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DaneMcCloud 12-23-2017 12:29 PM

As for the true box office, TLJ earned $105 million on December 15th but only $24.8 million on Friday, December 22nd, a 76% dropoff.

There's also this:

Last Jedi' Grosses Are Collapsing With The Worst Daily Holds Of All 9 Star Wars Movies

Now that the initial weekend flush is behind it, that hot period when pretty much anything that had the Star Wars name on it could have earned $500 million worldwide, audience fervor for Star Wars: The Last Jedi has cooled off like a chilly winter evening on planet Hoth.

In North America, daily holds for the Rian Johnson-directed flick have been significantly worse than those experienced by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and if the pattern continues The Last Jedi could actually wind up doing not much better than the 2016 spin-off movie.

That, of course, would be a catastrophic result, akin to Warner/DC’s disastrous, money-losing fiasco with Justice League.

Just as Justice League jammed all of DC’s biggest and most valuable superheroes into a single, swing-for-the-fences mash-up that failed to earn even as much as the single-hero, half-priced (yet far superior) Wonder Woman, so it appears that Disney may have turned the one-time opportunity to put Luke and Leia together in their last movie into an under-performing debacle that earns little more than the band-of-nobodies Rogue One.

Not that Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in any danger of losing money. There’s too much momentum behind the franchise, too many people who will pay to see it even when they've heard it’s a disappointing mess. Disney could have called it The Star Wars Movie That Will Completely Turn You Off From Ever Seeing Another Star Wars Movie Again and it still would have collected $1.2 billion at the box office and turned a tidy profit.

But for Disney, and for anyone watching, this isn't really a matter of whether The Last Jedi turns over a billion or more in revenue. That was always an easy target. This is a matter of how well the film succeeds in meeting financial expectations, how well it fulfills the needs of the franchise, and whether it strengthens the Star Wars brand for future projects.

By those measures, The Last Jedi already looks like a dud.

DaneMcCloud 12-23-2017 12:31 PM

I think that Rian Johnson is in danger of losing his prospective Star Wars Trilogy, just like Colin Trevorrow lost Episode IX after the failure of The Book of Henry and Lord & Miller fired from Solo after the film was nearly completed.

When beloved star Mark Hamill is saying that "It's not MY Luke Skywalker" and apparently, hundreds of thousands, if not millions agree with him, Rian Johnson put KK and Bob Iger in a tough spot.

Bowser 12-23-2017 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13303315)
I think that Rian Johnson is in danger of losing his prospective Star Wars Trilogy, just like Colin Trevorrow lost Episode IX after the failure of The Book of Henry and Lord & Miller fired from Solo after the film was nearly completed.

When beloved star Mark Hamill is saying that "It's not MY Luke Skywalker" and apparently, hundreds of thousands, if not millions agree with him, Rian Johnson put KK and Bob Iger in a tough spot.

Give it to Gareth Edwards if not RJ.

It is very ironic and hilarious how people threw such a bitch fit over TFA being a copycat of ANH (and it was), but when something like TLJ shows up, people are outraged.

I'm very, very curious to see what JJ does with IX now that all this negativity about VIII is flowing like a river.

Chiefspants 12-23-2017 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13303315)
I think that Rian Johnson is in danger of losing his prospective Star Wars Trilogy, just like Colin Trevorrow lost Episode IX after the failure of The Book of Henry and Lord & Miller fired from Solo after the film was nearly completed.

When beloved star Mark Hamill is saying that "It's not MY Luke Skywalker" and apparently, hundreds of thousands, if not millions agree with him, Rian Johnson put KK and Bob Iger in a tough spot.

If anything, this pretty much guarantees that Luke Skywalker the White will be making an appearance in 9. You know JJ's doing it in a heartbeat.

Hammock Parties 12-23-2017 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13303391)
If anything, this pretty much guarantees that Luke Skywalker the White will be making an appearance in 9. You know JJ's doing it in a heartbeat.

We've now established that force ghosts can interact with the physical world.

Luke's gonna do something cool.

Ragged Robin 12-23-2017 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13303340)
Give it to Gareth Edwards if not RJ.

It is very ironic and hilarious how people threw such a bitch fit over TFA being a copycat of ANH (and it was), but when something like TLJ shows up, people are outraged.

I'm very, very curious to see what JJ does with IX now that all this negativity about VIII is flowing like a river.

I had problems with TFA being too derivative BUT it was undeniably enjoyable, funny, generally well done. TLJ is not only forgettable but just has way too many issues that can't be ignored and doesn't offer much to make up for it.

DaneMcCloud 12-23-2017 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13303340)
It is very ironic and hilarious how people threw such a bitch fit over TFA being a copycat of ANH (and it was), but when something like TLJ shows up, people are outraged.

I don't think that the audience would have minded if TLJ had its own storyline, it's that people have waited 40 years to see Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master and that Luke didn't really appear in TLJ.

Also, the raging debate about Rey's and Snoke's origins weren't answered, making this film unenjoyable for many of the old die hard fans, hence the box office results and Rotten Tomatoes score.


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13303340)
I'm very, very curious to see what JJ does with IX now that all this negativity about VIII is flowing like a river.

Abrams isn't known for his originality so I'm guessing it'll just harken back to Return of the Jedi.

A small band of Rebels, led by Poe Dameron, will do something to weaken or destroy The First Order once and for all, while Rey will hunt down to confront and ultimately kill Kylo Ren, restoring peace to the galaxy

They'll throw in a little Finn, Rose and Chewie and bam! There's your movie.

mnchiefsguy 12-23-2017 03:39 PM

Here is an interesting article breaking down the negative reviews on metacritic and RT....turns out many of those users signed up just to negatively rate TLJ, but then deleted their accounts.

Interesting read.

DaneMcCloud 12-23-2017 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13303391)
If anything, this pretty much guarantees that Luke Skywalker the White will be making an appearance in 9. You know JJ's doing it in a heartbeat.

If JJ was smart, he'd bring Luke back into the corporeal world, so that Luke Skywalker lives another day.

mnchiefsguy 12-23-2017 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13303517)
If JJ was smart, he'd bring Luke back into the corporeal world, so that Luke Skywalker lives another day.

It worked for Spock :)

If done originally and in the right way, I would be cool with it.

I think that is my greatest issue with the movie...handling Luke's death.

Killing Luke is like killing Gandolf....perhaps the Force will send him back to complete his mission :)

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-23-2017 04:03 PM

People hate this film?

God, why?

BigCatDaddy 12-23-2017 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 13303515)
Here is an interesting article breaking down the negative reviews on metacritic and RT....turns out many of those users signed up just to negatively rate TLJ, but then deleted their accounts.

Interesting read.

It is getting shit on everywhere now including the box office as Dane pointed out.

DaneMcCloud 12-23-2017 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 13303545)
People hate this film?

God, why?

You'll need to read the last 750 responses :D

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-23-2017 04:07 PM

I loved Luke's end and I loved the Yoda stuff too. Some people watch too many movies and fancy themselves critics or armchair directors. Me, I'm just glad that my heart isn't so old and dead that I can't enjoy what was a great adventure with great people.

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-23-2017 04:12 PM

And at least Johnson made a way for me to not completely despise Kylo Ren. JJ was so weak, all he could manage was the hint of a character that supposedly had all this "depth" for a bad guy, yet it was Johnson who actually wiped JJ's ass, fixed the mess, and began the promise of delivery.

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