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KurtCobain 01-04-2008 10:52 AM

My god has the City of Independence, MO ****ed me over on fines. 140 buckaroos for careless driving, I understand that. But then $180 for lying about who I am? So I can swerve all over the road and try to hit some lady with a dog, and it's only so bad, but I lie about my name and it's way worse? **** that.. Court costs are a bitch. And yeah, I can pay it off by doing days in ICC, but **** damn, that place is ****ing filthy. I'd leave there sicker than the 2007 Chiefs season. And that was some sick shit. And it's not helping that the price of pot has sky rocketed in my area. Moneys a bitch when you ain't got none.

el borracho 01-04-2008 10:54 AM

Who did you say you were?


el borracho 01-04-2008 10:55 AM

Abe Vigoda?

el borracho 01-04-2008 10:55 AM

Jackie Chan?

el borracho 01-04-2008 10:55 AM

Barney Fife?

el borracho 01-04-2008 10:56 AM

By the way, why did you try to hit that lady with the dog?

KurtCobain 01-04-2008 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
By the way, why did you try to hit that lady with the dog?

She was talkin shit.

el borracho 01-04-2008 11:09 AM

Did she call you by your real name? Englebert Humperdink?

crazycoffey 01-04-2008 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
Did she call you by your real name? Englebert Humperdink?


el borracho 01-04-2008 11:33 AM

Mister Mxyzptlk?

Did someone trick you into saying your name backwards?

el borracho 01-04-2008 11:35 AM

chasedude 01-04-2008 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by joey
My god has the City of Independence, MO ****ed me over on fines. 140 buckaroos for careless driving, I understand that. But then $180 for lying about who I am? So I can swerve all over the road and try to hit some lady with a dog, and it's only so bad, but I lie about my name and it's way worse? **** that.. Court costs are a bitch. And yeah, I can pay it off by doing days in ICC, but **** damn, that place is ****ing filthy. I'd leave there sicker than the 2007 Chiefs season. And that was some sick shit. And it's not helping that the price of pot has sky rocketed in my area. Moneys a bitch when you ain't got none.

Why did you lie about whom you were?

el borracho 01-04-2008 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by chasedude
Why did you lie about whom you were?

The way I figure it, he was either
a) afraid of Inigo Montoya or
b) afraid someone would say his name backwards

TinyEvel 01-04-2008 11:46 AM

I think it was John Cocktosen

luv 01-05-2008 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by joey
My god has the City of Independence, MO ****ed me over on fines. 140 buckaroos for careless driving, I understand that. But then $180 for lying about who I am? So I can swerve all over the road and try to hit some lady with a dog, and it's only so bad, but I lie about my name and it's way worse? **** that.. Court costs are a bitch. And yeah, I can pay it off by doing days in ICC, but **** damn, that place is ****ing filthy. I'd leave there sicker than the 2007 Chiefs season. And that was some sick shit. And it's not helping that the price of pot has sky rocketed in my area. Moneys a bitch when you ain't got none.

1. You were driving carelessly
2. You lied about your name (for some unknown reason)
3. You bitch about how to either pay fines or spend time incarcerated
4. You bitch about the price of pot
5. You bitch about not having money

Get a ****ing clue, dude.

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