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luv 03-19-2011 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 7501275)
No, trying to tell you be Bisexual = double your chances...

Get it?

Is this your subtle way of inviting me to be part of a threesome?

R8RFAN 03-19-2011 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 7501279)
Is this your subtle way of inviting me to be part of a threesome?

You have talked me into it.... :thumb:

alanm 03-19-2011 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by cdcox (Post 7500971)
I don't think so.
Connecting the dots, I would guess that it went down like this.

1. R8ers called Dane a audiophile in this thread:

2. Dane asked the mods to take action (i.e., ban R8ers).

3. Mods refused. (From my perspective, this is pretty consistent with the mod policy of the board, which is generally very loose.)

4. Dane decided that level of inaction was unacceptable and decided to leave.

He called him a Audiophile? A person who loves quality sound reproduction as in music? Man that is harsh.

chasedude 03-19-2011 01:50 PM

These threads are ****ing stupid.

How do you "leave" a BB? Too many damn crybabies around here getting their diapers in a wad.

I've never had words with Dane before so I don't know him as a friend or an enemy, but this crap is nothing more than attention.

KCUnited 03-19-2011 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by alanm (Post 7501286)
He called him a Audiophile? A person who loves quality sound reproduction as in music? Man that is harsh.

It's now somebody that likes young, new stereo equipment.

Sannyasi 03-19-2011 01:52 PM

I like Dane, but this is pretty ****ing weak. Shit gets flung here all the time, that's just a part of the CP experience. It wouldn't be the same with tough moderating.

That being said, I nominate we ban Laz as part of a board social engineering project. If we could just cleanse him from the CP gene pool, I think you'd see the average intelligence shoot up 10-15%.

chasedude 03-19-2011 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by alanm (Post 7501286)
He called him a Audiophile? A person who loves quality sound reproduction as in music? Man that is harsh.

This is something else I don't understand. Leaving cause someone called you an Audiophile?

Unless there's a new "super secret CP decoder ring" to translate the absurd meaning to something derogatory, then I just don't get it.

luv 03-19-2011 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by chasedude (Post 7501297)
This is something else I don't understand. Leaving cause someone called you an Audiophile?

Unless there's a new "super secret CP decoder ring" to translate the absurd meaning to something derogatory, then I just don't get it.

audio = pedo

Donger 03-19-2011 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by chasedude (Post 7501297)
This is something else I don't understand. Leaving cause someone called you an Audiophile?

Unless there's a new "super secret CP decoder ring" to translate the absurd meaning to something derogatory, then I just don't get it.


Gonzo 03-19-2011 01:55 PM

God damn this place has gone downhill ever since that Dane guy left.
Posted via Mobile Device

R8RFAN 03-19-2011 01:55 PM

Boom.... Headshot!

Red Brooklyn 03-19-2011 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 7501301)
God damn this place has gone downhill ever since that Dane guy left.
Posted via Mobile Device


kstater 03-19-2011 01:57 PM

I do find it hilariously ironic that the man that throws more personal insults than the rest of the board combined leaves because the mods didn't ban someone that insulted him.

Donger 03-19-2011 01:57 PM

The actions that are bannable offenses are pretty clearly laid out, IMO (other than don't piss of a mod, but I think that's pretty self-evident). While it's clear that Dane doesn't like being called a pedophile, that isn't a bannable offense.

chasedude 03-19-2011 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 7501299)
audio = pedo

Then why not type pedophile!?! :spock:

Trying to figure out all the stupid inside jokes around here makes my head hurt.

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