLC: The Old Hunters
How do you take a (nearly) perfect game and make it even better? Well, for once a DLC came out that was worth a shit.
The Old Hunters DLC for Bloodborne isn't just some stupid add-on for an average AAA game. It accentuates the game and gives even the best player one hell of a challenge. Hell, even accessing the DLC is a challenge. You have to beat the first few levels and progress through the first three boss levels before you have the opportunity. I highly recommend you get to at least level 65 before you try to tackle this part of the game, by the way. Now then, one of the major complaints about Bloodborne was the lack of weapon types and armor. They heard the bitchings and have installed several really cool new weapons like a circular saw on a mace, an amygdaloid limb to slap opponents and my favorite, the moonlight sword. You can also set your character up with a new beast rune or a "Kin" rune that transforms you into said species. The boss levels are beyond difficult but From Soft also added aLn option where you can call upon an "Old Hunter" to assist you throu bosses or particularly difficult areas. These NPC's are actually decent for once as well. Getting back to the weapons, there are, (by my count) at least 10 new options including a shield that's worth two shits. Four new bosses, several 1 on 1 NPC Hunter fights and a plethora of new and different enemies really complete this game. It's one hell of a challenge and it locked itself in for game of the year for me. I was on the fence between BBorne and Witcher 3 but after putting in a solid 10 hours on the DLC, (raising total gameplay to at least 65 hours for the average player) I had to give it to this beautifully produced game. The music, graphics, environments and "oh shit" factor is perfect. The DLC scores a 9.5 out of 10 and it solidifies BBorne at a perfect 10 for 10. My ok complaint about The Old Hunters is the difficulty. It's a bit too challenging early on but once you get used to it, you'll be fine. |
Sooo Just Cause 3 is ****ing KILLER!!
If you liked JC2 you will love 3. Graphics are beautiful, explosions are big, asses are kicked. The best part is just ****ing around in the huge, beautiful open world. |
A game I might recommend to you if you havent played it is Prototype 2. They just re-released it for next gen consoles and it's a huge, weird, open world game that's a lot like JC. |
I've gotten games free from game sharing with my friend lately. Fallout and Just Cause. Have a blast with both.
The issues seem to be with AMD users and can be fixed with some driver support~ Have about 18 hours in it so far and not tired of blowing shit up yet. Cant wait for some mods! |
been playing Rainbow 6:Seige. Game is fun to play, really tactical. Bought it on Greenmangaming for 40 bucks. Thinking of getting Fallout 4 for the same price.
Can anyone help me get Steam Stream to work? Basic steps. I'm too stupid to figure it out.
Do you have a WiiU and like RPG's? Do yourself a favor and buy Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Don't own a WiiU? Wait for the next system to come out, leading to a WiiU price drop. After that, get a WiiU and Xenoblade. On the fence? Grab an .iso of the the first Xenoblade game and a Wii emulator. The first RPG I've enjoyed since the last Xenoblade game, and is a long winded sequal from Xenogears. |
Any of you ****er's get the new Rainbow Six game
If so what do you think about it |
its not really cops and robbers at all. Its more like Special forces vs terrorists who are special forces. Its not even close to the standard fps multiplayer either. That would be games like, Halo, Cod, CS:GO. Seige is way more tacticle as every player has a special skill Its more like going in and trying to extract the hostage or going in and disabling the bomb.
Its way more tactical then your average FPS game. If you try to just run in like you are playing CoD, you will get owned so fast i dont care how good you are. There are ****ing booby traps all over proximity explosives you have to either shoot or disable. |
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