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Omaha 05-30-2014 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 10660735)
Sorry guys. My plate is just simply too full to put any thought into this right now.

Another weekend of all work and no sleep coming up...


Chief Roundup 05-30-2014 02:36 PM

So now is when this thread dies.

TimBone 05-30-2014 02:48 PM

SNR is the new roastmaster.

loochy 05-30-2014 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 10660735)
Sorry guys. My plate is just simply too full to put any thought into this right now.

Another weekend of all work and no sleep coming up...

WTF? Why did you say you were going to do this if you didn't have the time to do it?

RealSNR 05-30-2014 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10660802)
SNR is the new roastmaster.

Nobody ever gets my references.

I was, however, quite proud of calling Saul Good "frazod's butt lamprey"

Anyong Bluth 05-30-2014 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 10660441)
They say opposites attract...and I'm sure it's obvious to everyone that SAUTO prefers writing long-winded, vebose posts while I'm the type of dude who is direct, to the point and can complete a post in a couple seconds.

Sauto and specializing in bashing peoples' faces in. ARGH!!!!

Rico Sauto....that sounds similar to Rico Suave. LMAOLMAOLMAO

Give me your geopolitical strategy for the next 20 years in succinct "to the point" short fashion.

TimBone 05-30-2014 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by SNR (Post 10660818)
I was, however, quite proud of calling Saul Good "frazod's butt lamprey"

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

loochy 05-30-2014 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10660822)
Give me your geopolitical strategy for the next 20 years in succinct "to the point" short fashion.

f them all

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 10660216)
Please tell me that bambi is in the Top 10 of this list?

**** no. That little turd. He will make the other list for sure though.

TimBone 05-30-2014 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661010)
**** no. That little turd. He will make the other list for sure though.

So, what happens now with Htis covered up for the foreseeable future? Is is shutdown and we wait on him? Or do we move forward with a new roastmaster?

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by SNR (Post 10660717)
I'd just appreciate it if the thread would stick with its intended title.

I signed up to watch htismaqe post some names in the style of his choosing. I liked the way he did it.

All of a sudden PGM took over and changed up the format. Now it's no better off than last year's, when it was Hootie and frazod's butt lamprey posting them.

Let htismaqe take his time, but for God's sake, do this the right way.

The masses became angry and were storming the gate, so we decided that I would take over for a bit. I don't plan on doing too many.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661014)
So, what happens now with Htis covered up for the foreseeable future? Is is shutdown and we wait on him? Or do we move forward with a new roastmaster?

I can fill in for a bit if people liked my roasts. If not it will be an all day bullshit extravaganza until smaque work load let's up.

bevischief 05-30-2014 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 10660751)
And very ****ing grumpy according to my wife.

That's almost every married man...

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10660802)
SNR is the new roastmaster.

I like this idea. SNR you up for it?

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 05:05 PM

Him or loochy

bevischief 05-30-2014 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661010)
**** no. That little turd. He will make the other list for sure though.

Short bus list?

htismaqe 05-30-2014 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 10660813)
WTF? Why did you say you were going to do this if you didn't have the time to do it?

I didn't know it was going to be quite this bad, obviously.

Of course, Murphy's Law usually applies in these situations so it probably would have been prudent for me to just expect the worst.

Anyway, there's no need for me to explain myself to you.

Go fist yourself.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 05:17 PM

I have names ready if someone wants to step up to the plate. My Virus one was definitely 9 pooties though.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 10661030)
Short bus list?

Bambi is a midget?

bevischief 05-30-2014 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661058)
Bambi is a midget?

The other yellow one.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Roundup (Post 10660779)
So now is when this thread dies.

Nope. I will roast as many of you bastards as I need to.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 10661060)
The other yellow one.

Well we already knew he was a mental midget

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 05:20 PM

A non Chief fan is next on the list.

Anyong Bluth 05-30-2014 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661067)
A non Chief fan is next on the list.

Clark Hunt(?)

SAUTO 05-30-2014 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661056)
I have names ready if someone wants to step up to the plate. My Virus one was definitely 9 pooties though.

I thought we were all in this together...

We ****ing wait. If those ****ers don't like it so what.

If it dies its not like we can't bump it.

But it ain't gonna die even if every ****ing thought I have is a post.

PGM no more names till our boy gets free.

Posted via Mobile Device

Hammock Parties 05-30-2014 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661067)
A non Chief fan is next on the list.

Bring it on.

Fire Me Boy! 05-30-2014 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 10661136)
I thought we were all in this together...

We ****ing wait. If those ****ers don't like it so what.

If it dies its not like we can't bump it.

But it ain't gonna die even if every ****ing thought I have is a post.

PGM no more names till our boy gets free.


Posted via Mobile Device


htismaqe 05-30-2014 05:59 PM

If you guys WANT to wait, that's fine. Color me flattered.

I'm just warning you that it's probably going to be a while, maybe several days before things let up. I certainly don't expect you to wait.

SAUTO 05-30-2014 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 10661147)
If you guys WANT to wait, that's fine. Color me flattered.

