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oaklandhater 12-22-2017 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13302724)
MCD was one of the nicest people ever to grace a Hollywood soundstage.

Warm and funny with the biggest smile.

I was legitimately said when he died.

okcchief 12-22-2017 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13302507)
Reactions have been very polarizing. Either you like where the story goes or it rubs you the wrong way.

For me, I didn't expect it to be structured the way it was presented or for many of the things that happened to even be on the table.

Once I was able to accept the story and get past the fact that it wasn't the path I'd have taken and just enjoy it for the story it told, the second viewing was infinitely more fun.

Hopefully, you'll have an experience like Hammock Parties and not like me or Bowser.

My initial experience was I hated the Leia scene, the Finn Rose stuff, the casino, and pretty much every scene focused on the resistance. I’m really not sure any of that is changing. I was fine with the rest of it for the most part. It looked incredible and there were some fun moments, but the bad was really bad. My wife has seen it a 2nd time now and enjoyed it a lot more. I listened to a few podcasts this week with some people I respect and they had a completely different take than I did. Some people consider it a fresh take and a way to push it forward. I don’t think my issues were with them changing or “killing the past” My issue was there was a whole storyline that wasn’t good or needed. I am excited to see it again though, and sincerely hope I like it better. I’m not one saying the franchise has been ruined or anything like that. I just didn’t like a big part of it the first time around.

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oaklandhater 12-22-2017 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13302933)
It's made $610 MILLION dollars in a week. LMAO

and TPM made $431,088,295 What's your point ?

temper11 12-23-2017 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13302965)
couple of things that bothered me the most:

1. Fin's entire subplot is completely pointless. They sneak off, go to the other planet, sneak on all for nothing. Oops all for nothing except to inspire the stupid kid at the end that no one actually cares about. Pointless. Seemed like the writers wrote the general plot and was like "oh **** we forgot about Fin, what kind of lame stupid thing can we write in to make him seem relevant but actually result in nothing that affects the main story?" Although that's not entirely true, they actually got a bunch of people killed as a result of them bringing on the hacker guy or whatever because he's the one that tells the imperials about the shuttles.

Finns plot/mission isn't pointless it simply fails. For the first time in star wars history a resistance mission was ultimately a failure. At first i had the same reaction that you did... "wtf was the point of that?" But the recurring message of much of the movie is "this isn't going to go the way you think". And that's pretty cool.


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13302965)
2. Luke's death. I was fine with him dying a heroic death. He should have just died like Obi Wan the moment the lightsaber hit him. That would have tied in perfectly with the scene before when R2 convinces him to help by reminding him Obi Wan did the same. But nope, the writers wanted to feel like they're clever so they pull a "NOPE he he didn't die... NOPE AGAIN HE ACTUALLY DOES BUT NOT THERE!!" Wow. Ruined an otherwise epic scene.

R2 did aid in convincing him to get back into the fight. Just because he didn't go charging back into an actual lightsaber battle with 20 years of dust and rust on him, didn't lessen anything. He helps out in the only way he felt he could have helped. Very believable IMO. If he would have just thrown the cloak off and started somersaulting around, it would have been super lame. We've already seen that. Besides, you really would have been ok with him just walking out of that massive firing squad unscathed if he was really there in the flesh?


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13302965)
There was a lot of "GOTCHA! DOUBLE-GOTCHA" things written in the movie that had little to no payoff, predictable, and ultimately undeserved. It was happening so often it felt like a complete parody of itself.

Predictable? Really? Almost every hater review I've read, including yours, hates the movie because it didn't play out the way they/you wanted or thought it would. You predicted snoke dying? You predicted reys parents reveal? You predicted leia's salvation?

Miles 12-23-2017 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13302953)
Give it a week and see it again. I practically guarantee your opinion will change.

Have heard this as well and guess I need to see it again. Was a massive letdown the first time.

WhiteWhale 12-23-2017 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13302953)
Give it a week and see it again. I practically guarantee your opinion will change.


I don't usually need to see a movie multiple times to convince myself it's good.

listopencil 12-23-2017 03:21 AM

Finally got around to watching this. I didn't think it was horrible, I didn't think it was great. It does have a Star Wars feel to it with recurring characters, settings, and situations that call back to previous situations. Combining the two movies released in the new trilogy now I feel like they are dragging out an origin story for the new characters that fits in such a way as to allow the old characters to step out of the limelight. I'm not saying that this is good or bad in and of itself - it does seem do be necessary to push the franchise forward. But now we have the death of Han Solo as a plot device, the death (?) of Luke as a plot device, and the death of Carrie Fisher as a hurdle to overcome if the franchise continues along that road.

