KurtCobain |
04-03-2010 10:50 PM |
Originally Posted by luv
(Post 6640197)
So, you can't force your daughter to go to bed?
That conversation is from laying there in her room with everything off.
She had a rock thrown through her window during the night about a month ago so sending her to bed by herself is very hard now, she dreads nighttime coming. Add Pepsi from an evil grandma late in the evening, and I'm ****ed. She's out early tonight though, very excited about the easter bunny. She knows there's no Santa, but believes that a giant bunny is going to bring her colorful eggs tonight.
And an update on that job, it was a no-go. They brought up the record and no luck. I have an interview at Gemaco on Tuesday though, and I was able to get some digging work this week, so rent is paid, chocolate bunnies were bought, and hopefully I can attain an "over-the-table" job next week.