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Rainbarrel 02-08-2024 06:59 AM

Uh oh
Wilson was a Detroit business man when he founded the Bills

Mr_Tomahawk 02-08-2024 07:06 AM

We need a new logo for buffalo that is just a graphic of a Field Goalpost showing the trajectory of the ball going wide right. And it just says "Buffalo" below the graphic. I would buy that shit on a shirt.

Raiderhater 02-08-2024 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17387130)
felt like this needed to be here

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-media-max-width="560"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BillsMafia</a> you gotta hear this alternate audio �� <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; ��️ Red Tribe Cinema (@ClayWendler) <a href="">February 8, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

The shot hear around the world? And they accuse us Chiefs fans of being arrogant and insufferable…

Sofa King 02-08-2024 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Raiderhater (Post 17387321)
The shot hear around the world? And they accuse us Chiefs fans of being arrogant and insufferable…

That's from the 90's kick. It's dubbed over this latest version of "wide right".

Raiderhater 02-08-2024 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 17387350)
That's from the 90's kick. It's dubbed over this latest version of "wide right".


RedinTexas 02-08-2024 08:41 AM

They've been pretty melodramatic about that missed field goal. They act as if it would have won the game. It would only have tied the game and put the ball in Mahomes' hands with nearly 2 minutes remaining. Bills fans struggle with reality, but they need to temper their whining with some cold hard facts.

ChiTown 02-08-2024 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by RedinTexas (Post 17387384)
They've been pretty melodramatic about that missed field goal. They act as if it would have won the game. It would only have tied the game and put the ball in Mahomes' hands with nearly 2 minutes remaining. Bills fans struggle with reality, but they need to temper their whining with some cold hard facts.

What it would have won them is an opportunity to watch Pat Mahomes drive down the field and put yet another bullet in their dreams. Either way, they were dead.

mr. tegu 02-08-2024 09:21 AM

The Bills take the AFC this seasom

Originally Posted by RedinTexas (Post 17387384)
Bills fans struggle with reality, but they need to temper their whining with some cold hard facts.

Funny you say that. Some recent posts from their board.


Josh Allen is the ONLY player in the NFL who can take over a game.

I give Mahomes loads of credit, but he's no Allen. Allen can be a bully.

Allen under Reid would have 4SBs and multiple MVPs.

Mahomes kicker made the kick from slightly closer, that's the only difference between them in that game.

Cheater5 02-08-2024 09:21 AM

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ptlyon 02-08-2024 09:25 AM

Breaking news
Bills fans are delusional. Film at 11.

tredadda 02-08-2024 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by RedinTexas (Post 17387384)
They've been pretty melodramatic about that missed field goal. They act as if it would have won the game. It would only have tied the game and put the ball in Mahomes' hands with nearly 2 minutes remaining. Bills fans struggle with reality, but they need to temper their whining with some cold hard facts.

They also think Allen is better than Mahomes, they have more talent than KC, oh and because KC beat Baltimore then they also would have after complaining how beat up their defense was.

pugsnotdrugs19 02-08-2024 09:28 AM

4 SBs?? Multiple MVPs??

Holy crazy batman.

They clearly have no feel for the intangible aspects of a QB. Just cause JA throws it far and can run like a RB doesn't mean he would win or be better with Andy. LMAO

Hammock Parties 02-08-2024 09:51 AM

If you wanna read some hardcore, illogical whining...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">For the muted folks arguing below. It would have been 3 wins in a row for Allen in a season with 52 tds to Mahomes 34. The chatter would have started of new qb1.... <br><br>But Diggs can&#39;t catch a ball that hits his hands in 2024.</p>&mdash; 7️⃣1️⃣6️⃣ TJ (@TJDMCR) <a href="">February 6, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Rainbarrel 02-08-2024 09:54 AM

Stats, a fools Disneyland

RedinTexas 02-08-2024 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17387467)
If you wanna read some hardcore, illogical whining...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">For the muted folks arguing below. It would have been 3 wins in a row for Allen in a season with 52 tds to Mahomes 34. The chatter would have started of new qb1.... <br><br>But Diggs can&#39;t catch a ball that hits his hands in 2024.</p>&mdash; 7️⃣1️⃣6️⃣ TJ (@TJDMCR) <a href="">February 6, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

IIRC, it didn't matter that he dropped that pass as they moved the ball down the field and got there anyway. Maybe, I'm recalling this incorrectly, but why piss and moan about that dropped pass if you overcame it anyway?

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