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KCUnited 03-09-2025 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17993442)
You made her watch that schlock?

You sir are a terrible human being

I ordered her an Over the Top Hawk Hauling tshirt today with the eagle emblem on it LMAO

In all seriousness, the Police Academy 1-3 movies have held up well. I'm clearly biased but watched recently and was loving them the entire time and I ****ing hate nostalgia

Easy 6 03-09-2025 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 17993476)
I ordered her an Over the Top Hawk Hauling tshirt today with the eagle emblem on it LMAO

In all seriousness, the Police Academy 1-3 movies have held up well. I'm clearly biased but watched recently and was loving them the entire time and I ****ing hate nostalgia

Ha wow, you're really doing a deep dive on cornball 80s movies :clap:

BigRedChief 03-09-2025 03:22 PM

Adventures in Babysitting. The babysitter was hot as ****.

ThaVirus 03-09-2025 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17993430)
+1 for Smokin Aces. Criminally underrated movie with a superb cast. And damn, Alicia Keys was stupid ass hot in it. Shit.

Really fun and yeah, the cast was star studded. ****ing Chris Pine and Jason Bateman before they were stars lol

Also, yes to Alicia Keys. Those thigh high boots and that shitty wig suited her.

4th and Long 03-09-2025 04:14 PM

Nighthawks (1981)

Rutger Hauer is the epitome of terrorists.
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Pepe Silvia 03-09-2025 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 17993539)
Adventures in Babysitting. The babysitter was hot as ****.

That was prime Elisabeth Shue sir.

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KCUnited 03-09-2025 04:45 PM

Where are we at with Real Genious (CP version)?

It was like Revenge of the Nerds meets The Goonies with non-bloated Val Kilmer

Scored down for lack of titties for the era imho

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4th and Long 03-09-2025 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Pepe Silvia (Post 17993608)
That was prime Elisabeth Shue sir.

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Nobody leaves here without singing the blues.
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Chitownchiefsfan 03-09-2025 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Fishpicker (Post 17993246)
Sideways - 20 years is old I guess. a lot of people missed it.

Conan the Destroyer - its not nearly as gritty as Conan the Barbarian.
But it is more D&D-ish than the D&D movie that came out a coule years ago.

I did love the D&D movie that came out a couple years ago though.....

SAGA45 03-09-2025 05:52 PM

Rififi (1955) - I believe it was the first "Get the gang back together for one more job" heist film. It's awesome!

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KCUnited 03-09-2025 06:18 PM

We ain't gon talk about pre-aids Charlie Sheen in The Wraith?

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notorious 03-09-2025 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 17993751)
We ain't gon talk about pre-aids Charlie Sheen in The Wraith?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Gutter Boy and Skank killed me in this movie. LMAO

I watched it a hundred times, at least. HBO and Cinemax ran it constantly.

Pre-insane Randy Quaid, Charlie Sheen, sweltering hot Sherilyn Fenn, crazy Clint Howard, etc.

Movie kicks a little ass.

A somewhat obscure Sheen movie that kicks a megaton of ass is Beyond the Law. I ****ing love that movie.

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Sheen goes all-in. Watch this movie sometime. It's worth it.

Demonpenz 03-09-2025 07:07 PM

Gattica is a good one

Deberg_1990 03-09-2025 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 17993623)
Where are we at with Real Genious (CP version)?

It was like Revenge of the Nerds meets The Goonies with non-bloated Val Kilmer

Scored down for lack of titties for the era imho

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Not forgotten by me. Love it!

Megatron96 03-09-2025 08:35 PM

Had to google a list.


king of NY (Walken, nuff said)

Serpent and the Rainbow

Glenn Gary Glen Ross



edit: Logan's Run

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