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I've used both - but for Dreamcast, Wii, and more recent arcade games, you have to have a computer/decent graphics card. The raspberry pi is a perfect (and cheap) option if you're only interested in the retro arcade games. |
The table I used presented a few problems with mounting of joysticks/trackball due to the actual table part being extremely thin. If I do go that route (and find some time), I'll report back. |
Pretty sweet Jason
If anyone wants a look at an old build buzzard beach has had theirs for a long time. Also there are nice Jayhawks and Chiefs table top builds in KC.
Thinking of picking up AC Odyssey....what's the consensus here?
Haven't played AC since Black Flag... |
REmake 2 in a few days too....man I'm hyped for that one.
2 has always been my fav. RE game and this version looks amazing. |
This just released a week ago, from ex bioware Austin devs. A game that thinks outside the box. 4 players coop vs 1 dungeon master. RPG elements and levelups skills etc
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YwWVcn7IgEQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
IGN said that second playthroughs aren't lined up like they were in the original, where you would beat Leon or Claire's campaign then play as the opposite to get the alternate playthrough. Instead when you beat Leon A then you need to play as Leon B to get the other side, same with Claire A and then her again for Claire B. They said it's really the only thing they can think of that's baffling about the game. |
RE 2 remake anyone?
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NODWNVpB2rM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1afApHf7C4w" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yPIjAy-6HuE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I haven't played any AC game, but my boss talks about it all the time and I've been thinking about diving into it. Can I jump right in to the newest one, or should i start with a specific one?
Odyssey and Origins are built much the same way. Origins is DEFINITELY worth playing. It's one of the most fun games I've ever played. |
I'm sure this has been addressed - but looks badass - pretty sure it's only avail for PS4. So I'm out. but for you Sony folk.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pdZQ98mWeto" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
No More random loot/gambling chests in fortnite, I guess the heat has finally been felt. Even how great the game has been fortnite was FAR worse than EA ever thought of being so it's about time.
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xW_u-LgX7Eg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
FYI for Playstation gamers, Sony launched a "year in review" service this week that actually shows you your play stats for 2018.
https://www.playstation.com/en-ca/ca.../2018/wrap-up/ |
Jesus Christ I played a ton of Red Dead.
I literally played 2 games for almost all of 2018. |
I have 1900 hours in Division 1, thanks steam for reminding me.
Jesus. I thought I was bad with over 200 hours in The Witcher 3.
You guys just made me feel better about myself. |
2157 hours. That's what, 3 months? ROFL
6 months I averaged over 200 hours. I work full time, which ends up taking up at least 9 hours a day, and I generally get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, so I don't think there's any way I was actually online that much. However, when Anthem launches... |
It started working like right after I posted that...Red Dead of course top play...150 hours.
****ing kids and family man.
In 2018....I played Far Cry 5 for a grand total of 48 hours. That's my highest in hours. Next in line? Minecraft with 32 hours....which my kids play. |
tell me more about the Far Cry series
Watch Dogs 2 okay? I'm trading Thief for it to a friend. Also how's Assassin's Creed - Origins? - i'll be picking that up for free too.
The more areas you unlock, the more awesome weapons you unlock, in addition to a bunch of other stuff. There's a shitload of "Challenges" available all over your map as well, that you can do for different guns/armor/etc. Hunting challenges that unlock different stuff, buy you have to do something crazy like take down a rabid grizzly bear with a bow and arrow. Driving challenges that will unlock new vehicles. Flying challenges, etc. You can be a nice guy, or a dick, and the game will change depending on your attitude. The most recent, FarCry 5, is pretty much the best of the bunch. You can hop on a 4 wheeler, and drive down the road to then hop in a helicopter with mounted missiles and regenerating machine guns. Or grab a hang-glider and jump of a cliff. Or hop in a truck with a mounted heavy machinegun on top that you can jump into from the driving position. Wide open, and you can just fly around and completely **** shit up. All vehicles are playable. The entire series has some great single player playthroughs. Differing from htism though, I really really hated Far Cry Primal, but really really loved FarCry 3, 4, and 5. |
thanks guys
The "formula" of Primal is still Far Cry, you just don't have any rocket launchers and your vehicles are cave bears or sabertooth tigers. It plays a little different than the normal FC games primarily because the environment is so harsh - it's a survival game too.
AC Origins is one of the most engaging games I've played in recent memory. I haven't been that obsessed with a PS4 game since AC Black Flag. |
I haven't got much time on Origins, I'd certainly take it for free though. And anyone letting you trade them Thief for either of those games is a dunce. Seeing as Thief has been free on both PS plus and Xbox Live in the last 2 years.
I sometimes with the other platforms did year in review because I have that 150 on red dead but my overall hours aren't super high because my gaming is split between that, xbox, switch and pc. |
I prefer Odyssey over Origins. But if you are a 100 percent completion obsessive person like myself when it comes to games, it’s almost overwhelming how huge that game is.
It's a very slow-paced game to start out and requires a lot of stealth. Once you get to the 3/4 mark or so on upgrades, you'll be nearly invincible but it takes a long, long time to get there. |
After playing Anthem last weekend I got the urge to jump back to Destiny...hadn't played since before Forsaken.
Bought Forsaken and man its awesome...I'm back down the rabbit hole lol. So much to do... |
I've been playing Black Flag again, I forgot how great it was. I think it's my favorite game of all time. |
Waiting on Days Gone, it looks pretty awesome.
Very similar to AC: BF. |
The new Tomb Raider is about to be free if you have gamepass...really good game.
Picked up Gran Turismo Sport for $12 at GameStop.
Really fun game. I was always a big GT fan in PS3? I think maybe GT3? Was the last one I had played. Whatever was the one that was showcased by ps3 way back when. So far really fun. Haven’t messed with online yet. Probably won’t . seems to be a lot of cars. Right now just making my way through the campaign, or whatever it’s called. Some of that shit is sort of boring. Like, I’m not interested in “racing” a 100hp car. AI is pretty reeruned like always. But you can accumulate credits pretty quickly. I’m at like 2.8M so far and that’s just playing through the the campaign and some of the driving school. I do like ho you have a daily mileage goal, and if you meet it, you get gifted a car. Though I don’t play it every day, each time I meet that days mileage goal, I get a car.. I could honestly care less about racing against AI. I’m the type who gets enjoyment from turning laps and trying to hit perfect lines, maintain tire health and get consistent lap times. Not bad At all for $12. I took a break from RDR2 by going back to Madden...but after RDR2, Madden is just trash. Only played a few hours, the. Said **** tHis, and went to gamestop for some used game shopping. God Madden is awful. I’d rather the. Just take a two year break or more and put out a legit football game. Or, simply sell the new year for $25 since it’s basically only worth that for wheat small shit they change and how they refuse to change everything that is broken. |
I've gotten about 1/2 of the AC games for free on Uplay. Right now AC Chronicles China is free on Uplay simply login on PC and add it to your library.
I love japanese games, they are really good. I love Persona series. I started to play Persona 3 portable
I rea yesterday AC3 is coming out for current gen in March, with all the DLC included, and if you have an Odyssey season pass, all free. |
Division 2 beta is the shit baby, much more alive than the 1st one. I'm somewhat shocked Massive could pull this off.
Anyone playing Apex Legends? Take it from me (the supreme hater of Battle Royal style games) - it's very fun and engaging.
I’ll have to check it out. |
I am so tired of all of the Fortnite multiplayer battle royal games, I've had enough.
Metro Exodus is about to drop. Anyone else pumped?
if you could run into some money the steering wheel Thrustmaster G-GT is amazing it is like 700 tho |
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