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JOhn 04-07-2011 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by JOhn (Post 7534434)
On a side note, I ****ing hate heartburn :banghead::banghead:

Well on the flip side to this, it wasn't heart burn :huh:

JOhn 04-07-2011 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Direckshun (Post 7544761)
It kills me when I disappoint her.

Absolutely kills me. I don't know why that part of my brain just won't work right.

From the sound of it, I doubt you're alone.

shirtsleeve 04-08-2011 07:15 PM

So I have a philisophical question. If I fart, and it makes no sound and has no smell, was it really even a fart? And if the fart is not real, am I truly real, or an echo of quantum physics? Just one possibility in an infinite number of possibilities? And if so, does that make my non fart really black matter? Is my non fart the very glue the universe is made of? What holds it all together? And if it is, does that make this whole universe just a bunch of shit?

Mr. Plow 04-08-2011 07:55 PM

Gonna poop in my neighbors yard tonight

Buck 04-08-2011 07:56 PM

Gonna poop in my neighbors mouth tonight

KurtCobain 04-08-2011 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 7548418)
Gonna poop in my neighbors mouth tonight

Damn, I thought I was being original.

KS Smitty 04-08-2011 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by shirtsleeve (Post 7548348)
So I have a philisophical question. If I fart, and it makes no sound and has no smell, was it really even a fart? And if the fart is not real, am I truly real, or an echo of quantum physics? Just one possibility in an infinite number of possibilities? And if so, does that make my non fart really black matter? Is my non fart the very glue the universe is made of? What holds it all together? And if it is, does that make this whole universe just a bunch of shit?

Only if the fart had substance.

KurtCobain 04-08-2011 09:44 PM

Talk to me KS Smitty. Are you drinking tonight?

shirtsleeve 04-08-2011 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by KS Smitty (Post 7548567)
Only if the fart had substance.

Doesn't that void the rules about black matter? Its like pure gravity. It can pass through matter unaffected and unnoticed but its gravity holds the universe together...

KS Smitty 04-08-2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7548569)
Talk to me KS Smitty. Are you drinking tonight?

What's that got to do with anything? :hmmm:

KS Smitty 04-08-2011 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by shirtsleeve (Post 7548568)
Doesn't that void the rules about black matter? Its like pure gravity. It can pass through matter unaffected and unnoticed but its gravity holds the universe together...

I thought this was a philosophical question not a "physic"sophical question.

KurtCobain 04-08-2011 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by KS Smitty (Post 7548571)
What's that got to do with anything? :hmmm:

It was a ****ing question. I was trying to make small talk and you had to counter me with a question. Now I'm all McButthurt and I'm going to bed. **** you.

KS Smitty 04-08-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7548575)
It was a ****ing question. I was trying to make small talk and you had to counter me with a question. Now I'm all McButthurt and I'm going to bed. **** you.

Well....wah wah wah. But if it makes you feel better, yes I'm drinking tonite how 'bout you?

shirtsleeve 04-08-2011 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by KS Smitty (Post 7548574)
I thought this was a philosophical question not a "physic"sophical question.

I dunno. Without the cosmic physics, how can we glimpse true philosophy or the hand of god, if he still lives.

Besides, I'm drinking tonight, even if you arent

Bugeater 04-08-2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by KS Smitty (Post 7548580)
Well....wah wah wah. But if it makes you feel better, yes I'm drinking tonite how 'bout you?

Why yes I am. Thanks for asking!

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