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TLO 02-21-2016 08:04 PM

Did Ryback just injure Luke Harper??

Sassy Squatch 02-21-2016 08:11 PM

Over half of the matches are done and we just barely hit the hour mark.

Al Bundy 02-21-2016 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Li'l Smokey (Post 12092987)
Did Ryback just injure Luke Harper??

I think so.

Sassy Squatch 02-21-2016 08:38 PM

Enzo and Cass are going to debut tonight and win the championship. My guess as to why there's so much time left.

tomahawk kid 02-21-2016 08:44 PM

So, they're bringing back Hogan for WrestleMania, right?

TLO 02-21-2016 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 12093041)
Enzo and Cass are going to debut tonight and win the championship. My guess as to why there's so much time left.

Or they will just... do whatever the **** that was. :shake:

TLO 02-21-2016 09:18 PM

Is this SmackDown?

TLO 02-21-2016 09:33 PM

Bork Laser

mcaj22 02-21-2016 09:40 PM

Curtis Axel vs R-Truth on your main card of a 2016 PPV. State of your WWE roster mate.

Sassy Squatch 02-21-2016 09:45 PM

What an awful PPV.

mcaj22 02-21-2016 09:46 PM

this is the worst PPV card I have ever seen by far

TLO 02-21-2016 09:47 PM


BigCatDaddy 02-21-2016 09:48 PM


Demonpenz 02-21-2016 09:49 PM

I gave my dog a perfect plex and now it is at the vet.

Sassy Squatch 02-21-2016 09:50 PM

The crowd isn't even booing him. Just apathetic silence.

Jerm 02-21-2016 09:52 PM

Reigns is in the "dreaded Kimura" for like 2 mins...takes 3 chair shots...and instantly pops up and hits the finish. LOL this company...

The crowd was beyond good.

Sassy Squatch 02-21-2016 09:53 PM

Raw is going to be in Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Brooklyn before Wrestlemania. Jesus they will shit on Roman hard.

Jerm 02-21-2016 10:24 PM

I'm still trying to figure out what the point of Reigns winning the title on a random RAW only to lose it in the RR but then get a match somehow that lands him in the main event and presumably go over and regain it at Mania....

Yeah nevermind...such a cluster**** of stupidity...

mcaj22 02-21-2016 11:06 PM

Im not even mad about Reigns winning other than the terrible finish where he kicks out of a kirmura and 3 chair shots (in the attitude era that would be a win) and jumps up 1 minute later to get a pin with a simple spear.

its the other crap on this card

- What the hell was that R Truth and Curtis Axel match doing right before the main event, whose call was that? they should be fired.

- Luke Harper, by far the best and most talented Wyatt member in the ring looks like he got hurt by shitty ass Ryback. STOP PUTTING RYBACK IN THE RING WITH THE FEW TALENTS YOU HAVE SO HE CAN HURT THEM. Ryback should have been let go yesteryear for how unsafe that bum is.

-You had a chance for the perfect Cass and Enzo debut when New Day were rattling off tag teams they were better than and ruined it with League of Nations.

TLO 02-22-2016 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by mcaj22 (Post 12093192)
Im not even mad about Reigns winning other than the terrible finish where he kicks out of a kirmura and 3 chair shots (in the attitude era that would be a win) and jumps up 1 minute later to get a pin with a simple spear.

its the other crap on this card

- What the hell was that R Truth and Curtis Axel match doing right before the main event, whose call was that? they should be fired.

- Luke Harper, by far the best and most talented Wyatt member in the ring looks like he got hurt by shitty ass Ryback. STOP PUTTING RYBACK IN THE RING WITH THE FEW TALENTS YOU HAVE SO HE CAN HURT THEM. Ryback should have been let go yesteryear for how unsafe that bum is.

-You had a chance for the perfect Cass and Enzo debut when New Day were rattling off tag teams they were better than and ruined it with League of Nations.

I agree with most of your points here. The finish to the main event was so, SO bad. Reigns is going to be hearing a lot of boo leading up to Mania.

BryanBusby 02-22-2016 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12093165)
I'm still trying to figure out what the point of Reigns winning the title on a random RAW only to lose it in the RR but then get a match somehow that lands him in the main event and presumably go over and regain it at Mania....

Yeah nevermind...such a cluster**** of stupidity...

