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wazu 11-11-2024 08:21 PM

It sounded like the election results were important for this deal.

Sassy Squatch 11-11-2024 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 17800793)
It sounded like the election results were important for this deal.

Which result and in what way?

wazu 11-11-2024 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17800809)
Which result and in what way?

Clark Hunt made reference to it a couple of weeks ago. There was indication that things we being discussed on the Missouri side. He made some reference to not being able to say much at the time because of the upcoming election.

Somebody in this thread called out that Mike Kehoe said something about being interested in the state helping.

ChiefsCountry 11-12-2024 08:55 AM

Fescoe reporting Royals looking to Johnson County and the old Sprint campus is the leading site.

louie aguiar 11-12-2024 08:59 AM

Sounds like a negotiation ploy by the Royals to get the MO side to give them more.

GloryDayz 11-12-2024 09:02 AM

I guess the JACO population is about to find out if Kehoe was worth his vote...

louie aguiar 11-12-2024 09:05 AM

Kehoe is a STL guy and I heard the Cardinals are asking for money for stadium upgrades as well. It will be interesting to see what happens- STL politics generally rule in Jeff City.

GloryDayz 11-12-2024 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by louie aguiar (Post 17801166)
Kehoe is a STL guy and I heard the Cardinals are asking for money for stadium upgrades as well. It will be interesting to see what happens- STL politics generally rule in Jeff City.

1) **** St. Louis...

2) You are correct, but I also recall Kehoe being the only candidate willing to talk about how he wanted to keep the teams in MO. I don't think he can wave a wand and make it happen, but I do hope that if KS lures either team away that in all other respects Kehoe unilaterally withdraw from any "agreements" that the two states once had and say it's open season on KS. Put Topeka on notice that with our ridiculously deeper pockets that we will, as a state, make sure any business that stays in KS has to be doing it for political reasons because MO is going to make it financially better to move (or start up) to/in MO.

Fans would lose nothing IMO, I sure don't mind driving over there occasionally for a game, but I'm sure ready for MO to quit being nice and being the only one to respect the bullshit accord the two states have.

And if we lose the team/teams and he doesn't go to war economically with KS, he's a useless piece of shit.

nychief 11-12-2024 10:48 AM


KCUnited 11-12-2024 10:52 AM

Makes sense to me

KCMO for WNBA and women's soccer

KS for professional men's sports

Pablo 11-12-2024 01:37 PM

Mayor Q was gonna save the situation though

What happened?

DaFace 11-12-2024 01:41 PM

So...was there actually any news?

ChiefsCountry 11-12-2024 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17801754)
So...was there actually any news?

Royals are looking into Johnson County and Kansas with the Sprint campus the leading site.

Pablo 11-12-2024 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17801754)
So...was there actually any news?

Bob Fescoe is supposedly an insider with Royals folks so he dropped that “news” on his morning radio show.

I’d put him just a touch above Clay or Soggy Shane when it comes to information.

wazu 11-12-2024 01:50 PM

Pretty good summary in this article.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Royals could be looking at ballpark sites in Johnson County <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Royals Review (@royalsreview) <a href="">November 12, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

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