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BWillie 04-06-2024 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 17471008)
and that sucks... I love arrowhead for that reason. I am in the 2nd row of the upper deck and love my seats and wouldn't move down if the price was the same.

BWillie 04-06-2024 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Pinchshot (Post 17471267)
Arrowhead is outdated anyway. Get a new stadium with a roof, host a Superbowl and y'all will be happy.

Yes. Would absolutely love a rolling roof. I literally will not consider going to a game past Oct 31st. With a rolling roof...I would and we could get a SB and more events. I know plenty of ppl who cancelled on the Billy Joel concert because it was 110 heat index.

BWillie 04-06-2024 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by comochiefsfan (Post 17471291)
I wonder if people here who claim they want a dome have ever been to a game in a dome.

I’ve been to the Dome in St Louis and JerryWorld. They suck. They’re big and fancy but watching football indoors is horrible. The lighting and sound is strange and everything feels “off”

Football just looks better played outdoors.

I couldn’t care less about the temperature aspect. It’s an advantage for us on the field and if you can’t stand to go to a game that’s below freezing then stay home and watch it on television.

Nobody is saying they want a dome. They want a retractable roof.

BWillie 04-06-2024 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by comochiefsfan (Post 17471374)
A new stadium also means that many longtime STH can kiss their tickets goodbye as they won’t be able to afford the PSL and massive price hike that Clark will implement.

Just look at what’s going on in Buffalo. Tons of people who have been STH since the early days of the franchise are being priced out of their seats and have to give up their tickets.

There is nothing about a new stadium that will be good for the common fan like us. We’ll all be priced out for the most part and the Arrowhead atmosphere will be a distant memory. It sure will be nice for the rich folks who want to be seen and Clark’s wallet though.

This all sucks.

Poor people own TVs. They'll be fine.

jettio 04-06-2024 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by DRM08 (Post 17471380)
$500M of taxpayer money for relatively minor upgrades. There’s a large chunk of the population who don’t care about sports. Even the people who care about sports don’t want taxpayer money to help fund these stadium projects.

IDK, if 3/8 cent in 2007 is approved to keep the teams here until 2031, it is not a crazy ask to keep it there on a new lease for a couple more decades.

For current times, it is an anamoly that it is county owned stadiums that one team prefers to stay in and the other teams wants to move but needs a deal with the county to move before 2031, and they just assumed that required continued relationship with county on new stadium.

If the Royals or Chiefs end up in new stadiums, they should seek to own the buildings and the only public ask is for Star bonds in Kansas or TIF in KCMO. Possibly another public ask could be deal on land or a 100 year lease like KC Current has.

I think those could be ways to get development financing incentives that do not require voters approving a new tax. The value of those incentives would end up being more dollars than the ask on extending the 3/8ths and teams would own their building. Use the tax collections from the venues to repay the financing for a couple decades.

Chiefs or KCMO taking ownership of Arrowhead from County might be the best move for Arrowhead. County would look pretty stupid owning Arrowhead as a concert venue and possibly a UFL team. County would probably have to rename the place.

TBH, Considering that the NFL team salary cap for players is $255 million and the players do not even get half of the earned team revenue. The Chiefs probably could build and own their own venue and remain profitable, especailly if the only public ask was the same incentives available to developers.

GloryDayz 04-13-2024 08:24 PM

Things are getting chippy... :popcorn:

Mr_Tomahawk 04-13-2024 08:34 PM

Any updates?

IowaHawkeyeChief 04-13-2024 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mr_Tomahawk (Post 17481095)
Any updates?

With the way the Royals are playing it's to bad the Vote wasn't next Tuesday...

srvy 04-13-2024 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 17473594)
Nobody is saying they want a dome. They want a retractable roof.

The public doesn't want it. They voted overwhelmingly no in the last renovation that was on a separate ballot. Only candy asses want it. it's a good thing KCMO predominantly does not have sugar asses.

Bearcat 04-13-2024 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 17481103)
The public doesn't want it. They voted overwhelmingly no in the last renovation that was on a separate ballot. Only candy asses want it. it's a good thing KCMO predominantly does not have sugar asses.

