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Abba-Dabba 01-14-2004 09:41 AM

I may be classless and I may be deranged but I know a DC when I see one.

Ultra Peanut 01-14-2004 09:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Even little old ladies hate Bob Gretz...

BigRedChief 01-14-2004 09:43 AM

He needs to pull his lips away from King Carl's backside :hump: a little more often and come up for some air cuz he obviously trippin...What an As#. If we don't get "riled" up GR is back again next year and another window of oppertunity closes in the Chiefs history. :deevee:

We were mad as hell and we didn't take it anymore. :cuss:

Bite me Gretz! nlm

Bob Dole 01-14-2004 09:43 AM

The more Bob Dole thinks about the comments in this column, the more pissed off Bob Dole gets.

Want to swap places for a year, Bobby? Bob Dole will most certainly enjoy cruising around town in your car that probably cost more than Bob Dole's house. Bob Dole has always wanted to attend the 101 Banquet--it would be really cool to do it on someone else's dime. See every Chiefs game for pay? Hell yes! Have a website where I can spout off my opinion like it means something?

Okay. Forget that last one.

Mr. Kotter 01-14-2004 09:45 AM

Not many of us were "reveling" or "laughing" at Greg Robinson yesterday.

Many of us were relieved and happy about his leaving. However, that is NOT the same as "celebrating" or "kicking him" when he is down. And, frankly, those who DID DO those things are classless and perhaps deranged. :shake:

However, most of us were simply pleased that our Defense now has a chance to improve next year. Vermeil's loyalty to Greg almost prevented that.

The bottom-line is GR did not get the job done. As a football fan, none of us should feel sorry for him leaving because he failed.

As a person though, none of us should "celebrate" his failure. :)

siberian khatru 01-14-2004 09:45 AM

The funny thing is, I like everything else he said in that column. But that one paragraph is like the turd in the punch bowl.

Michael Michigan 01-14-2004 09:45 AM

This is exactly how the Chiefs PR and front office people look at fans.

Classless morons who should just pay up and shut up.

Can you imagine these guys if they had to deal with a tough daily media?

They would all be in therapy.

Chiefnj 01-14-2004 09:48 AM

What a prick.

Let's get things straight. Robinson didn't come out and resign. He went to Vermeil and said "if you want I'll resign." Vermeil came back and said "yes, it is best if you do." Only then did GROB give in. I still don't understand why he did it since, allegedly, his contract was up in a few weeks. The team could have simply said we aren't renewing it. I guess that rumor about his contract being up wasn't true.

Second, the fans have a right to call out a coach who hasn't done his job. Even if it's the fault of the players, the coaches get the brunt of the criticism. It's the nature of the beast. Without the fans there is no team, there is no revenue, Gretz has no job. Was it classless to have threads about forms of torture and wishing bodily harm - no doubt. Some people were no better than the people in Philly who cheer injured players. But, there is nothing wrong with calling for a better coordinator after the present one has fielded the worst defenses in the history of the team.

Braincase 01-14-2004 09:51 AM

Gretz can kiss my ass. If Robinson had been fired last year when he should've been fired, we'd be trading smack with the Patriots and they'd have to come to our house this weekend.

Classless for starting a web site? Sheeyit, how else would you like us to get the message to you guys. All too often the Kansas City Chiefs management does stuff that stinks and there has to be a way to get the message to you clowns. The FANS HAVE A RIGHT TO GET PISSED!

Ask anybody that's ever had pay $20.00 to park in a urine-induced mudpuddle.

siberian khatru 01-14-2004 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by BrainCase
Ask anybody that's ever had pay $20.00 to park in a urine-induced mudpuddle.

ENDelt usually passes out in them for free.

Bob Dole 01-14-2004 09:54 AM

Hey now! Raising the parking fee for our first playoff game in years was in no way, shape or form "classless."

Michael Michigan 01-14-2004 09:55 AM

The amazing thing is Gretz writes all this and is such a cowardly writer---he doesn't even put an e-mail address to comment.

siberian khatru 01-14-2004 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Michael Michigan
The amazing thing is Gretz writes all this and is such a cowardly writer---he doesn't even put an e-mail address to comment.

He's not cowardly, he's arrogant -- he has absolutely no interest in anything you'd have to say.

morphius 01-14-2004 09:58 AM

Doesn't being fanatical as we are, I mean that is what fan is short for after all, automatically mean we are a bit deranged?

If Gretz thought it was classless to created a web site about GR to try and get him fired, was classless, well, we are fanatics after all, and we want our team to succeed. If Greg hadn't done the right thing, there is no way that Gretz would be writing an article about how classless it was.

But I guess if it is classless to tell people how we feel in a place that the public can read, what does that make you Gretz?

Spott 01-14-2004 09:59 AM

I guess it wasn't classless to get my newletter the day after we lost telling me about all the Chiefs memorabilia they have for sale.

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