I'm just warning you that it's probably going to be a while, maybe several days before things let up. I certainly don't expect you to wait.


Like I said we were all here together starting this , we should wait.
Posted via Mobile Device

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10661140)
Bring it on.

My Virus one was dedicated to the dating thread....seems it went RIP lately

TLO 05-30-2014 06:03 PM

I am dissapoint.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 10661136)
I thought we were all in this together...

We ****ing wait. If those ****ers don't like it so what.

If it dies its not like we can't bump it.

But it ain't gonna die even if every ****ing thought I have is a post.

PGM no more names till our boy gets free.

Posted via Mobile Device

All day bullshit it is then.

htismaqe 05-30-2014 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 10661155)

Like I said we were all here together starting this , we should wait.
Posted via Mobile Device

We're burning down a fireworks stand at the end of the month regardless...

TimBone 05-30-2014 06:05 PM

So, I guess we wait. Fine by me. Good luck with the work Htis. Get it done!

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:05 PM

Sauto hated my roasts!!! Ban him!

htismaqe 05-30-2014 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661167)
So, I guess we wait. Fine by me. Good luck with the work Htis. Get it done!

I'd rather win.

That's the worst part about this. It's physically and emotionally draining and in the end, it's about 50/50 as to whether or not all this work pays off. Actually in this particular case, our chances of winning are probably closer to 20%. It's just very hard for anybody in big business to say "we're going to pass on $50M worth of business."

SAUTO 05-30-2014 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661170)
Sauto hated my roasts!!! Ban him!

Actually I didn't but we all have a part in this.
Posted via Mobile Device

SAUTO 05-30-2014 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 10661161)
I am dissapoint.

Sorry son, stay tuned though.
Posted via Mobile Device

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 10661174)
Actually I didn't but we all have a part in this.
Posted via Mobile Device

Absolutely. I am fine in my current role in it. Besides these things are tough to do.

TimBone 05-30-2014 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 10661172)
I'd rather win.

That's the worst part about this. It's physically and emotionally draining and in the end, it's about 50/50 as to whether or not all this work pays off. Actually in this particular case, our chances of winning are probably closer to 20%. It's just very hard for anybody in big business to say "we're going to pass on $50M worth of business."

Damn. Well, I hope it works out bud.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 10661161)
I am dissapoint.

Still poking that chick?

SAUTO 05-30-2014 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661186)
Absolutely. I am fine in my current role in it. Besides these things are tough to do.

No disrespect given
Posted via Mobile Device

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:11 PM

**** it. The dating thread is dead. Someone tell us a hookup story. We gots time.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 10661191)
No disrespect given
Posted via Mobile Device

None taken.

TimBone 05-30-2014 06:17 PM

If we're in dire need of entertainment, I can repost my Houstonwhodat roast.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661202)
If we're in dire need of entertainment, I can repost my Houstonwhodat roast.

Let it rip. This thread is no holds barred.

TimBone 05-30-2014 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661209)
Let it rip. This thread is no holds barred.

Let me find it.

TimBone 05-30-2014 06:24 PM

Houstonwhodat is dumb. If ignorance is bliss, he must be overjoyed. He may be the only person on this board who is wrong more often than Clay. Except it's not just about football takes. It's about everything. He claimed to be a foodie in one thread and then championed Rudy's in Texas as world class bbq.

He's also a racist. If there is a thread that has a chance to turn into a "ninja" hatefest, you can rest assured Houstonwhodat is lurking somewhere nearby waiting to pounce. He's the kind of guy that's super nice to a black guy when talking to them and then walks away feeling proud of himself for being such a wonderful humanitarian. Hes from New Orleans, and on days that he drives by the old plantations and sees the slave huts, he cant help but think of "the good ol' days."

He is to the Saints what Knowmo is to the donks. He regularly fantasizes of being sodomized by Drew Brees and Sean Payton in a back alley of the piss soaked streets of New Orleans. Jimmy Graham is his favorite player, and his favorite thing about him is that he's light skinned enough for Houstonwhodat to pretend he's white while he has his helmet on. He hates all mobile quarterbacks, as long as we're assuming mobile means black.

Idols: George Bush, Byron De La Beckwith, James Earl Rey, George Zimmerman, and the crazy bearded Vietnam vet that beat up the black dude on the bus.

loochy 05-30-2014 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 10661036)
I didn't know it was going to be quite this bad, obviously.

Of course, Murphy's Law usually applies in these situations so it probably would have been prudent for me to just expect the worst.

Anyway, there's no need for me to explain myself to you.

Go fist yourself.

Lol. I heart you.

bevischief 05-30-2014 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 10661147)
If you guys WANT to wait, that's fine. Color me flattered.

I'm just warning you that it's probably going to be a while, maybe several days before things let up. I certainly don't expect you to wait.

It's the off season like nothing else is going...

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 10661242)
It's the off season like nothing else is going...

We are headed for 10 k

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 06:45 PM

I would love to see a Simply Red roast of Smed.

TimBone 05-30-2014 06:56 PM

lol....I swear my roast can stop a thread dead in it's tracks.