Yeah, KC weather isn't great by any means, but it's not nearly shitty enough for a dome. It's nice here for those 110° days and I'd never want to go to Lambeau during a cold front in January.... but, one -30° windchill night doesn't mean Arrowhead should have a dome (even if you could argue moving that one game).

vonBobo 04-14-2024 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 17481103)
The public doesn't want it. They voted overwhelmingly no in the last renovation that was on a separate ballot. Only candy asses want it. it's a good thing KCMO predominantly does not have sugar asses.

The roof was a great engineering dream that later turned into an ingenious sacrificial compromise. Just like this latest vote the prior one was also debated with a lot of similar vote no arguments. What the roof vote did was give people their chance to vote no and tell the owners to shove it while feeling slightly better about voting yes on the extortion tax for their beloved team... a compromise.

LoneWolf 04-14-2024 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 17473592)
Yes. Would absolutely love a rolling roof. I literally will not consider going to a game past Oct 31st. With a rolling roof...I would and we could get a SB and more events. I know plenty of ppl who cancelled on the Billy Joel concert because it was 110 heat index.

Yeah, it is well known you are a pussy. That’s been established over and over. Football is made to be played outdoors. The elements are part of what makes the game great.

Katipan 04-14-2024 10:56 AM

Ok great but merge that with it being a business that should be open more than a couple handfuls of days a year.

AND BWillie being a lil pussy.

Chief Pagan 04-14-2024 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by vonBobo (Post 17481302)
The roof was a great engineering dream that later turned into an ingenious sacrificial compromise. Just like this latest vote the prior one was also debated with a lot of similar vote no arguments. What the roof vote did was give people their chance to vote no and tell the owners to shove it while feeling slightly better about voting yes on the extortion tax for their beloved team... a compromise.

So if 70% of fans say no to a dome and 30% of fans say we won't go to games in bad weather... Would the 70%, actually boycott a dome? I would guess, most would not.

As an owner you just write off 30% of potential sales?

And as already mentioned, the usefulness for things besides football the rest of the year.

But I do think outdoor teams, get a slight edge, so stay outside.

|Zach| 04-14-2024 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 17473587)
Why don't they just consider

1. Moving to a cheaper place to live. You don't deserve to live in Two Light for $1200.
2. Learn how to make money
3. That life isnt fair.

Are you just trolling with these straw men?

-King- 04-14-2024 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 17481357)
Yeah, it is well known you are a pussy. That’s been established over and over. Football is made to be played outdoors. The elements are part of what makes the game great.

Do they? How?

I've never watched a September game and been like "****! I wish it was raining or freezing!" And I get just as much enjoyment in great weather games and dome games as I do cold weather games. Maybe even more cause teams can play to their fullest potential.

LoneWolf 04-14-2024 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 17481719)
Do they? How?

I've never watched a September game and been like "****! I wish it was raining or freezing!" And I get just as much enjoyment in great weather games and dome games as I do cold weather games. Maybe even more cause teams can play to their fullest potential.

Let me clear it up for you. The variation in the elements is part ofwhat makes the game great.

ChiefsFanatic 04-14-2024 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 17481719)
Do they? How?

I've never watched a September game and been like "****! I wish it was raining or freezing!" And I get just as much enjoyment in great weather games and dome games as I do cold weather games. Maybe even more cause teams can play to their fullest potential.

I will never understand people wanting their team to win, but wanting the weather to make them play below their potential, because some caveman part of their brain thinks losing digits to frostbite makes them real men.

Imagine, having a penis so tiny that you need your football team to play "in the elements" to make you feel like a man. Pathetic.

IowaHawkeyeChief 04-14-2024 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17481880)
I will never understand people wanting their team to win, but wanting the weather to make them play below their potential, because some caveman part of their brain thinks losing digits to frostbite makes them real men.

Imagine, having a penis so tiny that you need your football team to play "in the elements" to make you feel like a man. Pathetic.

It's not really that hard. We seem to play in the cold/snow/rain much better than many teams. Pat can "spin" it in anything. It gives us an advantage. The only reason this is an issue is because we are playing every year in late January. Games like the negative degree game this year are a once every 25 year occurence. The Dolphs had no chance.

Demonpenz 04-14-2024 06:13 PM

We need to get a final four and to get that we need a DOME

|Zach| 04-14-2024 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 17482009)
We need to get a final four and to get that we need a DOME

We don’t *need* to get a final 4.

Discuss Thrower 04-14-2024 06:22 PM

Football is a fall, New England climate sport.

