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Imon Yourside 11-08-2022 12:30 PM

Returnal coming to PC, can't wait as it's really the only PS5 exclusive I have wanted since day one. :)

Imon Yourside 11-08-2022 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 16586935)
its a hundred for the expansions and a whole year.

I know this is an old post but theres a new year coming up and its about the same cost.

also , if you look around you can get the entire year for less .. like 75$

but you dont NEED the entire year packages, its just better to buy a whole year than a season at a time, i think

I didn't like the fact they take away content especially since it doesn't have enough varied PVE content for me to wanna keep grinding. I really only like the open world activities and strikes.

BigBeauford 11-08-2022 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 16588199)
Returnal coming to PC, can't wait as it's really the only PS5 exclusive I have wanted since day one. :)

Hell yes!

Imon Yourside 11-08-2022 01:39 PM

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="Deeply Customizable Superhero Action RPG!! | Let's Try Superfuse" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Another 2023 release, we need stuff this year please. :)

Imon Yourside 11-08-2022 04:14 PM

Horizon MMO coming to PC and PS5 by NCSOFT

ThaVirus 11-09-2022 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 16587785)
Is MW2 worth the buy? Reviews are mixed it seems.

Gonna get the new GOW tomorrow too. Pretty excited for it. I still need to beat the new Horizon. It's starting to get cold out so I'll want to stay indoors more and play.

I recently got the MW2 PS5 bundle and I'm a little mixed on it myself.

It's CoD so it's generally more of the same thing they've been pumping out for a decade now, but I don't like the new perk system or the weapon unlock system either.

For the perks: for each loadout you have two optional perks that you will start the game with. Then each loadout has an additional perk that will be unlocked roughly 5 minutes into the match, followed by an ultimate perk that will activate roughly 8 minutes into the match.

On top of that weird system, I don't like the perks much themselves. I've found myself settling on using "scavenger" which is one that I basically never used in previous games simply because the other options suck balls.

Also, and this is a more annoying issue for me at the moment, the weapon system requires you to unlock certain guns by using other guns, often from a completely different class. I mainly use SMGs and am trying to unlock all of them to see which one I like best, but instead of them all unlocking after reaching a certain level like normal, instead they require you to do research on which guns you'll need to use and level up before you even unlock it.

For example, there is an SMG I want to unlock called, idk, the Hurricane. In order to unlock it, I must first level the Kastov, which is an assault rifle, to level 12, but in order to do that I must first unlock the Kastov which requires me to level the Whatchamacallit, which is a sniper rifle, to level 25.

It is truly the stupidest ****ing thing on the planet and I'm not sure what ****ing psycho signed off on it.

ThaVirus 11-09-2022 09:17 AM

I said 'unlock' a lot in that post, but you get my point.

Idk who thought that shit was a good idea, but it's ****ing infuriating me right now. I just want to find the best SMG for me and instead they're making me use these dumbass single-fire rifles that I have literally NEVER used in any CoD I've ever played.

Oh, and not that this matters, but they've seemed to have done away with checking your stats. You can't even see your lifetime K/D or confirms/denies in Kill Confirmed, none of that. Small thing but still weird.

Sofa King 11-09-2022 09:35 AM

Oof. Seems like they continue to phone it in with COD.

ThaVirus 11-09-2022 10:14 AM

Don't get me wrong, I still have a ton of fun when I play.

This is my first CoD since WW2 so I'm not sure if this is new, but they allow you to choose multiple game modes prior to queuing. So I've just been picking TDM, FFA, Kill Confirmed and Domination and I can get into a diverse array of matches super quickly.

I just.. truly don't understand the logic behind forcing people to use one gun in order to unlock another.

Fish 11-09-2022 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16590760)
I recently got the MW2 PS5 bundle and I'm a little mixed on it myself.

It's CoD so it's generally more of the same thing they've been pumping out for a decade now, but I don't like the new perk system or the weapon unlock system either.

For the perks: for each loadout you have two optional perks that you will start the game with. Then each loadout has an additional perk that will be unlocked roughly 5 minutes into the match, followed by an ultimate perk that will activate roughly 8 minutes into the match.

On top of that weird system, I don't like the perks much themselves. I've found myself settling on using "scavenger" which is one that I basically never used in previous games simply because the other options suck balls.

Also, and this is a more annoying issue for me at the moment, the weapon system requires you to unlock certain guns by using other guns, often from a completely different class. I mainly use SMGs and am trying to unlock all of them to see which one I like best, but instead of them all unlocking after reaching a certain level like normal, instead they require you to do research on which guns you'll need to use and level up before you even unlock it.

For example, there is an SMG I want to unlock called, idk, the Hurricane. In order to unlock it, I must first level the Kastov, which is an assault rifle, to level 12, but in order to do that I must first unlock the Kastov which requires me to level the Whatchamacallit, which is a sniper rifle, to level 25.

It is truly the stupidest ****ing thing on the planet and I'm not sure what ****ing psycho signed off on it.

Wow. I was really considering purchasing this, but that sounds incredibly frustrating.

Imon Yourside 11-09-2022 01:54 PM

COD is Madden, change my mind lolz

ThaVirus 11-09-2022 01:57 PM

Yeah, like I said, I enjoy the game, but the more I think about it, the more it pisses me off. Why the **** would they think this was a good idea? All you do is piss off your player base. No one benefits from me having to play with single-fire rifles and LMGs when I don't want to play with them. I'm truly baffled as to what their thought process was.

You can read a bit more about it here:

And this quote shows exactly what I'm talking about. Note how many of these weapons you need to use are not even SMGs. It's absurd.


Below you'll find all eight SMGs and how to unlock them.

VEL 46
MX9 (Unlocks by leveling the STB 556 to lvl 13)
Lachmann Sub (Unlocks by leveling the Lachmann-556 to lvl 12)
Vaznev-9K (Unlocks by leveling the Kastov-74U to lvl 15)
FSS Hurricane (Unlocks by leveling the M4 to lvl 13)
Minibak (Unlocks by leveling the Vaznev-9K to lvl 14)
PDSW 528 (Unlocks at MR 5)
Fennec 45 (Unlocks at MR 38)

htismaqe 11-09-2022 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16590907)
Don't get me wrong, I still have a ton of fun when I play.

This is my first CoD since WW2 so I'm not sure if this is new, but they allow you to choose multiple game modes prior to queuing. So I've just been picking TDM, FFA, Kill Confirmed and Domination and I can get into a diverse array of matches super quickly.

I just.. truly don't understand the logic behind forcing people to use one gun in order to unlock another.

I don't mind when they gate upgraded weapons. It helps the player avoid becoming OP and ruining the game (I'm big on difficulty myself, I want a challenge).

But gating NEW weapons and forcing you to use weapons you don't even want to use is whack.

Pants 11-09-2022 05:36 PM

Modern Warfare 2019 was superb. Probably the best COD ever.

This one feels SOOOO much worse for some reason. Everything from perks, to the maps, to the weird unfinished feel of it. The skins and weapons progressions. Nothing is intuitive.

To me, 2019 was like a 95/100 and this is like a 70/100. I was so excited for this one and just feel so underwhelmed.

Bump 11-10-2022 12:54 AM

I actually purchased the PS5 call of duty bundle, the damn thing plays good on the ps5. I actually like this call of duty. The last one I played was black ops 3 I think.

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