I will nitpick one point: I think Luke should have actually showed up to do battle with Kylo in the way that Obi Wan did against Vader. A long drawn out battle filled with one liners that both showed the conflict between them and showed a possible resolution to that conflict. But then Kylo refuses and Luke decides to allow the death stroke turning himself into a force ghost. Followed by the same scene of him sitting on those rocks in force ghost mode as he slowly disincorporates.

If the anthology films can keep up the quality of Rogue One then I'll be fine with those better movies doing the hard work of supporting the franchise while these fluffier movies carry on.

Rasputin 12-23-2017 07:49 AM

What's up with Snoke? He looks like a "TRUTH" commercial about tobacco use and he had dip in his left cheek for centuries.

I don't buy into the Snoke character I mean I think he was stupid and Darth Vader killed the Emperor in the Return of the Jedi so I don't get where this guy came in the story.

DJJasonp 12-23-2017 09:33 AM

I went "dark" on TLJ several months ago, meaning, I read no articles, and watched no trailers since the original trailer.

I wanted to go into it with zero expectations.

During the film, i caught myself grinning like a 10 year old a few times, and overall, enjoyed the film.

The only bones to pick.....if I'm going to nitpick:

Snoke seemed a pointless plotline (but I'm not convinced that is truly over)

I thought the casino scene had a lot more potential, and after the phantom-debacle, it brought memories of it with tad bit more CGI than I would have preferred.

Luke......I would have liked to have seen a bad-ass Luke...but they didnt make MY movie (and I'm ok with that).

But much like Snoke.....I'm not convinced we've seen the end of Luke....and I think Hamil is playing up this riff with the director a little more than he should (so maybe he's trolling us a bit??)

either way - a fun experience.

Rogue one and empire remain my two favorites.

Bowser 12-23-2017 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteWhale (Post 13303043)

I don't usually need to see a movie multiple times to convince myself it's good.

Do it to give yourself time to get over the preconceived notions of what you think a Star Wars movie "should" be. That's how I felt about seeing it again after the second viewing.

BigRedChief 12-23-2017 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13302977)
and TPM made $431,088,295 What's your point ?

a movie called Wolf Warrior 2 had made $800 million this year. D

sully1983 12-23-2017 10:44 AM

poor Hamill . Pretty much disowned this shit fest . Calls it an "alternative " universe lol. Good way to save face Mark. God this film sucked so much haha

WhiteWhale 12-23-2017 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13303184)
Do it to give yourself time to get over the preconceived notions of what you think a Star Wars movie "should" be. That's how I felt about seeing it again after the second viewing.

We don't have the same issues with the film.

Firstly, it suffers from franchisitis, where it spends as much time setting up future tropes rather than building characters and story and ends up bloated.

There was a LOT of scenes and even some story threads that were ultimately filler and had no real important consequence to the plot, bloating the run time while not making it more epic at all.

Luke's character was retconned into a coward, which is bullshit. He's a whiny baby, but not a coward. Tops it off with a rather unimpressive death, and I haven't seen a beloved character shit on that bad since Marvel made Captain America a Nazi.

I won't criticize Rey too much, as she's your basic generic 'chosen one' access point character. She's this movie's Keanu Reeves. Uninspiring, but typical.

Snoak was WORTHLESS.

I like Boyega as Finn, but they continue to write the character a buffoonish idiot.

Ren is the wrong kind of hateable. I don't love to hate him. I think he's rather pathetic.

Most annoying is that the first half of the film is a disjointed snore.

I don't hate the premise of this movie. I disliked the execution of it. I'm not sure any of these things will be less true if I watch it again.

It was a bloated movie with a handful of good scenes, precious few interesting characters, and a lot of fan service. I'm glad people enjoy it. It's just a movie. I"m not trying to convince anyone, but I don't think a 2nd viewing is going to drastically alter my view of it.

BigCatDaddy 12-23-2017 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13302933)
It's made $610 MILLION dollars in a week. LMAO

Alex Smith makes 17 million a year and has a hot wife.

Hammock Parties 12-23-2017 12:00 PM


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