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To me it would cheapen IV. |
I think it would be a great "Holy shit!" moment for Obi Wan to accidentally bump into (not literally, of course) Darth Vader while on a mission for the Rebellion. |
But either way, that wasn't my point. It's not that Vader wouldn't be able to sense him, it's that Vader and Obi Wan don't necessarily need to have a confrontation if they're accidentally in the same location. Also, I think some people take this notion of "canon" way too far. Clearly, the Jedi weren't "extinct", as Tarkin states in A New Hope, as Obi Wan and Yoda are still alive. There's also been the introduction of Barash Vow, in which Jedi "deactivate" their powers, so there's no connection to the Force, making them invisible to other Force users. It's possible that Obi Wan took this vow, as did Luke, which is why Kylo Ren and Snoke have been unable to find him through the Force. https://static0.srcdn.com/wp-content...h=441&fit=crop |
It's feeling more and more like they're setting up Rey's fall to the dark side. Or at least hinting at some light/dark confusion and angst for some reason. Which seems odd after selling tons of merchandise alluding to her being the next cool Jedi.
It's pretty obvious they're setting up Gray Jedi, a blend of light and dark. The only question I have is that what Luke has been doing on an island by himself, teaching himself both ways and isolating himself just in case the dark side should take over?
It's a ballsy to move on from the latest trilogy so soon. Quote:
There's no way he sat around for 19 years, waiting for the right time to begin Luke's training. |
Unparalleled insight. |
150 minute run time I read somewhere earlier. Longest Star Wars film to date.
staring down snoke
https://i.imgur.com/BwXRHNn.jpg creepin https://i.imgur.com/g19Y1At.jpg https://i.imgur.com/hXdQAWl.jpg full album https://imgur.com/a/AjgTd |
And still no new info on Del Toro's character "DJ"....
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-uZv_gXLNew" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Andy Serkis says pain and greed drive Supreme Leader Snoke in The Last Jedi Some people absorb unspeakable pain, then vow to spend the rest of their lives working and fighting to make sure no one else has to suffer as they did. Others endure the same agony but deal with it by magnifying that pain — and blasting it back upon the world. Supreme Leader Snoke is one of the latter. The enigmatic ruler of the First Order finally emerges from the darkness in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and actor Andy Serkis is revealing a little more about the villain’s origin and creation. “This time you get to see him, as in his real presence,” says Serkis, who plays the towering Snoke via performance capture. “In the previous movie we saw him as this huge hologram and tele-presence, and you get to meet him in the flesh this time.” Serkis describes a cruel master, a 9-foot-tall alien humanoid who disparages and dominates his two lieutenants: Kylo Ren (played by Adam Driver) and General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson.) He’s a predator who identifies weakness and exploits it, drawing the young and promising to his side with promises of power, then using and discarding his protégés when they are no longer of use. He is seen here in hologram form in The Last Jedi, looking very Wizard of Oz as he bellows at Hux over some unspecified failure or disappointment. Serkis says much of that unhappiness will be directed at the former Ben Solo, however. “His training of Kylo Ren is not yielding what he wants,” Serkis says. “Therefore his anger towards Kylo Ren is intensified because he can’t bear weakness in others. Part of the manipulation is goading him with Hux and playing them off against each other.” Maybe the effect of that pairing has worn off, however. Snoke may need to start goading Kylo Ren with another disciple. (Watch yourself, Rey.) Snoke has an abiding rage toward the Galactic Republic, which he devastated in The Force Awakens by annihilating its capital with a blast from Starkiller Base. And now that anger has shifted toward the wounded Republic’s military force — the Resistance. “The thing