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RaiderH8r 08-06-2013 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 9863029)
what...because someone found your Craigslist posting/ad?


I know we're having fun and all but my God man. For all that is holy. I...I got nothing. This listing may have broken me as a human being. I just....I...

/walking away

Psyko Tek 08-06-2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9862829)
Better hurry up guys or you're gonna lose out on this opportunity of a lifetime. Just remember....NO PERVERTS.

hemorrhoiding - w4m - 37 (lafayette)

<section class="userbody"> <section id="postingbody"> I have a couple of bulging hemorrhoids right now and will let some lucky man take advantage of this. I did this a few years back on CL and had overwhelming responses. This time, to weed out the flakers...I'm putting stipulations on it. I want to get on my hands and knees, and have you pop my hemorrhoids for me, with your teeth. I want the pus and blood to squirt down your throat. Afterwards, you have to clean me up with peroxide and tissue. Then you get to **** me in the ass. I get to take a picture of you with the hemorrhoids between your teeth before you bite down on them. After we are all finished, I will post your face picture on CL as the lucky winner who got them.

Please reply with a face and body picture. Be clean, well shaven, and healthy. No creepers! No pictures, no reply. That plain and simple. I do not want a picture of your dick. Don't be a pervert. Send a face picture, please. </section></section>

I do like you r posts,
but sir that was that mother****er grossest thing
I do not do it again , and you may wanna get it off before mods or people who like to bitch see it

that was ****ing nasty

bishop_74 08-06-2013 09:39 PM

Maybe we need a thread for gross stuff. I just can't stomach that shiznit

Mr. Plow 08-06-2013 09:52 PM

FTR, it made my stomach turn reading through that ad - even now, I can't reread it. I hesitated before posting the actual ad and considered just posting the link, but then I remembered the masturbating dog and said "**** it."

Baby Lee 08-06-2013 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9864034)
FTR, it made my stomach turn reading through that ad - even now, I can't reread it. I hesitated before posting the actual ad and considered just posting the link, but then I remembered the masturbating dog and said "**** it."

Oh sure, blame it all on the red rocket.

Mr. Plow 08-07-2013 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 9864129)
Oh sure, blame it all on the red rocket.


Mr. Plow 08-07-2013 07:54 AM


Sassy Squatch 08-07-2013 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 9863209)
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

OK then.

Cheater5 08-07-2013 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9864485)

It's an RKG-3 anti tank grenade.

This belongs in 'stuff that makes you laugh'? You know those are US Servicemen getting blown up?

Donger 08-07-2013 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9864485)

Whoa. Is that real?

RockChalk 08-07-2013 08:48 AM

Pretty sure he fell short of his target. The truck keeps on going

Donger 08-07-2013 08:50 AM

Guess it is real... This will get your blood boiling:

Donger 08-07-2013 08:54 AM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Amnorix 08-07-2013 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 9864541)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I remember seeing this before, where the woman is described as a babysitter, which might make a bit more sense.

In any event, epic fail indeed. While cats are a whirling mass of teeth of claws, pick up a goddamn weapon, or at least a shield. JFC.

Sofa King 08-07-2013 09:29 AM

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