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Hammock Parties 12-28-2024 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Basileus777 (Post 17879887)
Steve Smith really doesn't like his game. Thinks he needs to be a big slot and won't work as an X receiver. He doesn't think much of his athleticism either.


they drafted Tyler Boyd

Basileus777 12-28-2024 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17879888)

they drafted Tyler Boyd

Coleman can't separate at all on the outside, that video has a bunch of clips of him getting handled in press and man coverage running a bunch of backyard football routes. They tell an anecdote from an AFC defensive coach that said before Buffalo traded for Cooper they had nothing worth respecting on the outside.

I dunno why Buffalo drafted him so high, he's a project that has very little of the fundamentals you need to actually be a good contested catch guy in the NFL. He'd be fine as a third round pick, but trading down from the first to take him at the top of the 2nd? No way.

ThyKingdomCome15 12-28-2024 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 17879798)
They better not just use Worthy on the easy stuff since Brown is back. I think Worthy is a more capable pass catcher and is a bigger play maker. He needs to be used more than just a gadget guy.

Mahomes doesn't see him half the time or doesn't have the protection to wait. Those easy screens and inside out pivots are the easiest way to get some yards or much more. It also makes the coverage move up or it's death by a thousand cuts and lots of time coming off the clock.

Basileus777 12-28-2024 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by ThyKingdomCome15 (Post 17879893)
Mahomes doesn't see him half the time or doesn't have the protection to wait. Those easy screens and inside out pivots are the easiest way to get some yards or much more. It also makes the coverage move up or it's death by a thousand cuts and lots of time coming off the clock.

Xavier is really good at creating quick separation against man, and moving him around and in the backfield creates mismatches. Andy got him man to man against a Pitt linebacker on one of Worthy's big plays.

Bl00dyBizkitz 12-28-2024 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 17879777)
look at all the space LMAO

these are playoff teams LMAO

the Bills and Ravens suck far worse on defense LMAO

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Chiefs</a> are hitting the easy button more to get Xavier Worthy the ball in space<br><br>Worthy has 100 yards and 4 1st Downs on screens this year. 45 of those yards &amp; 2 of the 1st downs have come in the last 2 games<br><br>Hollywood&#39;s return makes X more available for the simple stuff <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ron Kopp Jr. (@Ron_Kopp) <a href="">December 28, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

This is the classic pass play as a run play Andy likes. Makes sense, our run game couldn't get started in between the hashes.

MahomesMagic thinks these are gadget plays?

Snerd 12-28-2024 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 17879364)
McConkey was their miss. Dude would have been lethal in that offense.

Yep, that dude's going to be a PITA for a while.

Kiimo 12-28-2024 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17879393)
Not really? Much rather he wallow on that dumpster fire of a franchise than somewhere he'd actually be a pain in our ass like Buffalo or Baltimore.

Sure, if you take my dynasty draft pick of BTJ out of the equation!!! But why would you do that when you know how important it is???

Chris Meck 12-28-2024 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Bl00dyBizkitz (Post 17879937)
This is the classic pass play as a run play Andy likes. Makes sense, our run game couldn't get started in between the hashes.

MahomesMagic thinks these are gadget plays?

He wants video game football. It doesn't count if the ball doesn't have 20 yards in the air, at least.

Kiimo 12-28-2024 11:45 AM

He should watch the Bengals or the Browns. Plenty of excitement before Jan 8th!

MahomesMagic 12-28-2024 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Meck (Post 17880016)
He wants video game football. It doesn't count if the ball doesn't have 20 yards in the air, at least.

In another thread I outlined the best path for the offense was to force the other team into 2 high safeties and to throw the ball to Kelce and D Hop in the 8-12 yard range.

AKA, 2022 Kansas City Chiefs offense. That's not based on video games you mongoloid.

Tribal Warfare 01-06-2025 07:13 PM

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Rainbarrel 01-06-2025 07:20 PM

He likes to bare some skin

cmh6476 01-18-2025 07:11 PM

was it just me or did this dude look like a different player today?

Deberg_1990 01-18-2025 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by cmh6476 (Post 17918779)
was it just me or did this dude look like a different player today?

Hopefully he gets stronger because he gets taken down too easily on first contact. But that one over the shoulder grab he had was incredible

gordonelloyd 01-18-2025 11:03 PM

I think worthy made more progress in being a big contributor today

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