LoneWolf 04-14-2024 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17481880)
I will never understand people wanting their team to win, but wanting the weather to make them play below their potential, because some caveman part of their brain thinks losing digits to frostbite makes them real men.

Imagine, having a penis so tiny that you need your football team to play "in the elements" to make you feel like a man. Pathetic.

Losing digits to frostbite?!?! ROFLROFL I’ve been to over 100 games at Arrowhead in all kinds of weather. Not once was my health in danger. And yes, I was at the Miami playoff game.

Bearcat 04-14-2024 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17481880)
I will never understand people wanting their team to win, but wanting the weather to make them play below their potential, because some caveman part of their brain thinks losing digits to frostbite makes them real men.

Imagine, having a penis so tiny that you need your football team to play "in the elements" to make you feel like a man. Pathetic.

Or..... people enjoy being outside and know how to dress themselves for inclement weather? :shrug:

Calcountry 04-14-2024 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17481880)
I will never understand people wanting their team to win, but wanting the weather to make them play below their potential, because some caveman part of their brain thinks losing digits to frostbite makes them real men.

Imagine, having a penis so tiny that you need your football team to play "in the elements" to make you feel like a man. Pathetic.

And in cold weather, that can be pretty dang small. :LOL:

Chief Pagan 04-14-2024 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17481880)
I will never understand people wanting their team to win, but wanting the weather to make them play below their potential, because some caveman part of their brain thinks losing digits to frostbite makes them real men.

Imagine, having a penis so tiny that you need your football team to play "in the elements" to make you feel like a man. Pathetic.

I don't think it makes huge difference..., but

Dome teams having to play on the road outside in bad weather are probably at a slight disadvantage.

So it would be one thing if every team played in a Dome, but they don't.

Yes, I've watched live football in sub zero windchill and no, I'm not doing that anymore. Not that I'm going to KC games anyway.

GloryDayz 04-14-2024 08:29 PM

Have they broken ground in Kansas yet?

srvy 04-14-2024 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 17481125)
Yeah, KC weather isn't great by any means, but it's not nearly shitty enough for a dome. It's nice here for those 110° days and I'd never want to go to Lambeau during a cold front in January.... but, one -30° windchill night doesn't mean Arrowhead should have a dome (even if you could argue moving that one game).

Exactly and it's also worth it to not have field turf. Play on grass even if you have to paint it in wintertime.

Pablo 04-14-2024 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by GloryDayz (Post 17482138)
Have they broken ground in Kansas yet?

Pat was seen out in a field near legends with a golden shovel marking the spot he wants his statue earlier today

-King- 04-14-2024 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 17482037)
Or..... people enjoy being outside and know how to dress themselves for inclement weather? :shrug:

Seeing as how tickets get dramatically cheaper and there are empty seats in the stadium, I think you're overestimating how much people "enjoy" being out in that weather.

-King- 04-14-2024 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 17481901)
It's not really that hard. We seem to play in the cold/snow/rain much better than many teams. Pat can "spin" it in anything. It gives us an advantage. The only reason this is an issue is because we are playing every year in late January. Games like the negative degree game this year are a once every 25 year occurence. The Dolphs had no chance.

Sure. But again, Pat can "spin" it in anything but he's at his pure best in good weather/indoor games when he has he and his receivers aren't limited by weather.

Bearcat 04-14-2024 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 17482170)
Seeing as how tickets get dramatically cheaper and there are empty seats in the stadium, I think you're overestimating how much people "enjoy" being out in that weather.

The Dolphins game was obviously extreme (and I already mentioned arguably one that could have been moved), but the vast majority of games are not.

Games where the Chiefs could have used a dome....
That torrential downpour game in the 90s
The -30° wind chill game
....then... uh.... there was that other Dolphins game a decade or so ago that I went to and froze my ass off, but I was also pretty unprepared for it. I got rained on once during a MNF game, and surprise, I got wet.

I'm sure a few games exist, but the vast majority of the time being outdoors is highly enjoyable, and sometimes that does mean buying the right gear so you don't freeze your ass off... and if you can't figure out how to stay warm when it's ~20° while living in the midwest, then yeah stay home.

