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TambaBerry 02-08-2019 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 14096562)
I am so tired of all of the Fortnite multiplayer battle royal games, I've had enough.

i love it because it keeps the little kids out of the fun games

SuperChief 02-08-2019 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 14096439)
GI has been hyping it all week. Sounds like the people playing it are having a lot of fun. But most of the social media is negative because people are still butthurt about Titanfall.

I get the hate. I don't generally like BR games - especially Fortnite. And I LOVED Titanfall 2. But I can live in a world where this exists instead. It's that fun.

Dayze 02-08-2019 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 14096902)
if you could run into some money the steering wheel Thrustmaster G-GT is amazing it is like 700 tho

God damnit.
I shouldn’t have google searched that. Now I want it.

Dayze 02-08-2019 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 14097403)
I've got a $25 Gamestop GC from Christmas that I need to use. I've been looking through used games but can't really find anything.

I’ve always been a used game guy. I’ve found it’s hit or miss and different GameStop’s. I have found, however, there is usually a good selection about a month after Christmas or so. My theory is people get games for Xmas, and either finish them or whatever and trade them in.

Also look around the time right after big popular new release games come out. Like NBA2k, MLB, Madden etc. I think a 'it of people trade in to offset some cost of these new yearly titles etc.

Just my theory, this last visit a a few weeks ago, the GameStop near me had a ton of killer deals. I also recommend their rewards card thing. You can eArn decent points (or whatever they’re called), it a lot of times they have great deals on used games. For a used game guy, that’s a biggie for me.

kcxiv 02-09-2019 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 14096562)
I am so tired of all of the Fortnite multiplayer battle royal games, I've had enough.

ONLY fun i really find in video games now days is playing against other players. PVE just doesnt cut it anymore. Its have to be a super special game, or boo for pve games.

Imon Yourside 02-09-2019 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 14098580)
ONLY fun i really find in video games now days is playing against other players. PVE just doesnt cut it anymore. Its have to be a super special game, or boo for pve games.

Division 2 PVE is quite amazing, the redesign on enemy behaviours and variety in types coupled with them being all over the Light zone is quite fun and what Division 1 was missing.

Mecca 02-09-2019 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 14098580)
ONLY fun i really find in video games now days is playing against other players. PVE just doesnt cut it anymore. Its have to be a super special game, or boo for pve games.

See I don't get that, all of the best game experiences I've had in the last 2+ years are all about single player.

God of War
Red Dead
Tomb Raider
Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Detroit Become Human
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Metro games
Witcher 3

I'm sure I'm missing some but these are the games I think of when I think of why I play video games, shit like fortnite and call of duty is nowhere on my list.

Demonpenz 02-09-2019 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 14098301)
God damnit.
I shouldn’t have google searched that. Now I want it.

yeah it is so lifelike that the peddles feel crazy. Now we need ps4 to step up it's VR because Oculus rift and racing is the bomb

Imon Yourside 02-09-2019 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 14098813)
See I don't get that, all of the best game experiences I've had in the last 2+ years are all about single player.

God of War
Red Dead
Tomb Raider
Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Detroit Become Human
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Metro games
Witcher 3

I'm sure I'm missing some but these are the games I think of when I think of why I play video games, shit like fortnite and call of duty is nowhere on my list.

Horizon was pretty good off that list but I would much rather being playing an online type game these days. I've totally changed from where I used to only like Single player games. I guess that's because I play 99% coop.

Prey is probably the best single player game i've played in the last couple of years tbh.

ThaVirus 02-09-2019 04:23 PM

I tend to agree with you. For the last decade, online multiplayer has been my bread and butter. Call of Duty, Madden, Smite, etc. There's just something about playing against other humans as opposed to the CPU. I like the strategy involved.

Although, I can definitely still have great gaming experiences in single player games. I beat Assassin's Creed: Origins and God of War last year and I'd put both probably in my top 25 games of all time.

Mecca 02-09-2019 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 14098919)
Horizon was pretty good off that list but I would much rather being playing an online type game these days. I've totally changed from where I used to only like Single player games. I guess that's because I play 99% coop.