TimBone 05-30-2014 06:57 PM

I didn't think it was all that bad for my first try.

It's pretty much one long racist accusation though.

bevischief 05-30-2014 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661293)
I didn't think it was all that bad for my first try.

It's pretty much one long racist accusation though.

How much have you had to drink...

ThaVirus 05-30-2014 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10658859)
85. Tha Virus

This poster is in an extremely good mood lately. He recently returned from a weekend trip to St. Louis where he was constantly referred to as the "best boyfriend ever".

His username doesn't mean what most think it does. He does not have mass unprotected sex with scores of random sluts. Tha Virus is an expert computer hacker with Level 50 Halo internet street cred.

But, back to the girlfriend. Here is a before and after pic. 150 bottles of grape gatorade and a whole lot of luvin later...


Well done. I like the way you tied it all into the Dating Megathread. Unfortunately, what made it so great was probably it's biggest weakness. Most people have no idea what goes on in that thread.

TimBone 05-30-2014 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 10661299)
How much have you had to drink...

lol...I'm at work boss. No drinking yet.

bevischief 05-30-2014 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661308)
lol...I'm at work boss. No drinking yet.


Steron 05-30-2014 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661308)
lol...I'm at work boss. No drinking yet.

Flybone, I thought Ms Dobbs' stalker killed you......

TLO 05-30-2014 07:07 PM

I remember when I thought Flybone was Hootie.

Those were the days man..

RealSNR 05-30-2014 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661027)
I like this idea. SNR you up for it?

You give me a name or two and I'll do it

TimBone 05-30-2014 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 10661324)
I remember when I thought Flybone was Hootie.

Those were the days man..

You weren't the only one. When I first created this account, I must have got around ten rep messages and pm's asking if I was hootie. I was accused of being a couple of other posters as well. Luckily, I was never accused of being Blackbob. At least not that I remember.

TimBone 05-30-2014 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Steron (Post 10661319)
Flybone, I thought Ms Dobbs' stalker killed you......

Sorry, not getting the reference, bub.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by SNR (Post 10661330)
You give me a name or two and I'll do it

I'd be good with it. Any seconds?

Of course you could always do a couple of honorable mention ones ala InMen

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 10661305)

Well done. I like the way you tied it all into the Dating Megathread. Unfortunately, what made it so great was probably it's biggest weakness. Most people have no idea what goes on in that thread.

Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed it.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661359)
You weren't the only one. When I first created this account, I must have got around ten rep messages and pm's asking if I was hootie. I was accused of being a couple of other posters as well. Luckily, I was never accused of being Blackbob. At least not that I remember.

You aren't a Bob mult?

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661292)
lol....I swear my roast can stop a thread dead in it's tracks.

This is a slow time of year for the planet. Which is why a thread like this was necessary....well that or all the food threads.

TimBone 05-30-2014 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661385)
You aren't a Bob mult?

I never said I wasn't. Just haven't been accused of it yet. Sauto has been sniffing around my posts lately though, so we'll see.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661271)
I would love to see a Simply Red roast of Smed.

This has been arranged.

SAUTO 05-30-2014 07:38 PM


What's up guys

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661396)
I never said I wasn't. Just haven't been accused of it yet. Sauto has been sniffing around my posts lately though, so we'll see.

Well let's hope that is all he is sniffing for

TimBone 05-30-2014 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661472)
This has been arranged.

Since we're going to wait for Htis, how about SNR just roast random guys that we know for sure won't make the list? Perhaps do a houstonwhodat roast some justice.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-30-2014 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661480)
Since we're going to wait for Htis, how about SNR just roast random guys that we know for sure won't make the list? Perhaps do a houstonwhodat roast some justice.

Yeah that's what I am thinking. Will check on some names.

SAUTO 05-30-2014 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10661378)
I'd be good with it. Any seconds?

Of course you could always do a couple of honorable mention ones ala InMen

I think they should be honorable mentions. Smaqe is the presenter of the list

SAUTO 05-30-2014 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661480)
Since we're going to wait for Htis, how about SNR just roast random guys that we know for sure won't make the list? Perhaps do a houstonwhodat roast some justice.

Just roast anyone, doesn't matter if they get it twice

Steron 05-30-2014 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661367)
Sorry, not getting the reference, bub.

TimBone 05-30-2014 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Steron (Post 10661528)

Oh god damn.....I forgot all about that shit. I wonder if I still have those texts? Creepy as ****. Was there ever a conclusion with that?

Katipan 05-30-2014 08:04 PM

I don't have anywhere else to put this so it's going here. But it's ok because it's a htismage thread.

Couponing like a champ!

Steron 05-30-2014 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Flybone McTimmerson (Post 10661537)
Oh god damn.....I forgot all about that shit. I wonder if I still have those texts? Creepy as ****. Was there ever a conclusion with that?

No idea. I know it lost steam real quick.

lewdog 05-30-2014 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan (Post 10661554)
I don't have anywhere else to put this so it's going here. But it's ok because it's a htismage thread.

Couponing like a champ!


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