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Dr. Johnny Fever 07-03-2011 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Carls20yearplan (Post 7727982)
Jesus ****, the wife just made me watch the last Twilight

All I can say is :facepalm:

The shit we do for pussy,,,

I'm a big supporter of the "to each their own" idea, but for the life of me I can't understand why people find the Twilight movies good. I really think it's nothing more than women finding the male stars hot... which makes them just as bad as men if not worse. They're supossed to be less shallow than us or so I thought.

KcMizzou 07-03-2011 01:08 AM

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BillSelfsTrophycase 07-03-2011 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by noonan (Post 7727988)
I'm a big supporter of the "to each their own" idea, but for the life of me I can't understand why people find the Twilight movies good. I really think it's nothing more than women finding the male stars hot... which makes them just as bad as men if not worse. They're supossed to be less shallow than us or so I thought.

At least porn doesn't try to have a plot (since the dawn of the internet anyway)

Dr. Johnny Fever 07-03-2011 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Carls20yearplan (Post 7727990)
At least porn doesn't try to have a plot (since the dawn of the internet anyway)

Exactly lol. Twilight movies = Kristen Stewart broods, Roberts Pattinson is the dark, sensitive guy, other dude take his shirt off, fight between vapires and werewolves, other dude takes his shirt off, Kristen Stewart broods, Robert Pattinson is the dark, sensitive guy, Kristen Stewart broods some more, other guy does something shirtless, women swoon, roll credits. Next movie with the same process.

Buck 07-03-2011 02:41 AM

I must have had a pretty good night the last time I wore these underpants. I've pulled out 4 ginger hairs so far tonight, lol.
Posted via Mobile Device

007 07-03-2011 05:17 AM

Got home at 3am woke up before 6am. I am screwed for rest of today.

KurtCobain 07-03-2011 09:34 PM

A few days later I had 38,000 rep points. A minute later, -38,000 rep points.

Today I have -29,000. So I'm making a badass comeback once again(25k last time) against phil.

Thanks guys.

Dr. Johnny Fever 07-03-2011 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7728820)
A few days later I had 38,000 rep points. A minute later, -38,000 rep points.

Today I have -29,000. So I'm making a badass comeback once again(25k last time) against phil.

Thanks guys.

"You must spread around some rep before giving it to KurtCobain again."

Just another case of the man keepin us down KurtCobain. I tried.

Dr. Johnny Fever 07-03-2011 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7728009)
I must have had a pretty good night the last time I wore these underpants. I've pulled out 4 ginger hairs so far tonight, lol.
Posted via Mobile Device

Washing your underwear is over-rated.

KurtCobain 07-03-2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by noonan (Post 7728823)
"You must spread around some rep before giving it to KurtCobain again."

Just another case of the man keepin us down KurtCobain. I tried.

Doctor says similar things about these warts.

BillSelfsTrophycase 07-03-2011 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7728820)
A few days later I had 38,000 rep points. A minute later, -38,000 rep points.

Today I have -29,000. So I'm making a badass comeback once again(25k last time) against phil.

Thanks guys.

The Man's always keeping us down yo

KurtCobain 07-03-2011 09:40 PM

Hey, beer me/noonan/fonz(just gave you that pet name)

You gonna help me take this to 30,000 before buck or bug gets on and sees what we're doin?

kysirsoze 07-03-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by KnowMo2724 (Post 7727850)
I was a borderline acholocic/coke head/pot head from since I was 14

This explains your football takes.

kysirsoze 07-03-2011 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7728833)
Hey, beer me/noonan/fonz(just gave you that pet name)

You gonna help me take this to 30,000 before buck or bug gets on and sees what we're doin?

I'm in for about 20 minutes or so till I have to get back to work.

KurtCobain 07-03-2011 09:44 PM

Need you guys's help in the beryllium thread.

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