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oaklandhater 12-26-2017 04:37 PM

Please shit can Kathleen Kennedy
that is all.

DaneMcCloud 12-26-2017 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13309208)

Star Wars: Source Claims Disney Preparing For 'Solo' to "Bomb"

1. Wrong thread

2. Q

3. Fake news

DaneMcCloud 12-26-2017 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13309210)
Please shit can Kathleen Kennedy
that is all.


oaklandhater 12-26-2017 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13309218)
1. Wrong thread

2. Q

3. Fake news

You don't see a link to Solo boming because of TLJ ?

mnchiefsguy 12-26-2017 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13309210)
Please shit can Kathleen Kennedy
that is all.

Are you serious? KK is not going anywhere.

Disney has pretty much made back the price the paid to acquire a very short amount of time.

She was hand picked by Lucas as well.

This is crazy talk.

oaklandhater 12-26-2017 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 13309229)
Are you serious? KK is not going anywhere.

Disney has pretty much made back the price the paid to acquire a very short amount of time.

She was hand picked by Lucas as well.

This is crazy talk.

Her fighting with Phil Lord and Chris Miller and giving Rian the keys to his own Trilogy before TLJ even came out which has the most back last of any star wars movie Since ATOC.

Should be more than enough to fire her.

DaneMcCloud 12-26-2017 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13309276)
Should be more than enough to fire her.

You're an idiot.

You should be banned from this thread.

You didn't like the film.


Sweet Daddy Hate 12-26-2017 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Just Passin' By (Post 13309065)
That's not cowardice

Where the **** is Luke a "coward" in TLJ? Of course, if this take is coming from 'The Jonas', then uh...yeah.


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13309222)
You don't see a link to Solo boming because of TLJ ?

Nope. R1 has established independent strength for the side-films going forward. 'Solo' is going to be ****ing HUGE.


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13309276)
Her fighting with Phil Lord and Chris Miller and giving Rian the keys to his own Trilogy before TLJ even came out which has the most back last of any star wars movie Since ATOC.

Should be more than enough to fire her.

Alright, first up; Frick and Frack were a poor ****ing choice for the movie to begin with. If you want to call her on THAT, then okay.

Secondly. TLJ is going to be looked at MUCH differently after the release of Epi 9, and probably even BEFORE that once the eleventy billion mouths of the internet finish up with their collective piss-parade. ( People on the internet hate shit? Really? WOW! Like....SHAM-WOW! derp ).

If anything, It seems to me that Kasdan is the one constant in this shit that has jumped the shark or just plain given up. 'Solo' could be his chance to, god-willing, return to a level of writing that made 'Empire' STILL the best movie in the franchise. Watched it last night, and it's still the champ.

Or, maybe ol' Kirsh really WAS that ****ing good. His comments and interviews from the 'Empire of Dreams' documentary CLEARLY show a man who put a LOT of his own talented stamp on to that movie. Well, let's ask ourselves:

If 'Empire' is accepted far and wide as the THE best film of the franchise while the others( outside of ANH )seem to be lacking and coming up short, what is the one element that we are missing?

DaneMcCloud 12-26-2017 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13309222)
You don't see a link to Solo boming because of TLJ ?

There's a thread already, dumb****, where this has been discussed.

Keep this shit up and I'll report you.

BigCatDaddy 12-26-2017 05:36 PM

I didnt mind 7 because I knew I was watching the prelim fight before the main event which was the return of Luke Skywalker Jedi Ass Kicking Machine. With what sounds like a huge let down I could give 2 shits about 9, let alone some spin-off Solo shit. Not sure what would bring me back as this point unless 8 was some type of ****ed up Dallas dream sequence shit.

DaneMcCloud 12-26-2017 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 13309298)
If 'Empire' is accepted far and wide as the THE best film of the franchise while the others( outside of ANH )seem to be lacking and coming up short, what is the one element that we are missing?

Kasdan didn't create the story for Empire; that was George Lucas, who also created the story to ROTJ. Kasdan wrote the scripts and dialog but didn't create the characters, character arcs, etc.

Kasdan co-wrote The Force Awakens. While the movie was essentially a beat-for-beat recreation of A New Hope, the direction, cinematography, casting, acting and dialog was top notch. Unfortunately, the story was unoriginal.

As for Solo, that's Larry's deal completely. He created the story and wrote the script. He wasn't exactly "down" with Lord & Miller but as the Dailies continued to pour in this past Spring, he all but lost his shit. He, KK and Lord & Miller had several meetings in an attempt to steer the film back on course but L&M continued to do multiple takes and turn a serious gangster film into Ace Ventura.

Kasdan is Star Wars Royalty and no one is going to shit in his playground.

As for your question, I think that it was just a matter of all of the elements coming together. A great story, a great director (hand chosen by Lucas), great cast, excellent dialog and imagery. Films like Empire don't happen because of one person; it's the sum of the parts.

Empire was a magical film that, most likely, will never be surpassed in the Star Wars galaxy of films.

Hammock Parties 12-26-2017 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 13309304)
I didnt mind 7 because I knew I was watching the prelim fight before the main event which was the return of Luke Skywalker Jedi Ass Kicking Machine.

That's not what this film was ever going to be about.

This trilogy isn't ABOUT Luke.

Even so, his climax in this film is absolutely perfect. You get the payoff you want if you are a Luke fan. I certainly did.

BigCatDaddy 12-26-2017 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13309318)
That's not what this film was ever going to be about.

This trilogy isn't ABOUT Luke.

Even so, his climax in this film is absolutely perfect. You get the payoff you want if you are a Luke fan. I certainly did.

I understand it was to move forward, but sounds like a huge let down for us expecting a bit bigger things than the curtain pulled back on the Wizard of Oz.

RINGLEADER 12-26-2017 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 13309304)
I didnt mind 7 because I knew I was watching the prelim fight before the main event which was the return of Luke Skywalker Jedi Ass Kicking Machine. With what sounds like a huge let down I could give 2 shits about 9, let alone some spin-off Solo shit. Not sure what would bring me back as this point unless 8 was some type of ****ed up Dallas dream sequence shit.

This is pretty much how I feel. If you could take just about the worst option imagineable on how to follow-up part 7 then TLJ managed to do it. I’ll see the other Star Wars films I’m sure but the franchise is on a downward trajectory.

RINGLEADER 12-26-2017 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13309318)
That's not what this film was ever going to be about.

This trilogy isn't ABOUT Luke.

Even so, his climax in this film is absolutely perfect. You get the payoff you want if you are a Luke fan. I certainly did.

Luke’s finale was just stupid, but it was about the eighth or nineth worst thing in the film.

You may have been satisfied but millions weren’t. That’s the difference between opinion and fact.

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