They are hotshotting the title around his orbit to get the crowd to love him. Do you love Roman Reigns? Please love Roman Reigns. -Vince

They know Cena doesn't have a lot left in the tank and are trying to find a new Cena before it's too late. They book him with the worst attributes of a Cena run and the problem is people legitimately don't like the guy. They know he's not talented. Cena was at least a talented guy who suffered from awful booking.

They missed a good chance to start a monster Dean Ambrose heel run but they don't give a **** about their heels anymore.

Al Bundy 02-22-2016 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by BryanBusby (Post 12093253)
They are hotshotting the title around his orbit to get the crowd to love him. Do you love Roman Reigns? Please love Roman Reigns. -Vince

They know Cena doesn't have a lot left in the tank and are trying to find a new Cena before it's too late. They book him with the worst attributes of a Cena run and the problem is people legitimately don't like the guy. They know he's not talented. Cena was at least a talented guy who suffered from awful booking.

They missed a good chance to start a monster Dean Ambrose heel run but they don't give a **** about their heels anymore.

Yep... too bad because he should be the main eventer. The crowd loves him.

BigCatDaddy 02-22-2016 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Al Bundy (Post 12093286)
Yep... too bad because he should be the main eventer. The crowd loves him.

That little 1 month feud with him and Rollins was the best thing about 2015.

Jerm 02-22-2016 08:29 AM

They blew a huge opportunity IMO by not turning Reigns when Rollins was hurt, make him the Authority's new chosen one, and have Ambrose play the Austin-esque face role.

Not to mention after that, you could have Rollins return as a huge babyface with a ready made revenge storyline...

mcaj22 02-22-2016 10:50 AM

Rollins is going to come back to a massive pop theres no way you can keep him heel. People are going to cheer for him to take that title off Roman. Reigns would get massively booed in that scenario.

it would be so good

Swanman 02-22-2016 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by mcaj22 (Post 12093192)
Im not even mad about Reigns winning other than the terrible finish where he kicks out of a kirmura and 3 chair shots (in the attitude era that would be a win) and jumps up 1 minute later to get a pin with a simple spear.

its the other crap on this card

- What the hell was that R Truth and Curtis Axel match doing right before the main event, whose call was that? they should be fired.

- Luke Harper, by far the best and most talented Wyatt member in the ring looks like he got hurt by shitty ass Ryback. STOP PUTTING RYBACK IN THE RING WITH THE FEW TALENTS YOU HAVE SO HE CAN HURT THEM. Ryback should have been let go yesteryear for how unsafe that bum is.

-You had a chance for the perfect Cass and Enzo debut when New Day were rattling off tag teams they were better than and ruined it with League of Nations.

CM Punk said that Ryback was in his words, "hurty" in that Colt Cabana podcast after he quit. He wasn't kidding.

You could also debut Gallows and Anderson, although Enzo and Cass would get a bigger reaction at the moment with their NXT fame.

The NXT show WM weekend is going to absolutely blow Mania out of the water. It's not even close. The show could only be 45 minutes of Zayn vs. Nakamura and it would top Mania by a large margin.

BigCatDaddy 02-22-2016 01:09 PM

Love to see the Hogan/Hart/Yoko bit repeated with Ambrose/Reigns/ HHH. Or mayne Reigns gets hurt and Ambrose fills in. I know I know.... wishful thinking.

keg in kc 02-22-2016 01:16 PM

I don't think I miss WWE at all. I had fun at the live sprint center show, but other than that I've watched exactly one episode of Smackdown (two weeks ago, styles vs. jericho) in the last year. I do like Mauro Renallo on the mic. Not having to listen to Michael Cole is such an improvement. I can't even watch Raw at this point. The roster is bad enough, the writing just makes everything a hundred times worse.

Sassy Squatch 02-22-2016 06:55 PM

Apparently something big is going to happen at the beginning of Raw. 2 separate sources.

TLO 02-22-2016 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 12094238)
Apparently something big is going to happen at the beginning of Raw. 2 separate sources.

Was just about to post this. Hopefully it's not Sting...

DaNewGuy 02-22-2016 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 12094238)
Apparently something big is going to happen at the beginning of Raw. 2 separate sources.

That one guy off Reddit who is right most of the time said something like that aswell

TLO 02-22-2016 06:59 PM

I'd rather have bamboo shoved into my dick than watch NCIS.

TLO 02-22-2016 07:14 PM


Sassy Squatch 02-22-2016 07:14 PM

Been a long time since Shane has been around.

