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keg in kc 05-25-2016 03:30 PM

Unrelated to the new movies but cool....

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DaneMcCloud 05-25-2016 04:17 PM

Star Wars Celebration Artwork

Bowser 05-30-2016 07:06 PM

So I watched VII again this weekend. I liked it still. Total and complete ripoff of IV, but I still enjoyed.

We had a conversation a while back about the First Order and how they came to be in possession of Starkiller Base. I had thrown out the idea that Palpatine had a research base out beyond the Outer Rim with who knows what floating around out there, and the fledgling First Order had found and raided it. Well, during his speech before they fired the weapon and destroyed most of the system, General Hux specifically said "...this base YOU Have built...", pretty much squashing my theory.

So we are to believe that in thirty years Starkiller Base was constructed and operated. I have a problem with that, especially considering it was roughly ten times the size of the Death Star. I don't know why it bugs me, but it does. Pretty small on the list of things that should have bugged me from that film, but I just can't get around that one little detail. Am I just being over critical, or is there a reason this is bugging me (like possibly some connection to VIII and IX?)?

(And I didn't want to bump the VII thread, so I just threw this in here)

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-30-2016 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12253355)
So I watched VII again this weekend. I liked it still. Total and complete ripoff of IV, but I still enjoyed.

We had a conversation a while back about the First Order and how they came to be in possession of Starkiller Base. I had thrown out the idea that Palpatine had a research base out beyond the Outer Rim with who knows what floating around out there, and the fledgling First Order had found and raided it. Well, during his speech before they fired the weapon and destroyed most of the system, General Hux specifically said "...this base YOU Have built...", pretty much squashing my theory.

So we are to believe that in thirty years Starkiller Base was constructed and operated. I have a problem with that, especially considering it was roughly ten times the size of the Death Star. I don't know why it bugs me, but it does. Pretty small on the list of things that should have bugged me from that film, but I just can't get around that one little detail. Am I just being over critical, or is there a reason this is bugging me (like possibly some connection to VIII and IX?)?

(And I didn't want to bump the VII thread, so I just threw this in here)

They've purposefully left a lot unanswered. The Bloodline book fleshes a few things out but doesn't give away any major secrets.

In any event, the new good guys have a classic SW vibe to them but the First Order just seems disjointed to me. IMO, it's going to take a LOT of Luke Skywalker to really get this thing moving.

DaneMcCloud 06-08-2016 02:29 PM

DaneMcCloud 06-08-2016 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12253355)
So we are to believe that in thirty years Starkiller Base was constructed and operated. I have a problem with that, especially considering it was roughly ten times the size of the Death Star. I don't know why it bugs me, but it does. Pretty small on the list of things that should have bugged me from that film, but I just can't get around that one little detail. Am I just being over critical, or is there a reason this is bugging me (like possibly some connection to VIII and IX?)?

(And I didn't want to bump the VII thread, so I just threw this in here)

DaneMcCloud 06-08-2016 02:34 PM

Also, Starkiller was built on an actual planet. It wasn't a stand alone space station so after it was designed, I doubt it took more than a few years to complete.

Bowser 06-08-2016 02:44 PM

Here is what made me say that -


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12266154)
Also, Starkiller was built on an actual planet. It wasn't a stand alone space station so after it was designed, I doubt it took more than a few years to complete.

That makes sense, and certainly explains why it has breathable oxygen and an existing ecosystem.

DaneMcCloud 06-08-2016 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12266175)
That makes sense, and certainly explains why it has breathable oxygen and an existing ecosystem.

I would imagine that the construction of the base will be detailed in one of the novels.

DaneMcCloud 06-19-2016 11:14 AM

Alright, this rumor has been out there for a couple of weeks now and is gaining traction everywhere. Even though this is the Spoiler Thread, if true, this is REALLY a massive spoiler. It also ties back to the latest series of books and Luke Skywalker, in which Rian Johnson contributed to the story line.


Sweet Daddy Hate 06-19-2016 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12281563)
Alright, this rumor has been out there for a couple of weeks now and is gaining traction everywhere. Even though this is the Spoiler Thread, if true, this is REALLY a massive spoiler. It also ties back to the latest series of books and Luke Skywalker, in which Rian Johnson contributed to the story line.


I'm REALLY not liking that. At all.

At this point, I'd rather have the "Rey is the granddaughter of Palpatine"-theory.

DaneMcCloud 06-19-2016 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12281663)
I'm REALLY not liking that. At all.

At this point, I'd rather have the "Rey is the granddaughter of Palpatine"-theory.

It sounds like fan fiction to me but apparently the person that leaked has been reliable in the past.

Knowing that Luke sought out the first Jedi Temple makes this spoiler more plausible but personally, it's not important for me to know the origins of The Force. That was the cool thing about the OT was that we were led to believe that anyone could become a Jedi.

It also reminds me of the Clone Wars episode that featured The Father, The Sister and The Brother, which makes it even more odd.

Also, too much of this "Chosen One" nonsense makes it feel like The Matrix, which is unnecessary and unwanted, IMO.

DaneMcCloud 06-19-2016 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12281663)
I'm REALLY not liking that. At all.

At this point, I'd rather have the "Rey is the granddaughter of Palpatine"-theory.

What makes most sense to me is that she's a Kenobi. Otherwise, why did she hear Obi Wan's voice in the ForceBack? Ewan and Alec Guiness?

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-19-2016 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12281857)
What makes most sense to me is that she's a Kenobi. Otherwise, why did she hear Obi Wan's voice in the ForceBack? Ewan and Alec Guiness?

I would prefer the Kenobi angle, and it would make some sense if Obi Wan abandoned the celibacy-thing while on Tatooine.

Red Brooklyn 06-19-2016 03:15 PM

My own personal preference based on rumors I've seen (I didn't read Dane's Spoiler above):

1. Her parents are people we haven't met yet; are not recurring characters in the SW universe so far.

2. She's a Kenobi

3. She's the Emperor's granddaughter

4. She's a Skywalker

5. She's Anakin reincarnated (fart noise)

6. She's a Han & Leia's kid.

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