Prey is probably the best single player game i've played in the last couple of years tbh.

I have prey got it for like 20 bucks, it's alright.

Dunno guess that everything being geared to battle royal is really turning me off. Yes that is a market but every company thinking that is where the money is to the point that EA's entire ****ing company thinks online microtransactions are where it's at really pisses me off.

Demonpenz 02-10-2019 12:21 AM

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Demonpenz 02-10-2019 12:22 AM

i got the oculus rift today. For flight sims and racing hoo boy... it wow'd me

Imon Yourside 02-10-2019 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 14099159)
I have prey got it for like 20 bucks, it's alright.

Dunno guess that everything being geared to battle royal is really turning me off. Yes that is a market but every company thinking that is where the money is to the point that EA's entire ****ing company thinks online microtransactions are where it's at really pisses me off.

Prey Mooncrash DLC is where it's at, it's like a rogue style game where stuff changes with every playthrough and game.

Imon Yourside 02-10-2019 09:39 PM

<iframe width="512" height="313" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="512" height="313" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

htismaqe 02-12-2019 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 14099159)
I have prey got it for like 20 bucks, it's alright.

Dunno guess that everything being geared to battle royal is really turning me off. Yes that is a market but every company thinking that is where the money is to the point that EA's entire ****ing company thinks online microtransactions are where it's at really pisses me off.

I'm a single player guy like you.

Fortunately, I like a lot of Ubisoft games and their chairman is insistent that they're only going to play in the online stuff if it makes sense to them. They continue to be dedicated to good single player experiences.

DJJasonp 02-12-2019 03:05 PM

Finished the Leon play-thru in RE2 last night.......really enjoyed it.

It's funny, I dont remember anything past the police station from the original - so everything played out "new" for me after that!

ThaVirus 02-12-2019 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 14103438)
Finished the Leon play-thru in RE2 last night.......really enjoyed it.

It's funny, I dont remember anything past the police station from the original - so everything played out "new" for me after that!

Now that you mention it, I don't remember shit past the police station either. Pretty funny.

ToxSocks 02-12-2019 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 14098813)
See I don't get that, all of the best game experiences I've had in the last 2+ years are all about single player.

God of War
Red Dead
Tomb Raider
Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Detroit Become Human
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Metro games
Witcher 3

I'm sure I'm missing some but these are the games I think of when I think of why I play video games, shit like fortnite and call of duty is nowhere on my list.

Im trying to get into Witcher 3. It's just not pulling me in.

htismaqe 02-12-2019 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 14103684)
Im trying to get into Witcher 3. It's just not pulling me in.

If it's not sucking you in now, you'll never get through it. The storyline branches out about midway through the game and if you are easily distracted or not completely interested in completing it all (the main storyline), you'll end up quitting like I did.

And I was obsessed with it early on, put like 160 hours into it and finally gave up in frustration.

Mecca 02-12-2019 08:30 PM

So PS has the Ezio collection for 10 bucks, is it worth it?

I never beat any of those games on the 360..

htismaqe 02-12-2019 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 14103859)
So PS has the Ezio collection for 10 bucks, is it worth it?

I never beat any of those games on the 360..

Yes. Great games. Especially Brotherhood and Revelations.

ThaVirus 02-12-2019 09:23 PM

Worth it to experience Ezio's story alone.

Bayek is probably my favorite assassin, but Ezio's story can't be matched.

Beef Supreme 02-13-2019 09:33 AM

I've been playing the Conqueror's Blade closed beta and having an absolute blast. They are opening up the beta this Friday through Sunday for everyone. So give it a try if you want. Don't cost nuthin.

The game is like a cross between Mount & Blade and For Honor. Multiplayer siege battles, where you command troops and so does everyone else. Take objectives, kill the people and their troops.

There are also territory wars where player Houses fight for control of land, and we are testing that as well, but it is still being fleshed out somewhat.

Here is the trailer.

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And here is a video by a youtuber who kinda explains a few things then shows some siege battle action. Some of his info is a little wrong, but nothing major.

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

htismaqe 02-13-2019 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 14103915)
Worth it to experience Ezio's story alone.