TLO 02-22-2016 07:15 PM


mcaj22 02-22-2016 07:15 PM

please save us from this terrible era Shane O Mac!

'Hamas' Jenkins 02-22-2016 07:23 PM

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dude looks exactly like Bill Simmons now.

mcaj22 02-22-2016 07:31 PM

Shane McMahon vs Undertaker at WM in a Hell in the Cell Match

Shane wins he gets RAW, if Shane loses Vince gets his lockbox.

TLO 02-22-2016 07:31 PM

Maybe Taker will throw Shane'O off the top of the cell. :jester:

Jerm 02-22-2016 07:34 PM

Jesus Christ...Vince has lost his mind lol....

Sassy Squatch 02-22-2016 07:38 PM

Cena is going to save their main event.

'Hamas' Jenkins 02-22-2016 07:38 PM

I highly doubt that match happens. It would make 'Taker heel

Sassy Squatch 02-22-2016 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 12094310)
I highly doubt that match happens. It would make 'Taker heel

He was playing a heel not too long ago. Only turned face for his survivor series anniversary thing.

'Hamas' Jenkins 02-22-2016 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 12094313)
He was playing a heel not too long ago. Only turned face for his survivor series anniversary thing.

Just heelish tactics against Lesnar. He wasn't getting booed. He'll never get booed.

Jerm 02-22-2016 07:43 PM

Does anyone really think Shane is sticking around....?

Painfully obvious to me that this is strictly just to get some WM buzz and frankly because they had no one else for Taker.

mcaj22 02-22-2016 07:47 PM

So if Vince is championing Taker to beat Shane to make sure he doesnt takeover RAW

wouldnt Stephanie and Triple H also, then be cheering for Undertaker?

So we have a Corporate Taker again?

TLO 02-22-2016 08:02 PM

Someone is really dropping the ball when it comes to Bork Laser's pyro. LMAO

chiefscafan 02-22-2016 08:04 PM

Ok I have a swerve for u CM Punk helps Shane win. Hates he lost to undertaker hates Vince, HHH and Stephanie. In his pipe bomb never mentioned Shane. Wanted the legacy of WWE to be in good hands.

What do you think

Jerm 02-22-2016 08:09 PM

Would be awesome but it'll never about the Balor Club (Finn, Gallows, Anderson, maybe Nak) debuting and helping Shane win.

Joshuabmayer 02-22-2016 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by chiefscafan (Post 12094360)
Ok I have a swerve for u CM Punk helps Shane win. Hates he lost to undertaker hates Vince, HHH and Stephanie. In his pipe bomb never mentioned Shane. Wanted the legacy of WWE to be in good hands.

What do you think

That would be an ultimate swerve. I could get behind this 100 percent

mcaj22 02-22-2016 08:12 PM

the rights to WCW are probably in Shanes lockbox because he signed the contract to buy them so he could invoke the NWO clause and start the Balor Club.

chiefscafan 02-22-2016 08:12 PM

Hmm crazy person drives a truck ambulance to ring think I've seen it before when Austin did it

mcaj22 02-22-2016 08:15 PM

yea Dean is just a watered down shitty predictable Austin 2.0

BigCatDaddy 02-22-2016 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by mcaj22 (Post 12094384)
yea Dean is just a watered down shitty predictable Austin 2.0

Not really. More of a Piper/Nutty Flair version Combo.

TLO 02-22-2016 08:21 PM

Dean is fine. I'd like him 8x more if he never used that shitty rebound clothesline again though.

mcaj22 02-22-2016 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 12094393)
Not really. More of a Piper/Nutty Flair version Combo.

maybe in the ring but his storylines/things he does are rehashed right out of old Austin storylines

BigCatDaddy 02-22-2016 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by mcaj22 (Post 12094400)
maybe in the ring but his storylines/things he does are rehashed right out of old Austin storylines

Not really sure I see it. He is a bit of a Foley I guess with the loves getting his ass kicked.

Captain Obvious 02-22-2016 08:48 PM

That crowd reaction for Shane was incredible.

chiefscafan 02-22-2016 09:13 PM

Dang crowd is brutal tonight

chiefscafan 02-22-2016 09:15 PM

Are they calling ryback Goldberg?

Al Bundy 02-22-2016 09:16 PM

Looks like Luke Harpers wasn't hurt.

