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DaneMcCloud 12-21-2017 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13300304)
Rian picked up JJ's loose thread and stitched it up beautifully.

For the record, I wasn't commenting as to whether or not I agreed with RJ's decision but that he had more than one place to go with the story.

DaneMcCloud 12-21-2017 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13300307)
Going to go see it again today, this time with the kid. She's a closet nerd, so I'm interested in what she's going to think about it.

After the first viewing, the two main things I couldn't stand were the slow motion chase through space and the way Luke went out. I'll see if my reaction changes on a second viewing (NOT 3D this time) and try to pick up all the little eggs I missed the first time through.

I liked it so much better upon the second viewing. I didn't think about "plot holes" or where the story was going, blah, blah, blah and just sat back and took it all in.

Like so many others, the first viewing threw me off because the story didn't go as expected, or even as likely but the second time around was a blast because I knew what was going to happen and realized that I had no control over the story.

The speculation and expectations were gone, so I enjoyed it for what it was. Hopefully, you have the same type of experience.

Garcia Bronco 12-21-2017 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 13299939)
RT is never going to admit that bots subverted their system. Their system cannot confirm that the person rating the movie has actually seen the movie, let alone is an actual person.

And thus invalidating the entire measurement scale. Internet polls never have been nor will they ever be scientific. They can't be relied upon. They have no standing.

temper11 12-21-2017 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 13299934)

“I said to Rian, ‘Jedi’s don’t give up.’ I mean, even if he had a problem, he would maybe take a year to try and regroup. But if he made a mistake, he would try and right that wrong."

A young apprentice goes dark and kills padawan on his exit - the master goes into hiding. Hmmm... where have I heard this before?

Isn't what luke did exactly what obi-wan and yoda did after the fall of Anakin? During the movie I thought, "oh here we go, Rian is going to get crushed for following the same story line", and then the actual reaction is that it's so out of character for a Jedi. Wut? Mark, why do you think you (Luke) were doing your training on freakin' Degobah?

temper11 12-21-2017 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 13300225)

ha ha ha.... this is awesome! Thumbs up for step-dads everywhere!

The Franchise 12-21-2017 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13300320)
I liked it so much better upon the second viewing. I didn't think about "plot holes" or where the story was going, blah, blah, blah and just sat back and took it all in.

Like so many others, the first viewing threw me off because the story didn't go as expected, or even as likely but the second time around was a blast because I knew what was going to happen and realized that I had no control over the story.

The speculation and expectations were gone, so I enjoyed it for what it was. Hopefully, you have the same type of experience.

I went in with zero expectations and thought the movie was good. All that mattered to me was that my daughter loved it....and she did.

temper11 12-21-2017 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13300251)
It wasn't necessary for Luke to be a dour man, hiding from the situation that he partially created while refusing to help his sister, The Resistance and the galaxy.

You mean like obi-wan did? and Yoda? It's odd to me that this is so shocking. Rian even freakin' nodded to the fans that this exact scenario had already played out when R2 shows Luke the hologram of Leia talking to Ben - asking him to get back in the game.

temper11 12-21-2017 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13300304)
I think it's a stretch that green saber, ass kicking Luke Skywalker straight up abandons the rebel cause without a word and allowed someone with the raw strength of Kylo to wreak havoc on the galaxy.

But JJ just had to have his mystery box, and as per usual, didn't plot out the consequences his mystery would have on the overall story.

Rian picked up JJ's loose thread and stitched it up beautifully.

Jesus... green saber, ass-kicking Yoda abandons the cause without hardly a word and allowed someone with the raw strength of Anakin/Vader to wreak havoc on the galaxy... and he at least had obi-wan. Luke was alone. Why is this such a rediculous stretch?

Chiefspants 12-21-2017 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13300312)
For the record, I wasn't commenting as to whether or not I agreed with RJ's decision but that he had more than one place to go with the story.

Fair enough - and I agree, ultimately it was up to Rian, but I do think that was a tough decision due to JJ's storytelling in TFA.

Sassy Squatch 12-21-2017 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13300251)
Rian Johnson absolutely made that decision.

Rey finding Luke on Ach-To could have gone many different ways, from Luke explaining that he sought to find the first Jedi Temple in order to defeat Snoke and Kylo Ren, to explaining that he sought to find the Tree of Knowledge (which is what it was, figuratively speaking) so that he could create a better Jedi Order or to the creation of a new order of Force users, etc.

It wasn't necessary for Luke to be a dour man, hiding from the situation that he partially created while refusing to help his sister, The Resistance and the galaxy.

But that was Rian Johnson's decision and some people hate the film because of it and it's pretty clear that Mark Hamill doesn't like this characterization, either.

Eh, I don't know about that. Luke looked shocked and disappointed that Rey found him at the end of TFA. If he was only doing those things his reaction wouldn't have made much sense to me.

DaneMcCloud 12-21-2017 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13300360)
You mean like obi-wan did?

Obi Wan was protecting Luke, who was thought to be the only person in the galaxy capable of defeating Darth Vader.

He was also only one of two surviving Jedi after Order 66 (at least as far was we know).


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13300360)
and Yoda? It's odd to me that this is so shocking.

Yoda didn't go into hiding because he was running away from a problem that he himself created.

He went into hiding so that he could live long enough to hopefully train someone that could defeat Vader and his Emperor.


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13300360)
Rian even freakin' nodded to the fans that this exact scenario had already played out when R2 shows Luke the hologram of Leia talking to Ben - asking him to get back in the game.

I don't think you understand this movie or the past movies.

DaneMcCloud 12-21-2017 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 13300382)
Eh, I don't know about that. Luke looked shocked and disappointed that Rey found him at the end of TFA. If he was only doing those things his reaction wouldn't have made much sense to me.

Then you don't have a creative mind.

There's no ****ing way that there was only ONE solution to the Luke being on Ach-Too.

Sassy Squatch 12-21-2017 12:52 PM

If it was me Luke wouldn't have been a MacGuffin in the first place.

temper11 12-21-2017 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13300408)
Obi Wan was protecting Luke, who was thought to be the only person in the galaxy capable of defeating Darth Vader.

He was also only one of two surviving Jedi after Order 66 (at least as far was we know).

Yoda didn't go into hiding because he was running away from a problem that he himself created.

He went into hiding so that he could live long enough to hopefully train someone that could defeat Vader and his Emperor.

I don't think you understand this movie or the past movies.

Read your two posts above out loud to yourself and let me know if they make any sense. So obi-wan was protecting luke because they believed he was the only one capable of beating darth vader... and yoda was waiting to train just such a person. Yet, luke is allowed to grow so old that yoda believes he is "too old to begin the training" and obi-wan has to convince yoda to do it at all in the first place. That's odd.

DaneMcCloud 12-21-2017 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 13300432)
If it was me Luke wouldn't have been a MacGuffin in the first place.

Luke wasn't the MacGuffin.

Snoke was the MacGuffin.

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