Bayek is probably my favorite assassin, but Ezio's story can't be matched.

Ezio's story is the most fleshed-out. He got 3 games whereas everybody else got one. The story is by far the best solely because of that I think.

That being said, while I loved Bayek, I'll always be partial to Edward Kenway.

Mecca 02-13-2019 10:12 AM

I have the games on the old systems, the collection comes with all the DLC too which I think it'd cost me more just for that.

htismaqe 02-13-2019 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 14104352)
I have the games on the old systems, the collection comes with all the DLC too which I think it'd cost me more just for that.

Absolutely it would.

ToxSocks 02-13-2019 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 14103853)
If it's not sucking you in now, you'll never get through it. The storyline branches out about midway through the game and if you are easily distracted or not completely interested in completing it all (the main storyline), you'll end up quitting like I did.

And I was obsessed with it early on, put like 160 hours into it and finally gave up in frustration.

Well that's not what i wanted to hear, lol. Thanks for the heads up.

htismaqe 02-13-2019 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 14104451)
Well that's not what i wanted to hear, lol. Thanks for the heads up.

For me, it was just overloaded. As a big fan of open world games, I never thought the day would come where a game would just be too much but when I started failing side quests because I completed other, unrelated quests (keep in mind, they're not binary decisions so it's not like I knew I would fail 2 other quests if I finished the 3rd) I just got tired of it.

Chief Pagan 02-13-2019 06:17 PM

It took me two attempts to get into Witcher III. I liked it, but I'm not one of those putting it on my top 10 list or anything.

The combat system was so-so, but you probably already have your own opinion on that by now.

The thing I liked best was the character development and some of the quests were pretty interesting. There were plenty of 'go kill that person' or 'go get that item' but it had more variety than some similar games.

I play mostly solo games like Witcher. I don't like grinding. To make the game go quicker I skipped making any potions and armor upgrades except for one or two occasions when the plot demanded it. To compensate, I played on an easier level.

1claire 02-13-2019 06:28 PM

I just started playing the remake of RE2, this is my favorite among the RE games.

Mecca 02-13-2019 08:39 PM

I'd like to pick up RE2 just not for 60 bucks.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 02-13-2019 08:50 PM

Just played through Metro 2033 and Last Light for the first time in preparation for Metro Exodus. Definitely got a Half-Life 2 vibe. Sounds like Exodus is getting pretty good reviews so far.

Sofa King 02-15-2019 07:57 PM

I played the first Metro and really enjoyed it. Tired of first person shooters now though.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 02-15-2019 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 14109241)
I played the first Metro and really enjoyed it. Tired of first person shooters now though.

I am a bit too but the Metro series is different enough that it pulls me in. Movement/shooting is still clunky but I'm having a blast. I love the survival aspects. Having to keep track of air filters, limited ammo, what weapon mods to use in different situations, time of day, etc...

Plus, its cool to get the post-nuclear war theme from a Russian perspective. Way less goofy than stuff like Fallout.

Demonpenz 02-17-2019 02:21 AM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

hometeam 02-17-2019 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 14110740)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Frazod 02-23-2019 01:28 AM

Currently downloading Metro Exodus. Never played the older Metro games, but I think I'll be okay. From everything I've seen this appears to be a combination of Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Right up my alley.

oaklandhater 02-23-2019 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14120676)
Currently downloading Metro Exodus. Never played the older Metro games, but I think I'll be okay. From everything I've seen this appears to be a combination of Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Right up my alley.

less open than S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

but GFX are buttery smooth and ran like a charm on my pc.

Frazod 02-23-2019 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 14121280)
less open than S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

but GFX are buttery smooth and ran like a charm on my pc.

Yeah, I've got a got a pretty good rig - running at max settings with no issues. Beautiful game. I played for about half an hour earlier and really enjoyed it. I'll dive back in after dinner.

crazycoffey 02-23-2019 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by SuperChief (Post 14096396)
Anyone playing Apex Legends? Take it from me (the supreme hater of Battle Royal style games) - it's very fun and engaging.