about Snoke is that he is extremely strong with the Force, the dark side of the Force. He’s terribly powerful, of course. But he is also a very vulnerable and wounded character,” Serkis says. “He has suffered and he has suffered injury. The way that his malevolence comes out is in reaction to that. His hatred of the Resistance is fueled by what’s happened to him personally.” The Last Jedi will reveal that the First Order is far stronger than anyone else in the galaxy realized. “Despite the fact that the Starkiller Base has been destroyed and the Resistance has been putting up a fight, we will discover that the First Order has limitless resources in this one,” Serkis says. Exactly how Snoke suffered his deformity hasn’t yet been revealed, but we will learn more about it in this installment. At least, a little more. “Similar to with Rey’s parentage, Snoke is here to serve a function in the story,” writer-director Rian Johnson says. “And, you know, a story is not a Wikipedia page.” That means the film may not fill in all the blanks for the hardcore Snoke theorists. “For example, in the original trilogy, we didn’t know anything about the Emperor except exactly what we needed to know, which is what Luke knew about him, that he’s the evil guy behind Vader,” Johnson says. “But then in the prequels, you knew everything about Palpatine because that his rise to power was the story. We’ll learn exactly as much about Snoke as we need to. But the really exciting for me is we will see more of him, and Andy Serkis will get to do much more in this film than he did in the last one, and that guy is just a force of nature.” Since Snoke only appeared as a hologram in The Force Awakens, the performance by Serkis was mainly in the villain’s face (what’s left of it). Now that we’ll be in his actual presence, we get the full breadth of his movement — and his damage. “You witness his physicality,” Serkis says. “His body is kind of twisted up like a corkscrew, and so he has limited movement. His aggression and his anger is contained and restricted by that physicality.” After playing Gollum in The Lord of the Rings films, Serkis is used to knotting his body for a performance, or adjusting to a simian gait to play Caesar in the Planet of the Apes films. But for Snoke, he adds one piece of restraint to his own body. “The only thing I did use was across his jaw,” Serkis says. “His jaw is completely mangled and the left side of his face is mauled. So I had a way of taping down the lefthand side of my mouth to restrict the lip movement on that side.” Snoke’s shattered skull and open jaw were also inspired by something real from our own world. “His deformity is very much based on injuries from the First World War, from the trenches,” Serkis says. In that conflict, modern war machines ripped and gnarled human bodies like never before, but lifesaving contemporary medicine ensured the survival of men who otherwise would have died on the battlefield. They lived on carrying damage previously seen only on corpses. Perhaps because he does suffer so much, Snoke also makes a point to indulge in the comfort and riches that power bestows. Unlike Emperor Palpatine, who was draped in the relatively humble black robe of a Sith monk, Snoke wraps himself in the kind of shimmering gold usually seen in the palaces of dictators or Las Vegas entertainers. Revenge is only part of his motivation; greed is another. “Oh, absolutely. He’s slightly oligarch,” Serkis says. “You know, he’s not afraid of showing his fineries. There is a luxury that’s native to him.” You can see it in his throne room, and his scarlet-armored Praetorian Guard. “The way that his court is presented, he’s very totalitarian in that way and flamboyant,” Serkis says. “He enjoys that theatricality, I think.” |
Still all butt hurt over that Palpatine thing... |
Maybe his new trilogy, which will supposedly feature “new characters from a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored" could also include Snoke's rise to power. It would be interesting to see Snoke in the Unknown Regions, plotting his eventual takeover of the Empire and the rise of the First Order. Maybe Thrawn is one of his spies... |
There really is something familiar about this guy.
