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ShortRoundChief 08-14-2008 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by XXXshogunXXX (Post 4913562)
jeez, this thread. So sad, and funny. bobafett and Luv should get it over with and **** already

you make it hard to masturbate on the web

Sure-Oz 08-14-2008 02:31 AM

No shit about the chatting, reduce that shit, you'll be in the friendzone

I say go out and do something, invite her to go bowling or some you even think you'd have the balls to make any moves in person? It's just a damn woman, its not rocket science

Sure-Oz 08-14-2008 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by XXXshogunXXX (Post 4913562)
jeez, this thread. So sad, and funny. bobafett and Luv should get it over with and **** already

Oh man

chagrin 08-14-2008 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Sure-Oz (Post 4913658)
No shit about the chatting, reduce that shit, you'll be in the friendzone

I say go out and do something, invite her to go bowling or some you even think you'd have the balls to make any moves in person? It's just a damn woman, its not rocket science

I cant believe anyone is actually buying this garbage

Skip Towne 08-14-2008 05:30 AM

The internet doesn't seem like a very good place to find a mate. But where else is there?

Goapics1 08-14-2008 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne (Post 4913686)
The internet doesn't seem like a very good place to find a mate. But where else is there?


Does GoatCheese really not have a job and live with his mom? or you just giving him a hard time?

siberian khatru 08-14-2008 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 4913317)
Take her to a fire station.

"Well, I was thinking about hosing you, and ..."

Fairplay 08-14-2008 07:34 AM

This thread is going to go on forever.

Hammock Parties 08-14-2008 10:48 PM

Ain't she the sweetest?


bfett81: evenin'
bfett81: so, the doors were unlocked this morning?
bfett81: so you got the job?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: they called me this afternoon and told me if I wanted it it was mine
bfett81: awesome
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I'll be teaching kindergarten and first grade
bfett81: lol probably eased your fears after just quitting the other day
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I didn't have any fears
HOTINTERNETSLUT: if I had I wouldn't have quit
HOTINTERNETSLUT: even if this job didn't come through I had plans to be a sub for different schools districts. I even had a luthern school wanting me to sub since they didn't have teaching positions available
bfett81: that's cool
HOTINTERNETSLUT: so i wasn't worried :-)
HOTINTERNETSLUT: but it is nice to know there will be something more steady ahead of me instead of subbing
bfett81: you're not lutheran, then?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: no I'm not lutheran
bfett81: that's the one thing that was weird about wisconsin, it's like lutheran world
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well that's not me
bfett81: the german invasion
bfett81: so did you enjoy our chat last night?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: i'm not sure how long i can stay up talking tonight though it's been a long day and i'm exhausted
bfett81: im glad...because we did chat for two hours...and if you had been bored out of your mind the whole time i'd feel terrible lol
bfett81: that's cool, i'm not staying up much longer myself
HOTINTERNETSLUT: if I was bored I would have so goodbye and not kept talking
bfett81: well, gee, now i feel special
bfett81: 8-)
bfett81: im assuming you told your parents about the job?
bfett81: you don't have to move or anything...
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I can't afford to move
bfett81: that's if you can just get the school to move to maui
HOTINTERNETSLUT: haha well I don't see that happening
bfett81: so what do you do for fun, lauren?
bfett81: besides drink martinis and surf okcupid
bfett81: :-)
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I'm boring and lead no life
bfett81: awwww
bfett81: :-(
HOTINTERNETSLUT: like today...
HOTINTERNETSLUT: had an interview
HOTINTERNETSLUT: went to babysit
HOTINTERNETSLUT: got home after 9
HOTINTERNETSLUT: that is my life for the most part
bfett81: well
bfett81: babysitting, eh?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well I was sort of sucked into a parttime nanny job
bfett81: kids give you trouble?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: no she doesn't
bfett81: ah, just one
HOTINTERNETSLUT: she's good but still hard after dealing with 20 during the day
bfett81: wait, so they put you to work the first day?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: my current job that i put my 2 weeks in...I still go to that job
bfett81: ahhhh
bfett81: i thought you had quit on the spot
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I'd never do that
bfett81: they didn't give you any grief about quitting
bfett81: i hope?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: no she knew I was looking basically before she hired me
bfett81: that's good
bfett81: so what are the couple you babysit for like?
bfett81: i actually used to do that in high school...heh
bfett81: embarrassingly enough
HOTINTERNETSLUT: i don't know don't know them that well
HOTINTERNETSLUT: but they're nice
HOTINTERNETSLUT: she's pregnant again and it's a high risk pregnancy so that's why they need me right now because he works some nights
bfett81: boy or girl?
bfett81: the one you sit, i mean
bfett81: i sat two boys
bfett81: terrors
bfett81: both under 8
bfett81: usually
bfett81: i could just put on star wars and they'd shut up for 2 hours
bfett81: but that only works a couple times lol
bfett81: how old is the girl?
bfett81: what do you do with her?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: whatever she wants
HOTINTERNETSLUT: today we looked at a million books
HOTINTERNETSLUT: played with play dough
bfett81: uh oh!
bfett81: cookies!
HOTINTERNETSLUT: what's wrong with cookies
bfett81: nothing lol
bfett81: but you'll quickly become her favorite....
bfett81: "cookie lady"
HOTINTERNETSLUT: her mom is the one who brought them up for us
HOTINTERNETSLUT: so it wasn't me giving them to her
bfett81: well, i'm sorry your day was so uneventful
bfett81: nothing happened at lunch or anything
HOTINTERNETSLUT: i come home for lunch
bfett81: ah
bfett81: well, that's nice too, a lot of people can't
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and it was eventful i got a job
bfett81: definitely
bfett81: see, not so boring
HOTINTERNETSLUT: it's never boring...just no life outside of working basically
bfett81: no girlfriends?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I have few in the area
bfett81: never want to go out?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well one is married so it's hard to get her to
bfett81: yeah, that happens
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and the other sometimes
HOTINTERNETSLUT: we're hanging out on saturday
bfett81: tell 'em about the martini place i linked you to
bfett81: it might become your new martini hangout
HOTINTERNETSLUT: but my close close friends are in the austin/san antonio areas
bfett81: so when do you start your new job?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: aug 25th i think
bfett81: same kids all day?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: 2 different grades though
bfett81: any ideas about what you'll be doing with them?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: not 100% sure yet. They have a curriculum book I have to follow so I have to review the book before I can really say what I'll be doing. and I won't see the book probably till the 25th
bfett81: what grades?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: kindergarten and 1st
bfett81: what's the most advanced stuff you teach at that level?
bfett81: because, you know, i don't exactly remember my life at that age real clearly lol
HOTINTERNETSLUT: probably multiplication
HOTINTERNETSLUT: which i was shocked to find out i don't remember doing that so early
bfett81: wow
bfett81: no way
bfett81: they gonna churn out a bunch of geniuses
bfett81: bunch of niles and frasier crane's
HOTINTERNETSLUT: sounds like that's their plan
HOTINTERNETSLUT: i have 3 kinders in my class and 2 of them can read already
bfett81: jeez
bfett81: check for performance-enhancing drugs
bfett81: super-literacy tonic 5000
HOTINTERNETSLUT: yeah that's advance since my nephew is at the same age and he can read just not at the same level it sounds like
bfett81: stupid joke, sorry :-\
bfett81: yeah i can tell
HOTINTERNETSLUT: i'm getting to the point of being out of it
bfett81: if you want to hit the sack, don't let me keep you
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I think I'm going to.
bfett81: cus you know, im awesome and stuff
bfett81: heh
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I'm sitting here in the dark trying to keep my eyes open
bfett81: talk to you tomorrow maybe...whenever
HOTINTERNETSLUT: have a nice night
bfett81: thanks, get some rest
HOTINTERNETSLUT: so i couldn't be better company tonight
bfett81: lauren :-)
bfett81: no big deal
HOTINTERNETSLUT: ok well good night
bfett81: nite
Note: this is from last night. Tonight she's been on AIM for hours and won't initiate anything. I don't know what her deal is. I'm going to leave the ball in her court, though.