BigCatDaddy 02-22-2016 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by chiefscafan (Post 12094478)
Are they calling ryback Goldberg?

Heard a few Gilbergs to.

chiefscafan 02-22-2016 09:48 PM

What a boring last match

BigCatDaddy 02-22-2016 10:09 PM

Reigns booed and HHH cheered LMAO What a cluster.

Jerm 02-23-2016 07:32 AM

So why exactly would anyone want to see HHH/Reigns after that last night...?

Holy Christ, Haitch is totally playing and eating up the babyface role in this...hilarious.

mcaj22 02-23-2016 11:12 AM

I read the dirtsheets saying they want to stack the cards against Reigns so they asked Batista to be the special guest referee for the main event at WM and he said no.

I love Batista, one of the few dudes that get it

Swanman 02-23-2016 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by mcaj22 (Post 12095065)
I read the dirtsheets saying they want to stack the cards against Reigns so they asked Batista to be the special guest referee for the main event at WM and he said no.

I love Batista, one of the few dudes that get it

If the match goes as advertised right now, it will be an epic shit-fest. The crowd will be doing Bastion Booger chants halfway through.

For the Shane/Taker match, if it happens, it could be fun if it's a completely overbooked mess. I could imagine that's the match where you could get some interference from HBK and Rock if they want to get them involved. I also read some fantasy booking that involves Balor Club forming up (Balor, Gallows, Anderson, maybe Styles) and aiding Shane.

loochy 02-23-2016 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Swanman (Post 12095084)
If the match goes as advertised right now, it will be an epic shit-fest. The crowd will be doing Bastion Booger chants halfway through.

For the Shane/Taker match, if it happens, it could be fun if it's a completely overbooked mess. I could imagine that's the match where you could get some interference from HBK and Rock if they want to get them involved. I also read some fantasy booking that involves Balor Club forming up (Balor, Gallows, Anderson, maybe Styles) and aiding Shane.

Is Shane still capable of doing his epic spots?

Swanman 02-23-2016 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 12095090)
Is Shane still capable of doing his epic spots?

I seriously doubt it so if they do something, it will likely be gimmicked to hell and back. But who knows, he was a crazy ass and maybe still is.

mcaj22 02-23-2016 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Swanman (Post 12095084)
If the match goes as advertised right now, it will be an epic shit-fest. The crowd will be doing Bastion Booger chants halfway through.

For the Shane/Taker match, if it happens, it could be fun if it's a completely overbooked mess. I could imagine that's the match where you could get some interference from HBK and Rock if they want to get them involved. I also read some fantasy booking that involves Balor Club forming up (Balor, Gallows, Anderson, maybe Styles) and aiding Shane.

If we get some cool faction that Shane leads from that match it will be the best thing that happens for the WWE.

But their run with factions/groups lately (Social Outcasts, League of Nations, New Day, whatever the hell Kane, Big Show, Ryback were) has been nothing short of hot garbage.

They need the next NWO, DX, Evolution, Rated RKO, Shield, etc.

BigCatDaddy 02-25-2016 07:32 AM

Looks like they are muddying the waters a bit. Im wondering if they dont go with either a fatal 4 way or some type of 4 man tourney at Mania now with Ambrose/Lesnar/Reigns/HHH.

TLO 02-25-2016 07:06 PM

Nothing to do, so I'm watching Smack Down. The piped in crowd noise is obnoxious.

chiefscafan 02-29-2016 08:13 PM

Man they need to get the injured wrestlers back. Raw is boring

TLO 02-29-2016 09:29 PM


TLO 02-29-2016 09:32 PM

The **** was that shit?

BigCatDaddy 02-29-2016 10:23 PM

At least HHH got booed this time.

chiefscafan 02-29-2016 11:47 PM

They hype the undertaker who can barely walk to the ring anymore . And all that hope for a great segment and he says ten words then slowly walks up the ramp again

Very disapointing

big nasty kcnut 03-01-2016 01:42 AM

Well i think they trying to fill time and not reveal all the surprises. Like i hope to god the bullet club comes in. Also enzo and cass plus bayley!

TLO 03-07-2016 08:16 PM

Owens v Zayn = good

BigCatDaddy 03-12-2016 09:39 PM

Ambrose/HHH was actually pretty good. They are screwing up a good opportunity for Ambrose to carry the company. Lots of CM Punk chants LMAO

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