Buehler445 |
11-17-2023 08:55 AM |
Originally Posted by rfaulk34
(Post 17227488)
Once again i find myself sitting here wondering why i continue to be a Cincinnati are sports fan. A baseball team that hasn't won a playoff series since '95. A football team that shows a spark of success every few years then loses every single SB they've been in and a college basketball team with a coach that has wasted more talent that any 3 other coaches combined, who only won 1 championship because he had so much talent that he couldn't **** it up but then he did proceeded to **** that up a couple years later when he took an undefeated team to the final 4 and shit all over himself. Meanwhile, all the "rivals" of said area sports team are able to have extended periods of success with multiple championships.
So i'm gonna open up the floor. Please give me some ideas on what the **** is wrong with my brain that i continue to support the teams in this area when they do nothing but shit all over themselves and proceed to fall all over each other due to the massive amount of runny, smelly shit they've just produced.
Hey man, been there done that.
I was born in 83, so I don't remember the Royals WS and barely remember the KU 88 Ship.
After Roy shitting the bed and Self getting punked in 05,06,07, I was thinking KU was cursed. 08 legitimately changed my life. Basketball became fun again.
I knew the Chiefs were cursed FFS they were bad save 2 seasons of disappointement with a mercinary SF castoff. Then we were really good under Vermiel and won *checks notes* 0.00 playoff games...****.
Then the decade of darkness. I should have checked out far more than I did while the franchise was finding new and creative ways to be the worst ****ing fan experience possible.
Then we got Reid and and got respectable again. After the Andrew Luck (the concussion game) dog**** implosion I had to check out for a bit. I was barely paying attention to the Triplett game (**** that mother****er with a D9 Cat).
Then Mahomes happened and changed my fandom.
Just read some threads here from 2014, and we've all been there. Just check out for a bit if need be. Fandom is weird. I'm a pretty normal well adjusted dude. Run a business, have a good family, I'm pretty damned happy in life. But the Bowl win in 20 (and the KU win in 08) legitimately changed my life. I can't explain why it means what it means to my life. But it does.
Just hang tight, everybody on the board has been there. At least you won playoff games in the last 25 years, and UK isn't a post season dud.