Phobia 08-14-2008 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by apics1 (Post 4913763)

Does GoatCheese really not have a job and live with his mom? or you just giving him a hard time?

He might have a job. In fact, he probably does have a job outside of his WPI participation.

Phobia 08-14-2008 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4915881)
Ain't she the sweetest?

Note: this is from last night. Tonight she's been on AIM for hours and won't initiate anything. I don't know what her deal is. I'm going to leave the ball in her court, though.

Dude - that chick is not into you at all. Stop wasting your time.

Sure-Oz 08-14-2008 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4915881)
Ain't she the sweetest?

Note: this is from last night. Tonight she's been on AIM for hours and won't initiate anything. I don't know what her deal is. I'm going to leave the ball in her court, though.

You are ****ed, move onto the next one....just reading how you "talk" to her shows why you are a single guy...she doesn't ask you shit, its like you talking to yourself and answering your own questions, also the joking about how cool you are, fishing for compliments? Stop posting the gay ass smilies

Edit-phob's beat me

Phobia 08-14-2008 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sure-Oz (Post 4915943)
You are ****ed, move onto the next one....just reading how you "talk" to her shows why you are a single guy...she doesn't ask you shit, its like you talking to yourself and answering your own questions, also the joking about how cool you are, fishing for compliments? Stop posting the gay ass smilies

Edit-phob's beat me

Heh. I gasped aloud when I read this:

so did you enjoy our chat last night?
Then there was the whole "I'm a dude and didn't have anything better to do in high school than babysit". Heh.

Hammock Parties 08-14-2008 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sure-Oz (Post 4915943)
You are ****ed, move onto the next one....just reading how you "talk" to her shows why you are a single guy...she doesn't ask you shit, its like you talking to yourself and answering your own questions, also the joking about how cool you are, fishing for compliments? Stop posting the gay ass smilies

Edit-phob's beat me

Something doesn't add up. Why would she sit there and blab for two hours if she wasn't into me? She's already admitted to being extremely shy. I think she can't even bring herself to IM me first. The poor dear.

I'll wait a couple more days and then ask her.

Sure-Oz 08-14-2008 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 4915950)
Heh. I gasped aloud when I read this:

Then there was the whole "I'm a dude and didn't have anything better to do in high school than babysit". Heh.


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