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'Hamas' Jenkins 04-11-2013 10:19 AM

I pretty much watch every shot of every major, but I am completely uninterested in the Ryder Cup.

philfree 04-11-2013 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9563409)
The 8620 is the most ridiculously ****ing long wedge I have ever hit in my life.

I can step on the 60* and get it out to 90 yards. Stock 56 goes about 105. I hit my Vokey 60.04 about 70 yards.

The heads are very small, and will take some getting used to, but the feel is fine.

One thing I will say. It's almost hard for me to hit knockdowns because they are so long and crisp off the face. I was hitting 3/4 56s 95 yards yesterday when I was trying to hit it at the 70 yard target.

Some of that is rust, but still...uber long.

So how far do you hit your PW on a regular basis?

Braincase 04-11-2013 10:50 AM

Driver: Callaway FT-i9
Fairway 3: Callaway FT-iz
Hybrids: Bobby Jones 21, 25, 30
Irons: Ping G5 5-9,P, S or Gigagolf Verve 5-9
Secondary Wedges: Gigagolf SGS 52/56/60
Putter: Odyssey Teron
Ball: Srixon Soft-Feel

My first good set after a 15 year layoff was the Ping G5's. A buddy of mine told me about Gigagolf, and I figured I'd give them a try. I didn't know if I wanted to drop a lot of cash on a set of G15's or G20's, so I spec'd out a set of their Verves with graphite shafts and Lamkin mid-size grips. I'm a high-handicap (16) player, so I'm better off spending my money on lessons that equipment. One thing I do like about the Gigagolf sets is their price, and they customize for height, so it makes for a nice option for my kids. I fixed all of my kids up, and my son is only 11, so he'll probably need another set in another year.

I did swap out my putter grip this last week. A buddy of mine has gone to a jumbo grip, and I thought it felt pretty good, so I'm trying a Fatso on one of my Odyssey Terons.

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-11-2013 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by philfree (Post 9577786)
So how far do you hit your PW on a regular basis?


'Hamas' Jenkins 04-11-2013 02:01 PM

Although the best score of the day was a 66, the true lead is about -4.

Tiger finishes a ho hum round of 70, the cup spitter is at -5 through 10, McIlroy is -2 through 8, and Mickelson is at +2 but just hit a 60 yard slice with a mid iron from the pine straw to an elevated green with a false front (9).

Mr. Flopnuts 04-11-2013 04:00 PM


'Hamas' Jenkins 04-11-2013 04:09 PM

And Phil drops his fourth birdie in five holes to move into the discussion.

Aside from the trash at -6, it's a great leaderboard. 04-11-2013 05:24 PM

The trash at -6 won't be there by Sat afternoon. As usual, they'll fade.

I hope Sergio stays up there tho.

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-11-2013 06:45 PM

137-139 aggregate will be a good place to be after two rounds. 04-11-2013 06:48 PM

Yeah, although todays scoring conditions were pretty perfect.

I haven't looked at tomorrows forecast, but IIRC they are supposed to/getting rain tonight so it will probably play soft tomorrow. Thats a really long course that could get a whole lot longer if it plays that wet.

But, they have the "machine" greens, which is the coolest shit ever, so they will be ok.

I think you are about right in your score though. 7 or 8 under would be ideal, but I think the leaders after tomrrow will be 6.

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-11-2013 06:52 PM

Guys with early tee times tomorrow will likely get the best of it. Yeah, it will play long, but it will also take the severity out of the slopes of the greens, which is still the golf course's greatest defense.

As long as they don't get a deluge the SubAir system should handle it pretty well. There might be winds picking up later in the day, which adds the obvious wind component and drier greens as well.

I'd bet on -8 leading after tomorrow. 04-11-2013 06:57 PM


I don't know if you've ever been there, but one can't comprehend by the TV how diabolical the greens are and how hilly that golf course is. It's pretty crazy.

They've added so much length to it, it's getting kinda crazy. Those greens aren't built to be approached with long irons and hybrids. There are shelves that you can barely get lofted clubs on much less a 5 iron from 225.

Although they have remodeled some of the greens to better accept those, it's still crazy. The moisture will help that alot though, so I could see the scoring be a bit better, but I don't know that it will get to -8.

Rudy tossed tigger's salad 04-11-2013 07:01 PM

Not sure players respond well to slower greens at Augusta. Seem to give them too much respect 04-11-2013 07:03 PM

The PGA wants them to play really quick, but the moisture is gonna inhibit that a bit, but they'll suck the water off pretty quick. 04-11-2013 07:04 PM

Sneaky feeling that Kuchar is going to make some noise this week. Course sets up perfect for his flat draw.

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