Originally Posted by rockymtnchief
(Post 7583962)
Don't make me threaten you guys on the intrawebs! Get this shit moving or I'll stuff my 6'7" 280 pound body (complete with 12.75" genitilia) into my Ferrari, hunt you down and whoop dat ass! (That is if my $250,000 per year job allows the time)
I kinda screwed up on FB. I added my daughter, who thinks I'm a saint, to keep tabs on her page. Now I cant post half the crap I want to. I'll really have to watch what I do in my Bucking Horse Sale pictures this year.:banghead:
There is a secret...
When you do your status, there appears a little lock to the right of the status....
Click on it, and go to customize, brings up a screen & you can specify it to hide your status from certain people.:thumb:
Well, you'll have to get past my security down at the front gate. That is If I'm even at home.