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MahiMike 03-04-2015 03:56 PM

Thank God!

TimBone 03-04-2015 03:59 PM

You know, I would call BS on all this big cock braggery, but the one cock I saw in a Arrowhead Stadium bathroom was ****ing huge.

I wasn't purposely looking either. I had just turned around from using the urinal and a drunk dude was stumbling towards the urinal. He had whipped his Johnson out on his way to it. My guess is partly because he was drunk and partly because he was proud of it. Can't say I blame him. If mine was that size, I'd be whipping it out everywhere. And I would have already pm'ed hootie pics.

TimBone 03-04-2015 04:00 PM

I capitalized Johnson purposely. When it's that size, it warrants capitalization.

Frosty 03-04-2015 04:33 PM

Shit, at this point in time, I'm just glad everything still works.

srvy 03-04-2015 04:35 PM

The old piss troughs at Arrowhead you gotta go really bad. They are all full except an opening between 2 black guys. Do you?

A) Bow your head in shame and walk out.

B) Walk over to the sink and pretend to wash hands until they finish.

C) Squeeze in like you belong as the CP poll indicates.

Strongside 03-04-2015 04:41 PM

We must be one hung fan base.

Raiders fans are packing the most meat though.

Get it? Haha. It's funny because they're black.

ShortRoundChief 03-04-2015 04:45 PM

When asked about examining 15,000 penises Clayton replied with "dude, it was the greatest job I ever had."

Now Clayton has "come" across "hard" times. The job market has "suffered from shrinkage" and the hours that were once "long" are now "shriveled" up.

ShortRoundChief 03-04-2015 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11360876)
The old piss troughs at Arrowhead you gotta go really bad. They are all full except an opening between 2 black guys. Do you?

A) Bow your head in shame and walk out.

B) Walk over to the sink and pretend to wash hands until they finish.

C) Squeeze in like you belong as the CP poll indicates.

Dude. I'd climb on their shoulders if I had to piss bad enough.

ToxSocks 03-04-2015 04:54 PM

Im honestly not surprised most here are reporting higher than 5". No, i don't believe the majority are lying. 5" seems really ****ing small.

Im a small dude in stature (5-9") and even my dick is bigger than that.

I don't think the poll is inaccurate. Maybe some are lying, but i doubt most are.

5"...that's a small dick....

srvy 03-04-2015 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 11360936)
Im honestly not surprised most here are reporting higher than 5". No, i don't believe the majority are lying. 5" seems really ****ing small.

Im a small dude in stature (5-9") and even my dick is bigger than that.

I don't think the poll is inaccurate. Maybe some are lying, but i doubt most are.

5"...that's a small dick....

What is the specs for measuring a dick? That may be whats throwing all. Being a land surveyor we are experts in measurements but we need some guidelines.
Oh and by the way surveyors do measure up!

ToxSocks 03-04-2015 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 11360972)
What is the specs for measuring a dick? That may be whats throwing all. Being a land surveyor we are experts in measurements but we need some guidelines.
Oh and by the way surveyors do measure up!

Shrug. I go from the top of the base. 5"x3" seems pretty small. If you measure from the nutsack, then you probably end up with an extra inch or two.

BucEyedPea 03-04-2015 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 11360702)
Wait, there's a bad curve?

Curves can hurt.Ya' know one that makes like the letter "C"? It's like doing it with Captain Hook. Know what I mean? :hmmm:

Rudy tossed tigger's salad 03-04-2015 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Hootie 2.0 (Post 11360496)
there were like 5 guys on my shitty football team in high school who ran "4.2" 40s

you know

because those high school football coach stop watches are so accurate (and they aren't trying to build up a false sense of confidence into these kids)

I don't think anyone realizes how fast a ****ing 4.7 40 is ... let alone a Chris Johnson 4.24

Yep. My school's "4.28" RB lasted one year of D1 ball. The SPARQ camps are doing a better job of getting accurate electronic times out there. Wasn't long ago that everybody was reported as having a 4.3-4.5

srvy 03-04-2015 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rudy lost the toss (Post 11360994)
Yep. My school's "4.28" RB lasted one year of D1 ball. The SPARQ camps are doing a better job of getting accurate electronic times out there. Wasn't long ago that everybody was reported as having a 4.3-4.5


Whats this got to do with dick size.

Pepe Silvia 03-04-2015 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan (Post 11360599)
oh it all works. Even teenie weenie.

Not Native tho.
Can't have sex with Native.

Normal people bottom out.

If you have a really big penis and we're about to get intimate you should just tell me and we'll high five take some selfies and go our separate ways.


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