GloryDayz 04-14-2024 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17482150)
Pat was seen out in a field near legends with a golden shovel marking the spot he wants his statue earlier today


Bob Dole 04-14-2024 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 17482009)
We need to get a final four and to get that we need a DOME

1988 says hello.

vonBobo 04-15-2024 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17481880)
I will never understand people wanting their team to win, but wanting the weather to make them play below their potential, because some caveman part of their brain thinks losing digits to frostbite makes them real men.

Imagine, having a penis so tiny that you need your football team to play "in the elements" to make you feel like a man. Pathetic.

It's another level of adversity. It's rising to the challenge. It's looking at the guy across from you and knowing you will beat him even if it's 110 degrees, or -15, or raining, or if your hamstring is tweaked, or if your cleats aren't holding, or if you are throwing up because of the flu. It's knowing you are going to dig deeper than that other guy.

I don't understand your "playing below their potential" comment, to me the weather just brings another level of determination.

There is always indoor soccer and arena league football for the folks that believe perfect weather equates to ultimate performance.

Why Not? 04-15-2024 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17481880)
I will never understand people wanting their team to win, but wanting the weather to make them play below their potential, because some caveman part of their brain thinks losing digits to frostbite makes them real men.

Imagine, having a penis so tiny that you need your football team to play "in the elements" to make you feel like a man. Pathetic.

Not only is this post just odd, it is factually incorrect at least in regards to the Chiefs.

In the Miami playoff game, which was the only one "losing your digits to frostbite" would apply to this past season, the Chiefs scored above their season average on offense and allowed a season low in points against (regular and post season). Explain to us how that is playing below their potential?

saphojunkie 04-15-2024 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 17482021)
Football is a fall, New England climate sport.

Don’t tell the SEC that

srvy 04-15-2024 08:10 AM

The average summer temps in KC last 4 years about 78F.

The Average winter temps in last 4 years is around 33F.

I think we can all survive.

srvy 04-15-2024 08:39 AM

Interesting report I just read on the cancer of concrete report by Populus for the Royals. Seems Shyster Sherman has removed the report from Royals website and backing away. Just not trustful this organization.

I never believed that bs from the beginning.

Sent from my SM-G986U1 using Tapatalk

GloryDayz 04-15-2024 08:42 AM

Not that we're there yet but if it happens what's wrong with the Royals moving out of JACO and giving JOCO or WYCO a few decades of being bullied/blackmailed by the Royals every few years?

Pablo 04-15-2024 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 17482329)

Interesting report I just read on the cancer of concrete report by Populus for the Royals. Seems Shyster Sherman has removed the report from Royals website and backing away. Just not trustful this organization.

I never believed that bs from the beginning.

Sent from my SM-G986U1 using Tapatalk

Concrete cancer is in remission. Was at stage 4 just a couple of months ago but there’s been a miracle turnaround

Titty Meat 04-15-2024 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by GloryDayz (Post 17482332)
Not that we're there yet but if it happens what's wrong with the Royals moving out of JACO and giving JOCO or WYCO a few decades of being bullied/blackmailed by the Royals every few years?

Nothing ideally they both move to KS

srvy 04-15-2024 12:27 PM

Local news reported that Sherman has revived talks with NKC and Clay County. If I was them I'd tell him to go **** himself. Don't be used like this.

Sassy Squatch 04-15-2024 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 17482643)
Local news reported that Sherman has revived talks with NKC and Clay County. If I was them I'd tell him to go **** himself. Don't be used like this.


vonBobo 04-15-2024 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 17482643)
Local news reported that Sherman has revived talks with NKC and Clay County. If I was them I'd tell him to go **** himself. Don't be used like this.

He wants a downtown stadium where the trust fund 20 somethings can walk to and pay for $20 beers all night. He is going to take these offers and shop them around for a better deal.

Boxer_Chief 04-15-2024 01:40 PM

Good I hope they end up in NKC that would be awesome for me and the views of the river and downtown would be incredible.

Pablo 04-15-2024 07:10 PM

Royals in NKC. Chiefs at Legends. 12 mins either way for me from the stadiums. I can dig it

GloryDayz 04-15-2024 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17483096)
Royals in NKC. Chiefs at Legends. 12 mins either way for me from the stadiums. I can dig it

If it comes to that, sure. I'd never worry about the Chiefs, they play so few games and each is such a big deal with all the planning, where they play in the area means nothing. As for the Royals, because they don't appear to be genuinely committed to winning yin and year out (don't let their current record fool you, look at their past and look at how much of a cheap-ass they're CEO is), I don't think I'll go to many games. Neither team was ever the JACO Chiefs/Royals, they were the KC Chiefs/Royals, it goes the way you've described it'll be nice to have an option to attend a game while not being ass-raped by they team's owners every few years.

