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PastorMikH 01-14-2004 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
Anybody else think Gretz is Buddy Hacketts love child?

Great, now we will see the Planet bashed in Rufus Dawes next article because of our classless and deranged statements about Buddy Hacket.

Way to go 2bike.:shake:

Jenson71 01-14-2004 09:49 PM


2bikemike 01-14-2004 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by PastorMikH
Great, now we will see the Planet bashed in Rufus Dawes next article because of our classless and deranged statements about Buddy Hacket.

Way to go 2bike.:shake:

Not to mention Denise will probably rail against me for demeaning the Late Buddy Hackett.

m0j0rYzN 01-14-2004 10:04 PM

What? ......How the heck does Gretz know me?

2bikemike 01-14-2004 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Because you attached more than one.

So is there a way to post 2 pics side by side?

Jenny Gump 01-14-2004 10:22 PM

Ok, I have read every word of this thread and I have only one thing to exclaim....


Rain Man 01-14-2004 10:25 PM

According to my belief system, he's not dead. He's been reincarnated as a parrotfish off the coast of Borneo.

2bikemike 01-14-2004 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Not if you're attaching them. If you attach more than one image to a single message, they'll be displayed as links.

Now, if it's a pic that already exists on the 'net, you can use as many [IMG] tags in a pic as you want.

OH ok! I don't know what an IMG tags is and wouldn't know how to use it. I am pretty good with ING like no fuggING way do I understand.

2bikemike 01-14-2004 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by JennyGump
Ok, I have read every word of this thread and I have only one thing to exclaim....


Birthday: August 31, 1924
Birth Place: Brooklyn, New York, USA
Birth Name: Leonard Hacker
Date of death: June 30, 2003
Cause of death: Details of death and place of death Los Angeles, California, USA (natural causes)

ExtremeChief 01-14-2004 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
OH ok! I don't know what an IMG tags is and wouldn't know how to use it. I am pretty good with ING like no fuggING way do I understand.


put these [] around the word "img" and the website address (right click picture, hit properties, copy web addy) inbetween them... put a / before the last "img" inside the brackets..

Inspector 01-14-2004 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
Here's mine:

Mr. Gretz,

Please do not demean the Chiefs' fan base in your column.

While you were "covering the Pittsburgh Steelers in their glory years," we were loyal to the Chiefs. While Greg Robinson was serving the Denver Broncos and Dick Vermeil was leading the Eagles, we were loyal to the Chiefs. Through rain, snow, strikes, missed kicks, 32nd-ranked defenses, and nose tackles covering wide receivers, we have been loyal to the Chiefs.

The fan base is the ultimate dogged watchdog for the team. Without us, personal loyalties would have overridden the team's best interests, and Mr. Robinson would have returned to lead another disaster on defense. While we applaud his decorum during his resignation, that resignation was made possible only by the loyalty of the fans, and our hue and cry. I applaud the professional and polite authors of for assisting in that process.

We were here before you, before Carl, before Dick, and before everyone but Lamar. We'll still be here when you're all long gone. You may fear us or ridicule us, but you really should respect our presence.

I'm still reading through this thread, but I gotta say this is really good. Maybe I'll copy and paste this then pretend I wrote it.


Jenny Gump 01-14-2004 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
According to my belief system, he's not dead. He's been reincarnated as a parrotfish off the coast of Borneo.

I found him. He is so cute with his big fish lips. There could be worse things to come back as.... like a Raiders fan for instance.

ExtremeChief 01-14-2004 10:36 PM

ends up like this...

my directions suck, I know

2bikemike 01-14-2004 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by ExtremeChief

put these [] around the word "img" and the website address (right click picture, hit properties, copy web addy) inbetween them... put a / before the last "img" inside the brackets..

Ok! I don't think I will be doing that anytime soon!

Chief Roundup 01-14-2004 11:21 PM

Well I guess that Gretz thinks that the people that signed the petition got GRob resigned. I think not.
IMO the website did nothing more than let the fans vent toward the job performance that GRob gave us all. I don't think it is 100% GRob's fault but most does go there.
Based on this article I think that Gretz would of welcomed him back reguardless of what it meant for the team, players, and fans.
I will give GRob credit for knowing the right thing to do but that is the extent of the credit I will give him.
He may be a great "man" but that does not make him a half ass DC. And what choice were the fans left with when all we heard was that there were no changes planned in the coaching staff.
I would be willing to bet dollars to donuts that if GRob had to of been fired and the emotional press conference did not occur that this article would of been worlds different.

To Gretzs' credit he does know what to write in order to gain more notariaty and to sell more papers by stiring the pot and yes maybe even to help GRob get another oppurtunity because of DV and his loyalty.

But from where I am setting if GRob was the DC for a team that had a mediocre offense they would never win a single game.

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