I am, it’s fun. Took awhile to get adjusted to the shooting styles with different guns and the bullet drop. Lots of different ways to play it. It only gets frustrating when playing with randoms who run off or disconnects when you’re running into the heat to save them. But with the right group it’s soooo much better

hometeam 02-23-2019 09:22 PM

our whole CP group is playing

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 02-23-2019 09:33 PM

It's a blast. Playing through a second time now on Ranger Hardcore. To you PC peeps. How much would it cost me to build a fairly nice PC? Something that could play current, and immediate future games at fairly high settings? $1.5-2k? I can afford that pretty comfortably right now. Just not sure if its worth it when I only play about 5 games a year. The game looks great on PS4 Pro but I'm sure its really something else on PC.

crazycoffey 02-24-2019 11:01 AM

Sooooooo not much love for Apex?

BigBeauford 02-24-2019 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 14121918)
Sooooooo not much love for Apex?

Apex is fantastic, though falls short of PUBG for tension. However when I play Apex, I cant help but think I would rather just be playing Titanfall 2.

crazycoffey 02-24-2019 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 14121943)
Apex is fantastic, though falls short of PUBG for tension. However when I play Apex, I cant help but think I would rather just be playing Titanfall 2.

I see the similarities with Titan fall but not the comparison; maybe it’s been awhile since I played TF2

BigBeauford 02-25-2019 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 14122497)
I see the similarities with Titan fall but not the comparison; maybe it’s been awhile since I played TF2

The gunplay/feedback of the weapons is the same, as is the universe it takes place in. I guess what I am saying, is if I want to play a battle royale, PUBG does this best. If I want a tight, fast paced FPS, then Titanfall 2 does it best. This game sits right between the two.

Frazod 02-25-2019 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14120676)
Currently downloading Metro Exodus. Never played the older Metro games, but I think I'll be okay. From everything I've seen this appears to be a combination of Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Right up my alley.

Played a few hours over the weekend. Beautifully detailed and mostly fun, but also somewhat annoying. Fairly complex control system takes some getting used to; I kept accidently switching out my primary weapon when looting bodies. There also doesn't seem to be a quest log, a very limited HUD with no directional markers (there's a wrist compass, but it seems fairly useless), and like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. the player character doesn't level up; instead he just finds better shit as the game progresses. Plus, the wife character is already getting on my nerves - sort of like a bossy Lydia who keeps getting into trouble.

But that aside, the gameplay is great.

BleedingRed 02-25-2019 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 14121943)
Apex is fantastic, though falls short of PUBG for tension. However when I play Apex, I cant help but think I would rather just be playing Titanfall 2.

PUBG is the best in my opinion

Simply Red 02-25-2019 01:32 PM

Exodus looks like a blast

hometeam 02-25-2019 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14121589)
It's a blast. Playing through a second time now on Ranger Hardcore. To you PC peeps. How much would it cost me to build a fairly nice PC? Something that could play current, and immediate future games at fairly high settings? $1.5-2k? I can afford that pretty comfortably right now. Just not sure if its worth it when I only play about 5 games a year. The game looks great on PS4 Pro but I'm sure its really something else on PC.

that will get you a good high end PC if you build it yourself

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 02-25-2019 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 14124011)
that will get you a good high end PC if you build it yourself

I’ve never attempted anything like that before. Know of any good guides? Should I just google/YouTube it?

vailpass 02-25-2019 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14124104)
I’ve never attempted anything like that before. Know of any good guides? Should I just google/YouTube it?

Use the Search This Forum tool located top right.
Go Advanced.
Enter “Build” in keyword search.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 02-25-2019 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 14124135)
Use the Search This Forum tool located top right.
Go Advanced.
Enter “Build” in keyword search.


Indian Chief 02-25-2019 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14124104)
I’ve never attempted anything like that before. Know of any good guides? Should I just google/YouTube it?

Also check out Tom's Hardware. It's a good place to get advice. Their forums are also excellent.

When you get to actually picking components, hit up PC Part Picker.

patteeu 02-26-2019 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14124104)
I’ve never attempted anything like that before. Know of any good guides? Should I just google/YouTube it?