Titty Meat 04-15-2024 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17483096)
Royals in NKC. Chiefs at Legends. 12 mins either way for me from the stadiums. I can dig it

But KC will turn into Omaha if that happens!

KCUnited 04-15-2024 08:56 PM

KCMO home of the Current

DaFace 04-16-2024 12:07 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;Kansas City Manager Brian Platt said...the city is in talks with both teams and will take the lead on future negotiations, displacing Jackson County government from that role.<br><br>Platt suggested that the next deal for a downtown ballpark might not require a public vote....&quot;</p>&mdash; Royals Review (@royalsreview) <a href="">April 16, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Bearcat 04-16-2024 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17483180)
But KC will turn into Omaha if that happens!

If anyone in Raytown has to drive to NKC or Legends, both teams might as well be in Omaha!

Titty Meat 04-16-2024 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17483629)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;Kansas City Manager Brian Platt said...the city is in talks with both teams and will take the lead on future negotiations, displacing Jackson County government from that role.<br><br>Platt suggested that the next deal for a downtown ballpark might not require a public vote....&quot;</p>&mdash; Royals Review (@royalsreview) <a href="">April 16, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Who knew Quinton was an election denier

Discuss Thrower 04-16-2024 01:02 PM

Taking the decision out of taxpayers' hands.

That'll go over well.

wazu 04-16-2024 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17483629)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;Kansas City Manager Brian Platt said...the city is in talks with both teams and will take the lead on future negotiations, displacing Jackson County government from that role.<br><br>Platt suggested that the next deal for a downtown ballpark might not require a public vote....&quot;</p>&mdash; Royals Review (@royalsreview) <a href="">April 16, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Hell ****ing yeah!

wazu 04-16-2024 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 17483685)
Taking the decision out of taxpayers' hands.

That'll go over well.

The vast majority of spending of public money is decided upon by our elected officials. Although it is funny how insanely conservative people are about a 3/8th cent sales tax while they think nothing of electing people who will spend money on all manner of other shit they care nothing about.

tk13 04-16-2024 01:18 PM

Yeah this all just means they're cutting Frank White out of the equation.

Titty Meat 04-16-2024 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 17483705)
The vast majority of spending of public money is decided upon by our elected officials. Although it is funny how insanely conservative people are about a 3/8th cent sales tax while they think nothing of electing people who will spend money on all manner of other shit they care nothing about.

So you support election denial?

wazu 04-16-2024 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17483715)
So you support election denial?

No. That's one of the reasons I'm glad this hasn't been on a KC ballot.

comochiefsfan 04-16-2024 02:03 PM

If the Mayor has to take it out of the irresponsible public’s hands in order to keep the Royals and Chiefs in the area then that’s what he should do.

Hopefully they eminent domain the Crossroads and slap that nice new ballpark there. Don’t give the tenants and the average sports hating citizen a chance to **** it up this time.

loochy 04-16-2024 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17483180)
But KC will turn into Omaha if that happens!

but Chiefs in Kansas! Kansas evil and bad!

Rausch 04-16-2024 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by comochiefsfan (Post 17483768)
If the Mayor has to take it out of the irresponsible public’s hands in order to keep the Royals and Chiefs in the area then that’s what he should do.

Hopefully they eminent domain the Crossroads and slap that nice new ballpark there. Don’t give the tenants and the average sports hating citizen a chance to **** it up this time.

I pray to gawd this type of stupidity is sarcasm...

comochiefsfan 04-16-2024 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 17483774)
I pray to gawd this type of stupidity is sarcasm...

Absolutley not.

The Chiefs and Royals leaving the area would be devastating for KC.

The mayor’s job is to protect the best interests of the city. Hopefully he and the city are willing to do whatever it takes to keep those assets in KC. Even if it means overriding the will of the misguided public.

Discuss Thrower 04-16-2024 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by comochiefsfan (Post 17483779)
Absolutley not.

