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LiveSteam 10-04-2011 06:39 PM

Congrats Tiger fans.

Rams Fan 10-04-2011 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Stewie (Post 7967988)
Not at all. BYU is a superior replacement.

Whatever floats your boat, mang.

Crush 10-04-2011 06:39 PM

Who is this guy on 610 who still thinks Mizzou is going to the Big 10?

Stewie 10-04-2011 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou_8541 (Post 7967987)
Mizzou hasn't gone anywhere yet. Not sure why you are so butthurt.

Do you pay attention? Every school that has done what MU just did has always moved on.

OnTheWarpath15 10-04-2011 06:39 PM

It's early, and the butthurt is already nearing biblical proportions.

Sassy Squatch 10-04-2011 06:40 PM

Mizzou_8541 10-04-2011 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Stewie (Post 7967994)
Do you pay attention? Every school that has done what MU just did has always moved on.

Except Oklahoma like two weeks ago.

Al Bundy 10-04-2011 06:40 PM

What I got out of the PC was that MU wasn't going to bow down to Texas and their demands on their timetable.

|Zach| 10-04-2011 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Carls20yearplan (Post 7967982)
And nary a **** was given

Yea, you seem to have a solid read on the situation. You can't have all these Kansas fans bleeding out AND act like you don't give a ****.

Please pick one.

Stewie 10-04-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou_8541 (Post 7967998)
Except Oklahoma like two weeks ago.

Go play in the yard. You are clueless.

DaKCMan AP 10-04-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Stewie (Post 7967980)
I figured the educated MU folk would see beyond joining the hillbilly conference. I'm a bit surprised, but I'm sure MU will fit right in. Lower academic standards is all MU could muster since the Big 10 shut them out. When do the rockin' and whittlin' courses start? That has to be the reason to join, it certainly isn't finishing 7th in football.

2011 University Rankings (USNews)

58. University of Florida
90. University of Missouri
101. University of Kansas

Shove that up your hillbilly ass, bitch.

ferrarispider95 10-04-2011 06:42 PM

I am not picking on Mizzou because they are Mizzou, I am picking on them because they have messed around last year and started this crap. They got dropped for Nebraska and now are pounding their chest because someone loves them.

I will be pissed if KU had an offer and took it. I would probably be in the minority, but would rather the big 12 stay together.

|Zach| 10-04-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Stewie (Post 7967988)
Not at all. BYU is a superior replacement.


Frazod 10-04-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Stewie (Post 7967988)
Not at all. BYU is a superior replacement.

Meaning they'll curbstomp you losers by five touchdowns and a field goal instead of just five touchdowns?

Mizzou_8541 10-04-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Stewie (Post 7968001)
I'm clueless.


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