Start a thread with a budget and your intended usage and see if someone will recommend a build for you.

Dayze 02-26-2019 10:50 AM

one of these days, I'm going to build, or have someone build, me a computer that will be robust enough to simply run a flight simulator. I'm not there yet, but once life calms down a bit and I can get a dedicated spot in the house or basement to build a place for the sim (i've got yoke, throttles, electircal panel etc, cockpit attachments) and set up a multi screen flight deck/cockpit....I'll pull the trigger on a computer.

CP will be my first stop if/when that happens. Lot of knowledeable folks on here.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 02-26-2019 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 14124258)
Start a thread with a budget and your intended usage and see if someone will recommend a build for you.

I might do this. Will probably have to wait until the end of this semester. Not enough time right now. Thanks, everyone.

hometeam 02-26-2019 09:38 PM

so ****in easy bro, a couple youtube videos and you are set.

Frazod 02-26-2019 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14124104)
I’ve never attempted anything like that before. Know of any good guides? Should I just google/YouTube it?

I will warn you, it is a serious undertaking. Luckily one of my best friends is a high level computer geek, and with his assistance/supervision I've done most of the work on my last couple of builds. Swapping out components once it's done isn't so bad, but I wouldn't attempt an actual build without him actually being there. It's a bitch. So many ways you can screw it up, and expect at least one component to be defective, even if you paid enough that it shouldn't be. Last time one of my RAM sticks was bad. The hardest part, though, is running all the goddamn cables and making sure they're connected in the right spots. It's not exactly intuitive.

Unless you are completely confident in your ability, I strongly suggest that you find somebody knowledgeable and experienced to help you. And get a big case. That makes it much easier, but even then it's a major pain.

Good luck.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 02-26-2019 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14125777)
I will warn you, it is a serious undertaking. Luckily one of my best friends is a high level computer geek, and with his assistance/supervision I've done most of the work on my last couple of builds. Swapping out components once it's done isn't so bad, but I wouldn't attempt an actual build without him actually being there. It's a bitch. So many ways you can screw it up, and expect at least one component to be defective, even if you paid enough that it shouldn't be. Last time one of my RAM sticks was bad. The hardest part, though, is running all the goddamn cables and making sure they're connected in the right spots. It's not exactly intuitive.

Unless you are completely confident in your ability, I strongly suggest that you find somebody knowledgeable and experienced to help you. And get a big case. That makes it much easier, but even then it's a major pain.

Good luck.

Yeah, I've got a couple buddies that are long time PC gamers/builders. Might have to offer them some booze to help.

Frazod 02-26-2019 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14125778)
Yeah, I've got a couple buddies that are long time PC gamers/builders. Might have to offer them some booze to help.

Definitely. And make sure it's top shelf. :thumb:

htismaqe 02-27-2019 11:45 AM

I will build you a custom rig to your exact specs for $150/hour. Just ship all the stuff directly to me. :D

vailpass 02-27-2019 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14125778)
Yeah, I've got a couple buddies that are long time PC gamers/builders. Might have to offer them some booze to help.

Sure. But don't pay the ferryman til he gets you to the other side.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 02-27-2019 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 14127669)
Sure. But don't pay the ferryman til he gets you to the other side.

For sure. They would probably to it for free, TBH. These guys love building.

Frazod 02-27-2019 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14127722)
For sure. They would probably to it for free, TBH. These guys love building.

I think once you got good at it, it could be fun. But it's something I do once every few years, so while I remember what needs to be done generally, I forget the little details. And those are what can turn it into a nightmare.

One other thing - you may know this, but I'll mention it just in case - make sure the components you buy are compatible. Certain types of RAM, chipsets and boards won't work well together, or perhaps not at all. You can't just buy stuff because it's highly rated or has the specs you want. Definitely do your research first. Another issue I had last time around was with the case, which I specifically picked out because of it's size. The processor fan was just a little too big to fit where it was supposed to go, so we had to switch out several of the preinstalled fans to make it work. That was annoying as hell. There's always some stupid shit that can trip you up.

vailpass 02-28-2019 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14127722)
For sure. They would probably to it for free, TBH. These guys love building.

