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shirtsleeve 04-08-2011 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 7548758)
Na, it's the user account. Technically, all he has to do it not log in, and he'll be able to read at least.

We can do IP bans, but that's usually reserved for extreme idiots.

I hope he still reads for distraction during study times for a break!:thumb:

Bugeater 04-08-2011 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by shirtsleeve (Post 7548763)
I hope he still reads for distraction during study times for a break!:thumb:

That doesn't always work so well. Those breaks often turn into hours.

Bearcat 04-08-2011 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 7548718)
I'm a happy drunk. (thankfully) And a generous one... I start buying drinks for all my buddies, because I want them to be having "THIS MUCH FUN"

Then I wake up, look in my wallet, and wonder WTF happened.

We should hangout more...

KS Smitty 04-08-2011 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 7548777)
We should hangout more...

No once a year with you wild men is enough.

shirtsleeve 04-08-2011 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 7548777)
We should hangout more...

I almost got arrested for doing that once.:eek:

KcMizzou 04-08-2011 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 7548777)
We should hangout more...

I get that a lot.

KcMizzou 04-08-2011 11:35 PM

It's kind of a running joke at work. "Get Brandon drunk, and you won't have to buy another beer."

shirtsleeve 04-08-2011 11:40 PM

craig is awesome tonight! This and three sheets are the best shows on TV!

yhf 04-08-2011 11:51 PM

Imma hijack the anti-hijack thread.

So here's the thing, I've been drinking and spinning some vinyl this evening and over the course of a couple hours I have come to this conclusion, The Smashing Pumpkins are the absolute best rock band from the nineties. Top to bottom, no question about it, Billy Corgan has an astoundingly diverse, high quality output. If you disagree name a band from the nineties that you think is better and I will offer a drunken rebuttal that may include youtube videos or lyrics or outright dismissal of your opinion without justification.


Buck 04-09-2011 12:44 AM

**** man, I came home from the bar early because it was a power outage and I thought, cool, the Padres were in a rain delay so I can watch the game, but no, there is another rain delay. ****ing bullshit.

KcMizzou 04-09-2011 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by yhf (Post 7548811)
Imma hijack the anti-hijack thread.

So here's the thing, I've been drinking and spinning some vinyl this evening and over the course of a couple hours I have come to this conclusion, The Smashing Pumpkins are the absolute best rock band from the nineties. Top to bottom, no question about it, Billy Corgan has an astoundingly diverse, high quality output. If you disagree name a band from the nineties that you think is better and I will offer a drunken rebuttal that may include youtube videos or lyrics or outright dismissal of your opinion without justification.


I dunno about all that, but Siamese Dream was amazing.

It'd my bed time. I'm old.

yhf 04-09-2011 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 7548879)
I dunno about all that, but Siamese Dream was amazing.

It'd my bed time. I'm old.

Name a better nineties band and provide your reasoning. I feel confident that I can provide a response that might make you see things my way.

acesn8s 04-09-2011 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 7548758)
Na, it's the user account. Technically, all he has to do it not log in, and he'll be able to read at least.

We can do IP bans, but that's usually reserved for extreme idiots.

He is in college. College grads are my bosses. If he does well on his finals he could become my (or someone's) boss and I know for a fact that they are extreme idiots. IP ban would be the appropriate method for his success.

acesn8s 04-09-2011 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by yhf (Post 7548811)
Imma hijack the anti-hijack thread.

So here's the thing, I've been drinking and spinning some vinyl this evening and over the course of a couple hours I have come to this conclusion, The Smashing Pumpkins are the absolute best rock band from the nineties. Top to bottom, no question about it, Billy Corgan has an astoundingly diverse, high quality output. If you disagree name a band from the nineties that you think is better and I will offer a drunken rebuttal that may include youtube videos or lyrics or outright dismissal of your opinion without justification.


Artistically speaking, Tool was better. Though I am not a huge fan of either band.

Bugeater 04-09-2011 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by yhf (Post 7548882)
Name a better nineties band and provide your reasoning. I feel confident that I can provide a response that might make you see things my way.

Soundgarden. Because I said so. Although you probably passed out hours ago.

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