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Over-Head 08-18-2001 01:54 PM

besides what would I do with my card collection if I went to the "Red Side".....the thought of parting with all those auto's from Stabler,Fredy B,Merv Hubbard,George Blanda,Lamonica,Tatum etc,etc,etc.........
GOD NO!!!!!:eek:

Over-Head 08-18-2001 01:55 PM

Yeah I did,,,went to Butte.A walmart then dropped down to Chianne WY to reload for PA befor I headded to FL out of Baltimore

Luzap 08-18-2001 01:57 PM


I have a few suggestions for what you could do with them...


Bwana 08-18-2001 01:57 PM

If you caught a guy in a gold vet going by you at about a buck twenty, that was me.:D

As far as those cards, it's best to dispose of those things fast. Put them in a pile, fire up the match and burn baby burn! We here at the planet are a rather forgiving bunch and would welcome you as loyal a chief follower.:p

Over-Head 08-18-2001 01:57 PM

Be nice will ya LUZ??? LMAO

Over-Head 08-18-2001 01:59 PM

I generally run at night into the day break....never know I just might have seen ya.
Today i'm suffering miserably with an a/c cold.....90' out side and 55' in my truck,,,the extreams really play h*ll with me.

Over-Head 08-18-2001 02:00 PM

Hey Luz,,,could I at least keep the ones with "Chiefs" in the back ground?.....LMAO

Over-Head 08-18-2001 02:02 PM

good god! Burn a 90% compleat collection that goes back to 1960????,,,man you guy;s are a tough sell!:(

Bwana 08-18-2001 02:04 PM

"good god! Burn a 90% compleat collection that goes back to 1960????,,,man you guy;s are a tough sell!"

Hmm? I see your point....... Auction them off on ebay and you will have enough to lay out a down payment on a Trent Green Jersey.

Over-Head 08-18-2001 03:15 PM

<cold shivers>..... T,T,T,T,T,Trent GGGGGGreen? I just aint got what it takes to be a chiefs fan...roflmao

Cannibal 08-18-2001 03:44 PM

Those are some funny stories! Especially the one with the BJ/Firecracker.

Over-Head 08-18-2001 03:46 PM

cannibal...go read the one in the nick names thread,,,its the story of me falling off my truck naked in a snow bank...

Over-Head 08-18-2001 04:02 PM

Some of the more usuall things I see in morning traffic,,,besides the ever popular "cell phone glued to the head so forget how to drive"...Is the assortment of ....
steering with knee while ..applying make up...reading the morning paper....eating a bowl of cerial....blow drying hair with a 12 volt dryer.....wiping down the interior or dash with what ever type of cleaner....digging into a brief case on the passenger set.....fiddling with a lap top on the pass seat...playing with the dog on lap while trying to see around rover.......playing with girl friend/wife on lap while trying to see around her....any and ALL sorts of sexual activity....well you get the piont...:rolleyes:

Over-Head 08-18-2001 04:18 PM

Theres a certian guarantee in trucking...
What ever you just loaded was ordered a week late,,,shipped a week after that.....but you the driver are the one who get screamed at if you dont go from point A to point B in an insane time limit.
I just love how this happens.You book a load,that JUST NOW pop's up on the "load board" (the web site I go to to find loads)..and the load broker tells you ONLY AFTER you get it on the trailer ..."oh by the way it HAS to be there tomorrow".
NOw you gear up for a fun night of re-writing a log book several times,shoveling hand full after hand full of "what ever" to keep up for 24-36hrs at a time and ya feel like sh*t the next day,,,but hot dang,,,you made it!!!
Now here comes the kicker.....the goon at the dock looks at you with the blank "McDonalds attendant" stare and says somthing like......."ahhhh do ya have an apointment"?
Now what you reallly want to do is choke the sh*t outa him,,but you try in vain to explane that "THIS" is the load that was in such a rush,that the multi million dollar co. would shut the doors at 10am if they didnt get their goods by 6am to keep the 6 gazillion employies all supplied with butt wipe rags or what ever the heck else it was you had on the trailer.
You stand their for an hour while said "dumber than dirt" dock boy makes a million or 2 phone calls to see if your "ACME butt crack filler" is supposed to deliver today or next month...and guess what?......your 6 days eairly every time!!!!

Over-Head 08-18-2001 06:33 PM

Along with having to be a need to be part contortionest as well.(ok,ok,I cant spell!!:p )
Nothing will drive a guy battier than showing up at a loading dock and having the guy tell ya,,,"oh yeah "big" trucks come in here all the time.
Now this gets really intresting when your pulling a 53ft trailer as opposed to a 40ft "city" trailer,,,now compound that with the fact an average highway tractor is around 26ft long and a city truck (with no bunk) is about 14.....
Take the extra 13ft of trailer,and the 10 or so ft difference in cab lenghtand have somthing about 20-25ft longer that mr geinous at the dock is used to seeing.
Where am I going with this you might ask?......
Picture backing your car into a garage from a 90 degree a brick wall exaclty 8ft away from the mouth of that garage,and try backing into it!!
Some of these guys will design a multi million $$ complex but forget that in order to service it,ya need a weeee bit more room than 65ft from dock to said wall to fit the normal 75ft highway combination.....

Not really a gripe,more of a vent folks......

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