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crazycoffey 07-26-2007 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow
Splurge is right. Damn expensive.

well it is, but I meant to be funny by saying we splurged on a trip away and went to a hotel five minutes away....

but, I digress, how was the trip

crazycoffey 07-26-2007 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by PinkFloyd
Go to bed kids or Santa will not show up !!!!

that's not funny, santa died in our backyard two years ago, fell off the roof....

Priest4Prez 07-26-2007 08:44 PM

My gf and I saw Chuck and Larry on saturday. It was a lot funnier than it looked in the previews. Haven't seen transformers yet though

PinkFloyd 07-26-2007 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey
that's not funny, santa died in our backyard two years ago, fell off the roof....

That's right ---- Tim Allen took over...

Or whoever his name was in the movie...

crazycoffey 07-26-2007 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by PinkFloyd
That's right ---- Tim Allen took over...

Or whoever his name was in the movie...

you got it!

Mr. Plow 07-26-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey
well it is, but I meant to be funny by saying we splurged on a trip away and went to a hotel five minutes away....

but, I digress, how was the trip

Sometimes just getting away from the house for a night can be a relaxing, enjoyable evening.

Trip was alright. Very quick. Left Tuesday at about 12:30p. Worked all day Wednesday. Left today at about 11am. Kids did surprisingly well for a 6 hour car ride. We were scared over last year. Drove out to Denver (8 hours) and the kids literally screamed bloody murder for 7 1/2 of it - both ways.

crazycoffey 07-26-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow
Sometimes just getting away from the house for a night can be a relaxing, enjoyable evening.

Trip was alright. Very quick. Left Tuesday at about 12:30p. Worked all day Wednesday. Left today at about 11am. Kids did surprisingly well for a 6 hour car ride. We were scared over last year. Drove out to Denver (8 hours) and the kids literally screamed bloody murder for 7 1/2 of it - both ways.

HA, well you are right..... about getting away.
BTW I think I can hear your kids scream and I haven't even met them, is that wierd?

crazycoffey 07-26-2007 09:07 PM

IS Tiny E around? I have some breaking news on this planet member and it is something that no one knows about me.......

anyone?? anyone??

Mr. Plow 07-26-2007 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey
HA, well you are right..... about getting away.
BTW I think I can hear your kids scream and I haven't even met them, is that wierd?

Sometimes, I have nightmares about that trip.

luv 07-26-2007 09:40 PM

Wal-Mart run! Anyone need anything?

crazycoffey 07-26-2007 09:44 PM

None of you want to hear my groundbreaking news?

banyon 07-26-2007 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by luv
Wal-Mart run! Anyone need anything?

Dr. Thunder, Always Dr. Thunder.

Maybe a side bag of Ol' Roy too.

Bugeater 07-26-2007 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey
None of you want to hear my groundbreaking news?

Sure, but make it quick.

Mr. Plow 07-26-2007 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey
None of you want to hear my groundbreaking news?

Better be good....or else I'll go to sleep immediately after. Who am I kidding, I'll go to sleep anyway.

TinyEvel 07-26-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey
IS Tiny E around? I have some breaking news on this planet member and it is something that no one knows about me.......

anyone?? anyone??

What's up? You're about to tell us that you've finally learned what Wesley Snipes is REALLY like?

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