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Rasputin 06-02-2014 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by CoMoChief (Post 10666729)
This surely won't create any problems whatsoever.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="the fly photo: The Fly thefly.gif"/></a>

Mr_Tomahawk 06-02-2014 09:50 PM

Dude, my wireless router does this shit all the time.

Fat Elvis 06-02-2014 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 10666824)
Your talking about molecular acceleration faster than the speed of light this is the 1st step.

No. It really isn't. This is about quantum entanglement, and it doesn't violate relativity as no sub-atomic particle is travelling faster than the speed of light in the experiment. This has to do with information and paired photons. Information is not matter. There have been experiments in this field that support the findings of the Dutch researchers since the 1980's; what makes the new research such a breakthrough is the level of accuracy.

When you get down to it, it really obviates the need for manned exploration of the solar system and beyond as the exploration can now (theoretically) be done in real time via proxy. This should usher in a new age of more robust, yet cheaper, exploration. Imagine piloting a robot (or a team of robots) in real time that had superhuman abilities using virtual reality to experience/drive them.

ThaVirus 06-03-2014 12:22 AM

So when am I going to be able to teleport? Lay it on me.

morphius 06-03-2014 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 10666669)
Real time communications for space travel! W00t!

Where's my spacesuit?! :D

This was always my first thought of what entaglment would be used for. Also, one of the reasons that SETI will probably not pick up radio waves from aliens, because a tech like this is so much faster as a way to communicate.

Coochie liquor 06-03-2014 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 10666724)
Or time travel

Then Gronk can have his super power and come to Florida??!!??

And wow I feel stupi after reading this article. Can't quite grasp it. But I am in Florida... Eff it I'm going to the beach!!

Rausch 06-03-2014 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by morphius (Post 10667136)
Also, one of the reasons that SETI will probably not pick up radio waves from aliens, because a tech like this is so much faster as a way to communicate.

This is something I've wondered about.

Just like people wouldn't have been able to detect microwave communications in the 40's we could be drowned in communications signals right now we just can't pick up.

Beef Supreme 06-03-2014 08:07 AM

Still no hover boards.

ptlyon 06-03-2014 08:08 AM

I'm reserving judgement until I hear Norman Einstein's thoughts on this

morphius 06-03-2014 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10667311)
This is something I've wondered about.

Just like people wouldn't have been able to detect microwave communications in the 40's we could be drowned in communications signals right now we just can't pick up.

Well, and if you think about this, with our current level of understanding, there may be absolutely no way to pick up this kind of communication as it is the info is shared only with the two particles. It is completely secure communications. (Unless we can learn to read info from whatever dimension that they are linked in)

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