My point was to not get your rig builders drunk while they are in the middle of assembling it. The mistake rate tends to go way up.

Imon Yourside 02-28-2019 02:40 PM

Fortnite Save the World major Hero Change patch is here, I may play that again in the distant future.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 02-28-2019 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 14128950)
My point was to not get your rig builders drunk while they are in the middle of assembling it. The mistake rate tends to go way up.

Gotcha. I'd imagine so lol.

Gonna do some research and make a decision on this this summer.

vailpass 02-28-2019 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 14128989)
Gotcha. I'd imagine so lol.

Gonna do some research and make a decision on this this summer.

Have fun with it. When you are ready stop back by here, there are a lot of people with good advice and also the occasional antifreeze recommendation.:D

hometeam 02-28-2019 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 14125777)
I will warn you, it is a serious undertaking. Luckily one of my best friends is a high level computer geek, and with his assistance/supervision I've done most of the work on my last couple of builds. Swapping out components once it's done isn't so bad, but I wouldn't attempt an actual build without him actually being there. It's a bitch. So many ways you can screw it up, and expect at least one component to be defective, even if you paid enough that it shouldn't be. Last time one of my RAM sticks was bad. The hardest part, though, is running all the goddamn cables and making sure they're connected in the right spots. It's not exactly intuitive.

Unless you are completely confident in your ability, I strongly suggest that you find somebody knowledgeable and experienced to help you. And get a big case. That makes it much easier, but even then it's a major pain.

Good luck.

I have to disagree. Youtube a couple of build guides and you can be pretty confident. If you can put together legos, you can put together a PC. No moving parts, just snap in pieces and a couple of wires.

TinyEvel 03-15-2019 01:16 PM

Playstation is heavily promoting DAYS GONE a PS4 exclusive. Anybody have any thoughts? Feels a little bit like the Last of us?

developed by Bend Studios, it does look really nice.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

DJJasonp 03-17-2019 06:24 PM

Kind of different direction.....but I just finished a season of "super mega baseball 2" on PS4.

It's been years since I've played a bb game on PS (as I got too bored, too quick typically.....with long games, slow pace, etc. etc.).

It's actually a really fun game. Pace is very quick....has a "mojo" system for whether players are 'hot' or 'cold". Lots of season stats/leaders, etc.

Gameplay is just plain fun. Lots of can change jersey colors, names, player names, looks, etc. Stadiums are fun too.

For those of you who've been around a while - it reminds me of baseball stars, with next-gen graphics, controls, etc.

For about 10-12 bucks on PSN .....great value.

Mecca 03-18-2019 07:34 AM

Days Gone is something I'm very interested in playing.

Fishpicker 03-18-2019 08:34 AM

I'M thinking about picking up a PS4 so I can play SNK games. SNK for PS4 is due out tomorrow

24 titles with arcade and console versions

Hammock Parties 03-19-2019 03:17 PM

dark forces total conversion in unreal


<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Fansy the Famous Bard 03-19-2019 03:46 PM

Not sure if this has been discussed, but I've played Kenshi (PC) for years... Best game I've every played... especially with a lot of the mods that they community has put out. It's ****ing amazeballs.

Beef Supreme 03-19-2019 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Fansy the Famous Bard (Post 14168925)
Not sure if this has been discussed, but I've played Kenshi (PC) for years... Best game I've every played... especially with a lot of the mods that they community has put out. It's ****ing amazeballs.

I started a thread on Kenshi a while back and I don't think it even made it to page 2. Complete lack of interest by people here. I love it though.

Imon Yourside 03-19-2019 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14168857)
dark forces total conversion in unreal


<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dark forces and Kotor are the best SW games ever made, looks nice.

Jerm 03-20-2019 12:45 PM

Cuphead is coming to Switch next month....holy shit, can't believe its real. There's been rumors of it, along with MCC and Ori and some big MS/Nintendo partnership things, but to see it realized is nuts.

If any form of Halo comes to the Switch I'll lose my goddamn mind lol.

BTW Cuphead is soooooo good, already have it pre-ordered on Switch.

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