The Chiefs and Royals leaving the area would be devastating for KC.

The mayor’s job is to protect the best interests of the city. Hopefully he and the city are willing to do whatever it takes to keep those assets in KC. Even if it means overriding the will of the misguided public.

It would be devastating for politicians and their ilk.

wazu 04-16-2024 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by comochiefsfan (Post 17483779)
Absolutley not.

The Chiefs and Royals leaving the area would be devastating for KC.

The mayor’s job is to protect the best interests of the city. Hopefully he and the city are willing to do whatever it takes to keep those assets in KC. Even if it means overriding the will of the misguided public.

Okay but that's not what this would be. A failed vote in Jackson County means nothing to KC other than the city government now has to take action when they were probably hoping not to. Question 1 was not put to a vote by KCMO voters, it was just Jackson County. KC may have a different range of options in it's bag.

Titty Meat 04-16-2024 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by comochiefsfan (Post 17483768)
If the Mayor has to take it out of the irresponsible public’s hands in order to keep the Royals and Chiefs in the area then that’s what he should do.

Hopefully they eminent domain the Crossroads and slap that nice new ballpark there. Don’t give the tenants and the average sports hating citizen a chance to **** it up this time.

Stay in COMO you homo

Titty Meat 04-16-2024 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 17483774)
I pray to gawd this type of stupidity is sarcasm...

What kind of people you think live in central Missouri? Have you ever been there? It's a complete shit hole

srvy 04-16-2024 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 17483705)
The vast majority of spending of public money is decided upon by our elected officials. Although it is funny how insanely conservative people are about a 3/8th cent sales tax while they think nothing of electing people who will spend money on all manner of other shit they care nothing about.

The tax wasn't the issue on the vote it will be paid anyway for 7 more years. The problem was with the ill-conceived planning.

Pablo 04-16-2024 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17483835)
Stay in COMO you homo

That place is packed with gays. I’m surprised he ever leaves it tbh

Titty Meat 04-16-2024 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17483846)
That place is packed with gays. I’m surprised he ever leaves it tbh

Most of them died during COVID

Pablo 04-16-2024 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17483849)
Most of them died during COVID

You think homochiefsfan wears a mask while he eats dude ass??

Titty Meat 04-16-2024 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 17483852)
You think homochiefsfan wears a mask while he eats dude ass??

Cuts a hole in the middle. Dude def has bottom energy

KCUnited 04-16-2024 02:55 PM

Feel like a KC only vote (for the Royals) would get crushed worse than the first one if everything else is the same

wazu 04-16-2024 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 17483868)
Feel like a KC only vote (for the Royals) would get crushed worse than the first one if everything else is the same

That's why I'm glad their considering options that don't put it to a vote.

KCUnited 04-16-2024 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 17483875)
That's why I'm glad their considering options that don't put it to a vote.


Royals are watchable again so its the right thing to do

-King- 04-16-2024 03:23 PM

What could the city offer the Chiefs to stay? Where would the new stadium go? Cause they clearly don't want to stay in the TSC.

|Zach| 04-16-2024 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 17483868)
Feel like a KC only vote (for the Royals) would get crushed worse than the first one if everything else is the same

Well would not be the same.

KCUnited 04-16-2024 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 17483924)
Well would not be the same.

What do you know that would be different?

Improved plans?

"Answering the tough questions?"

My point was if everything stayed the same, a KC only vote seems like it would lose again as they seemed to be the base with the biggest problem with the original plans because right now it seems like Sherman's wife sent a "you up?" text to Kansas and now the city wants to look into other options

|Zach| 04-16-2024 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 17483933)
What do you know that would be different?

Improved plans?

"Answering the tough questions?"

My point was if everything stayed the same, a KC only vote seems like it would lose again as they seemed to be the base with the biggest problem with the original plans because right now it seems like Sherman's wife sent a "you up?" text to Kansas and now the city wants to look into other options

I think the idea that continued talks with a different entity would just mean "the same plan" seems silly.

But I realize people around here think we have no leverage which is another premise I disagree with.

KCUnited 04-16-2024 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 17483945)
I think the idea that continued talks with a different entity would just mean "the same plan" seems silly.

But I realize people around here think we have no leverage which is another premise I disagree with.

It was a hypothetical as part of the current discussion

I wasn't insinuating that's what should or would happen

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