shirtsleeve |
04-14-2011 02:20 PM |
OK I am having a bad day. I had posted a philisophical fart question, I believe in this thread. Its one I had posted in another board just before here. So I had copied an pasted it. Well I forgot to delete my history when I went home. This is a shared computor and we do official stuff on it too.
Well the dipshit operator on the shift after mine was processing work orders. He knows NOTHING about computors being 71 years old and all..well, he tried to copy an address then paste it into a w/o field. He failed to copy. Instead my philisophical question got pasted instead.
The guy, not knowing how to get into the field to delete it, panicked and sent the thing into the system and it went all the way THROUGH THE WHOLE SYSTEM.
You can imagine the shitstorm that created. security, IT, the w.o. people, everyone is involved. They eventually traced it back to me and this forum and then figured out what happened...
It is my first day back from my weekend and I was immediately called onto the carpet for far no disciplinary measures though. I think they were laughing too hard at me to do much more...
**** My Life.