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Miles 12-20-2004 10:17 AM

Sucks they made you pour your sip out but at least you got the flask back.

Im going to have to look around for one of those cell flasks. That would have come in handy during college FB season. Its a pain to smuggle stuff in when your going through the student entrance.

shaneo69 12-20-2004 10:31 AM

Nzoner, for $0.50 more, you could've gotten the "Bench warmer special" at the concession stand----hot chocolate with a shot of peppermint schnapps.

Not sure where you sit, but I'm up in row 27 of the upper deck, and there's no way any security people can see what's going on up there. People in my section don't even bother with a flask. At the end of the game, you look under the seats and you see a whole bunch of empty 1/2 pint bottles of various liquors.

Miles 12-20-2004 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Gotta buy those little airplane bottles of booze. There's a bar near Sun Devil stadium called Bandersnatch that everyone goes to at halftime. They sell those little bottles of booze there so you can sneak 'em into the game. Even advertise them as "Smugglers".

Not a bad idea but how do you hide them? The cops pat down our pockets at the entrance.

I usually have to resort to pouring it in a ziplock bag and shoving it down my jeans.

Bob Dole 12-20-2004 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Miles Teg
Sucks they made you pour your sip out but at least you got the flask back.

Im going to have to look around for one of those cell flasks. That would have come in handy during college FB season. Its a pain to smuggle stuff in when your going through the student entrance.


Brando 12-20-2004 10:54 AM

Bring it in Gerber juice bottles. The guys next to me do it and we do shots the whole game. That way if it's taken you're only out the booze. You can even argue that you're wife is in another section with your child.

Skip Towne 12-20-2004 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Bob_Dole

Those only hold 4 oz. Do you think they'd smell a rat if I had three of them?

Bob Dole 12-20-2004 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne
Those only hold 4 oz. Do you think they'd smell a rat if I had three of them?

No more than if you had the 1980's cell phone version required to hold 16 oz.

Braincase 12-20-2004 11:34 AM

My cell phone flask...

Phobia 12-20-2004 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by BrainCase

You have a pony keg in your section? I wanna sit near you.

Nzoner 12-20-2004 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Hey, if the cop's gonna fuck with us either way, I'm at least gonna give him a good reason.

heh,when I get my letter from the Chiefs explaining why my season tickets have been revoked I'll post it here followed by a nice Thank You card sent to Carl.

gblowfish 12-20-2004 12:54 PM

The only reason they messed with you is because the Chiefs sell mixed drinks in Arrowhead, and you beat King Carl out of $7! Follow the money...follow the money...

Marada 12-20-2004 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by gblowfish
The only reason they messed with you is because the Chiefs sell mixed drinks in Arrowhead, and you beat King Carl out of $7! Follow the money...follow the money...

Where do the Chiefs sell Mixed Drinks in Arrowhead?

Nzoner 12-20-2004 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by gblowfish
The only reason they messed with you is because the Chiefs sell mixed drinks in Arrowhead, and you beat King Carl out of $7! Follow the money...follow the money...

What about the $5.50 I dropped for a Sprite?

shaneo69 12-20-2004 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Marada
Where do the Chiefs sell Mixed Drinks in Arrowhead?

Upper deck concession stands sell hot chocolate with a shot of peppermint schnapps for $6.00.

Phobia 12-26-2004 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Oh, I think we have a winner.

I think we should change his name to Maranda.

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