https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CyJJ39y6Y...1600/snoke.jpg |
"Snoke is bloody dark; way darker than Palpatine,” Andy Serkis tells us in the new issue of Empire. “He’s riddled with this osteoporosis so his body's twisted, like a corkscrew. He's incredibly damaged, so there's a bizarre vulnerability about him. Beneath that vulnerability, though, is this intense hatred." "He’s definitely not a Sith, but he’s certainly at the darker end of the Force. Without giving too much away, that begins to unfold a little in this one." |
As far as Ridley is concerned, the future of Rey is pretty much set. She doesn't want to play the character after the next movie. "No," she says flatly. "For me, I didn't really know what I was signing on to. I hadn't read the script, but from what I could tell, it was really nice people involved, so I was just like, 'Awesome.' Now I think I am even luckier than I knew then, to be part of something that feels so like coming home now." But, um, doesn't that sort of sound like a yes? "No," she says again, smiling a little. "No, no, no. I am really, really excited to do the third thing and round it out, because ultimately, what I was signing on to was three films. So in my head, it's three films. I think it will feel like the right time to round it out." --------- This is a great and super long interview but it's kind of shocking that Daisy Ridley says she's done after Episode IX. I guess this is why Rian Johnson was given the reins to create an entirely new trilogy with new characters and in a different section of the Star Wars Universe. |
She’s positioning herself for a Brinks Truck. It’s a smart business strategy. |
Abrams said in the same interview (and has said before) that he sees Episode IX as the end of the Skywalker saga, so there is symmetry to their statements. |
“This character could come straight out of a Bob Dylan or Tom Waites song, or even a Dostoyevsky novel,” says Del Toro in the new issue of Empire. “He’s like something out of Dickens; there have been characters like him in all kinds of literature.” “He’s like a knife: if you grab him by the blade, he’ll cut you. If you grab him by the handle, he can be very, very useful.” |
The collision of Good and Evil, Light and Darkness. New Destiny VS Destiny of the Past. It is the age of the First Order, the ruthless force of evil that has taken over the galaxy. The Resistance leaded by General Leia sends Rey to Luke, hero of the past, in order to find the last hope that’ll light the spark of victory. Through Luke, Rey finds a special power sleeping within her and unexpectedly communes with Kylo Ren, authority of the First Order… Who will become Light and who will become Darkness? The great battle over the destiny of Good and Evil begins!” |
I think Rian Johnson is going to kill it. I’ll be in the theater exactly two weeks and 2 and half hours from right now. So stoked. |
So are we thinking that's an older Ezra Bridger?
Now watch him be Ezra and Rey is the daughter of Ezra and Sabine, who were cousins with Obi-Wan, which is why she heard his voice first in her force vision. |
EDIT I'm sure somebody will mention Saw now in Rogue One but that was a stand alone movie. |
If Del Toro is, in fact, Ezra Bridger, his backstory can be filled in with a few lines of dialogue and nobody will think twice about it. |
SMH...again, does that character appear to be OLDER than Luke?
No, therefore it's not Ezra. |
Wait for it...
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/nwiCbcsIK6M?ecver=1" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
End of the franchise Not happening |
Clay jacks of to incest
Also, don't we know that Snoke watched the rise and fall of the Empire from afar? I feel like that was confirmed in one of the canon books or comics or something.
Soundtrack listing is out. Kind of paints a picture of where the plot might go. Beware the spoilers.
Do you have a link? |
But before I do...does the soundtrack listing seem to jive with the trailers? |
I can't find any track listing. Many sites, like Amazon, have it for sale but there's no track list.
I'd be surprised if any retailer posted it, especially after the outcry and backlash that happened after Episode 1, which revealed that Qui-Gon died. |
http://www.instagram.com/p/BcZ0pYtFk...starwarsmovies Fair warning. Big reveal at the end. |
No more trailers for me. |
Nothing spoilery here. Just Luke and R2 D2. Actually feels like the first time seeing Luke Skywalker and not grumpy old Mark Hamill with a beard. |
I hope they're able to recapture Luke Skywalker or at least show some of the ambitious but conflicted farmer's son he was. If not, then you're right - he's less Luke Skywalker and more Mark Hamill just showing up to play the heavy; a successor Obi Wan so to speak. |
I found the soundtrack on Youtube....but it doesn't have "Chrome Dome" as a track title. I spoilered the track listing for everyone. Not sure how 100% correct it is.
This is the track list I was talking about. Http://i.redd.it/ttjb1k8s9j201.jpg |
The cat dog thing?
Supposedly, the film opens with a huge space battle, then pivots to Ach-To, so it's possible that this a real leak. I'm just surprised that no dedicated Star Wars site, or even movie sites like Collider or many of the others, haven't picked up on it in 3 weeks. |
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