Bugeater |
06-08-2011 08:46 PM |
Originally Posted by KurtCobain
(Post 7686004)
Buck what's going on? I think you're letting this girl pull you away from this planet.
Not good.
How's everybody's day been?
Today I went to work. Then I played horseshoes and basketball. Then I started watching the town outside but the battery went dead on the pdvd player and I haven't started it back up yet. Then I ****ed my wife in the shower.
Now, I'm about to go play store and possibly a tea party afterwards! Yay!
And I haven't eaten because I'm broke as ****, and I don't get paid till friday at 12am. And somehow I don't qualify for foodstamps because I work, but people who don't work and sit on their asses doing nothing get foodstamps. wtf
Dude, don't get me started. One of the properties I take care of is "affordable" (translated: subsidized) housing. So not only are the taxes from my income helping pay for their food it's also helping pay their rent. And the best part is that they buy their kids juice boxes, soda and freezey pops with the food stamps and then send them outside where they proceed to throw the empty containers and wrappers on the grounds, and guess who gets to pick them up? So I am not only helping pay for their kids, I also get to clean up after them.
Sometimes I wonder if I'd be better off having a couple of illegitimate kids and sitting around doing nothing all day and collecting welfare, but then I look at what these people have, and then what I have, and I'll take working for a living any day of the week. It does get maddening at times though.