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Bugeater 06-16-2011 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by 4th and Long (Post 7702263)
I liked my first answer better as well. Sadly, the second answer is reality. We do our best adjusting from a comfortable two income family to a single income family, trying to make ends meet. Her seizures are not yet managable enough to allow her to work. I do my best to try and make sure my girls dont go without. This explains the raggedy underwear I have on and the hole in my tennis shoe. heh And no, you wont see me making a prayer request thread or asking for handouts. Thats not my style.
Posted via Mobile Device

Well shit, I hope she gets better. I've only witnessed people having seizures a couple times and it was disturbing...stories like yours make me realize how good I have it.

rocknrolla 06-17-2011 07:21 PM

Well I'm bored as shit. Do I go out drinkin? Or try and sleep tonight?

Buck 06-17-2011 11:54 PM

Holy. ****ing. Shit. Why is this happening to me?
Posted via Mobile Device

Rams Fan 06-17-2011 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7704064)
Holy. ****ing. Shit. Why is this happening to me?
Posted via Mobile Device


Buck 06-18-2011 12:00 AM

Another hot friend of mine (blonde) is now trying to go out with me. WTF.
Posted via Mobile Device

Rams Fan 06-18-2011 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7704069)
Another hot friend of mine (blonde) is now trying to go out with me. WTF.
Posted via Mobile Device

It's not gay, if it's a 3 way.

Buck 06-18-2011 12:11 AM

I can't do that, but I'm going out to the movies with this other chick on Sunday. Wtf man this is ****ed up.
Posted via Mobile Device

Rams Fan 06-18-2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7704074)
I can't do that, but I'm going out to the movies with this other chick on Sunday. Wtf man this is ****ed up.
Posted via Mobile Device

Maybe she's taking notice of your weight loss.;)

Don't worry, man, life is a funny game.

Buck 06-18-2011 12:30 AM

I'm sure that's it. I've never had 2 hotties intersted in me at the same time.

It sucks cuz this new girl I've been interested in waaaay longer, but I've got a good thing going right now.

There's no way I could juggle both because of mutual friends between the girls (they don't know each other), but even saying that makes me feel like a P.O.S.
Posted via Mobile Device

Rams Fan 06-18-2011 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7704082)
I'm sure that's it. I've never had 2 hotties intersted in me at the same time.

It sucks cuz this new girl I've been interested in waaaay longer, but I've got a good thing going right now.

There's no way I could juggle both because of mutual friends between the girls (they don't know each other), but even saying that makes me feel like a P.O.S.
Posted via Mobile Device

It would be a douche like move to leave the girl you're already with you have a good thing going. I don't think you'd do that, just saying that it would a be a douche like move.

Just tell the other girl that you're already seeing someone. You'd be honest if you told her that and she might be a little upset, but I don't think she'd go into a rage.

pr_capone 06-18-2011 12:33 AM

Buck... do this right and you can get a threesome out of this.

Buck 06-18-2011 12:36 AM

To be honest with you, that's not something I want. I used to, a lot, but after seeing 2 girls together up close, I realized that's not my thing.
Posted via Mobile Device

pr_capone 06-18-2011 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7704087)
To be honest with you, that's not something I want. I used to, a lot, but after seeing 2 girls together up close, I realized that's not my thing.
Posted via Mobile Device

You need to have a girl on your dick while another gets a mustache ride at least once in your life. If you have the opportunity, and you don't take it, you need to turn your ****ing man card in.

I punched that card about 8 years ago and don't really have an interest in doing it again... but I'm glad I did it those 12 times.

Buck 06-18-2011 12:54 AM

Even if that's the case, it can't be these 2 girls because they are both really good friends. That seems like something to do with at least one girl you barely know.
Posted via Mobile Device

pr_capone 06-18-2011 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7704094)
Even if that's the case, it can't be these 2 girls because they are both really good friends. That seems like something to do with at least one girl you barely know.
Posted via Mobile Device

Now you are just making excuses.

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