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Pasta Little Brioni 06-06-2014 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 10674796)
As what? A user name?

Username and avatar at minimum

rico 06-06-2014 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10674804)
In my last gasp as studying obsolete arts, I took drafting throughout HS, not CAD, pencil and paper drafting.

Our drafting teacher didn't have halitosis, but he smoked cigars, like really rich earthy cigars, in his off hours. And that cigar smoke would mull like a fine mulch under tarpaulin at the corner of your garden. His breath literally smelled like the finest royal shit.

LMAO I don't think I've ever read or will ever again read shit being described so eloquently.

Baby Lee 06-06-2014 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 10674819)
LMAO I don't think I've ever read or will ever again read shit being described so eloquently.

Well it was really weird and fairly unique. It was some of the worst breath I ever endured, but it wasn't like it was a carnival port-a-potty smell, or even taco bell dump smell. You could tell it was the decaying remains of something he actually enjoyed a great deal.

ptlyon 06-06-2014 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10674827)
You could tell it was the decaying remains of something he actually enjoyed a great deal.

The tasty dreams of the American child

crazycoffey 06-06-2014 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan (Post 10674580)
Not unless you can produce the 32oz ish loaf.

Depends on how much fiber I eat the day before

bevischief 06-06-2014 03:11 PM

Looks like the midgets have taken over several posters pcs...

Direckshun 06-06-2014 03:15 PM

Is this thread even roasting people anymore?

Or is it all "then the midgets"?

loochy 06-06-2014 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Direckshun (Post 10674906)
Is this thread even roasting people anymore?

Or is it all "then the midgets"?

Pretty much the latter.

hometeam 06-06-2014 03:30 PM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

bevischief 06-06-2014 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Direckshun (Post 10674906)
Is this thread even roasting people anymore?

Or is it all "then the midgets"?

Midgets, and sick porn, and I had no part of any of this.

TLO 06-06-2014 04:09 PM

If you didn't already guess...

I am the list maker.


I believe we need to get back to the roasts.

Pasta Little Brioni 06-06-2014 04:12 PM


Well BOTH my roastmasters are busy at the moment

Pasta Little Brioni 06-06-2014 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Direckshun (Post 10674906)
Is this thread even roasting people anymore?

Or is it all "then the midgets"?

We are at 78, so we are creeping up there.

TLO 06-06-2014 04:20 PM

So "not hootie" is the list maker?

TLO 06-06-2014 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 10674985)
So "not hootie" is the list maker?

I am the creator, but fear not, for I am a gentle giant.

I think you're somewhere in the 60's my child.

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