Sweet Daddy Hate |
12-27-2017 08:35 PM |
Originally Posted by Rausch
(Post 13310142)
Not good. I'm not a fan of the long boring politics of Star Wars or the real world politics Lucas put in there. IMO the only real positive of the prequels was McGregor's performance despite what he had to work with.
I'd actually watch a "prequel" film that told his story after ROTS.
I actually liked the Poe, Finn, and Ray characters from TFA. The only things I didn't like were how OP Ray was and the soft-reboot storyline. It made no sense. It didn't ruin the film it just took away from it. TLJ had an opportunity to explain why Ray would be so OP and I think most fans would have been ok if they had done that.
But they didn't. And on top of that more questions were raised and more silliness was added.
If you watch the prequels again you'll see that Lucas did the same thing with Anakin. He was stupid OP and just magically great at everything. The only saving grace was his huge jump in time from the 1st and 2nd prequel films. Anakin was a Gary Stu in that first film, it was also bad then, but people often forget that when throwing shit at the new film...
The entire foundation of the prequels was ****ing garbage. Just HORRIBLY lazy and about as far away from the classic elements that make SW Star Wars as one can get.
Originally Posted by oaklandhater
(Post 13311490)
Best takes from her Break down
1.Non choices are worst than bad choices. Couldn't agree more.
2.Not putting a Lightsaber Duel in a mainline Story wars movie should be a fireable offense
3.Stop killing your interesting characters and having them hand the reins to less interesting younger characters
4.Give the audiences what they want. TLJ does the exact opposite of what people wanted for Rey and Luke's death.
Amazing. Everything you just posted by this idiot(s) is completely wrong.
Originally Posted by oaklandhater
(Post 13311502)
That doesn't matter.
He comes off smug as ****.
This shit even pisses fans off more.
for 2 years fans got them selves pumped with J.J's new characters and the mystery behind them.
For Rian to give us a non answer.
It's no wonder a good chunk of the Fan base is enraged.
I now love him more than ever.
Originally Posted by oaklandhater
(Post 13311536)
See the comparison to Batman V super man.
It's all about perception even if the Movie makes a ton of money Rian has damaged the brand for a shit ton of fans.
I and a ton of other OT fans will not see the SOLO movie which Rumor has it Disney is bracing for it to bomb Or Any Rian Johnson Star wars movie.
Oh God; dipshit Affleck and one of the absolute WORST attempts to miserably resurrect Superman post-Reeves?
If you listen closely, you can actually HEAR the sound of your credibility boarding the last train to Clarksdale.