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DaneMcCloud 05-13-2016 01:11 PM

DaneMcCloud 05-13-2016 01:12 PM

Red Brooklyn 05-13-2016 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12229379)
Cast members arrive in Ireland. Curious to see Adam Driver among them...

Lots of rumors (for a while now) that Kilo Ren goes to see Luke and Rey and they have a nice chat and then Luke and Ren go at it. This would seem to support that rumor to some degree.

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-13-2016 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12229379)
Cast members arrive in Ireland. Curious to see Adam Driver among them...

A) Mark is boss.

B) Showdown at the Temple incoming.

Chiefs Pantalones 05-14-2016 07:30 AM

The OP says 2017, I thought this movie comes out this year?

unlurking 05-14-2016 07:33 AM

Rogue One is this year, VIII is next.

Chiefs Pantalones 05-14-2016 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 12230304)
Rogue One is this year, VIII is next.

Sorry I'm dumb.

unlurking 05-14-2016 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefs Pantalones (Post 12230308)
Sorry I'm dumb.

No worries. Disney is like king of movies for me right now with all the Marvel and Star Wars products. Never in my life have I looked forward to so many movie releases every year. Constantly forget when what is coming out.

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-14-2016 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefs Pantalones (Post 12230308)
Sorry I'm dumb.

The Force awoke, turned over, and went back to bed.

Fire Me Boy! 05-14-2016 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12230352)
The Force awoke, turned over, and went back to bed.

Thanks for this joke from 2014.

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-14-2016 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 12230381)
Thanks for this joke from 2014.

DaneMcCloud 05-18-2016 01:04 PM

Okay, this is ****ING HUGE. Read at your own risk.
I'll repeat again: This is ****ing HUGE read at your own risk.

Now we know why Kylo Ren arrived in Ireland this week...


Luke Skywalker and Rey are on Ahch-To just before nightfall as the sun sets in the background and it starts to rain. Rey’s hair is pulled back. She doesn’t have the vest from VII on. Luke and Rey are wearing the costumes as described before.

Kylo Ren and The Knights of Ren turn up along the coast. Kylo Ren continues advancing towards the heroes with the Knights of Ren. Kylo does not wear the mask here. Kylo has the same cross guard saber as he did in VII. Kylo’s costume looked the same as in VII.

Rey and Kylo Ren duel one-on-one and end up fighting alongside the cliff face over looking the nighttime water. Kylo wants his revenge after Rey disgraced him. The Knights of Ren go for Luke Skywalker while Rey is left for Kylo.

Luke Skywalker engages the knights on the beach while Kylo attempts to kill Rey. The first black knight has an axe and moves towards the Luke but is Force pushed away to his death after being thrown through the air. After Luke dispatches the first knight he ignites his green lightsaber.

Luke moves through each knight one by one.

Rey and Kylo’s battle moves up to the side of a cliff. Suddenly Rey is nowhere to be seen. She’s taken out of the battle, either wounded or appears to go over the side of the cliff. Luke Skywalker casually walks towards Kylo to finish him but Kylo retreats when he sees Skywalker and his crew defeated.

Luke Skywalker is a badass Jedi and he’ll destroy your squad.


One source commented:

Luke Skywalker fights the Knights of Ren using the Force and then his sword, a mixture of wizard and warrior. While we can confirm that Luke does use his lightsaber, we think we can confirm the color too; the lightsaber was green for the light-rod on set. So it appears Luke still has his Return of the Jedi saber after all these years. There were also white flashing effects used in the battle.

Lots of wire work was observed as well.

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-18-2016 05:11 PM

I figured Luke would be immensely powerful at this stage, like moving mountains-powerful.

Let's if his technique has improved.

BleedingRed 05-18-2016 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12236863)
I figured Luke would be immensely powerful at this stage, like moving mountains-powerful.

Let's if his technique has improved.

I wonder if his power is Yoda like or more Gins strength level.....

DaneMcCloud 05-19-2016 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12236863)
I figured Luke would be immensely powerful at this stage, like moving mountains-powerful.

Let's if his technique has improved.

It's been more than 30 years. By all accounts, he's found Jedi Holocrons, studied them, started a new order and has been studying at the very first Jedi Temple. He's also the son of the Chosen One, who was created by the Midichlorians.

There are rumors that he's been consulting with Yoda over the years, who will likely make an appearance. I think that it's more likely than not that Luke is the most powerful Jedi, ever.

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