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ThaVirus 02-20-2022 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16152515)
So for those of you that played AC Odyssey, what really drew you in to make you say it was great?

So far, it's feeling like a sprawling goose chase. There's so many side quests and stuff, it just feels like I'm running around endlessly with no real purpose.

I think I enjoyed the fact that it was so massive. There was so much to explore and I enjoyed discovering new things across the Greeks islands.

What stands out in my memory:

I liked Alexios and thought his voice actor did a good job.

Kassandra as Deimos was a pretty cool villain.

Sailing/ship stuff was awesome and I typically hate ship missions.

Combat felt fluid and I loved the amount of weapons and armor to customize.

I love mythology so the mixture of that and Isu technology was cool.

tredadda 02-20-2022 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16154655)
I think I enjoyed the fact that it was so massive. There was so much to explore and I enjoyed discovering new things across the Greeks islands.

What stands out in my memory:

I liked Alexios and thought his voice actor did a good job.

Kassandra as Deimos was a pretty cool villain.

Sailing/ship stuff was awesome and I typically hate ship missions.

Combat felt fluid and I loved the amount of weapons and armor to customize.

I love mythology so the mixture of that and Isu technology was cool.

Agreed on the sailing parts. Both sailing and naval combat are well done in that game. Plus the amount of customization to your ship/crew was a nice feature. They made you care about your ship without overwhelming you with it. I loved being Alexios and having my ship crewed by the Daughters of Artemis and having my LTs be former mercenaries and territory leaders. I my only issue with the naval part at all (and this might just be a me thing) was the extremely high cost in materials needed to upgrade my ship.

Skyy God 02-20-2022 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 16154434)
Back down the Destiny 2 rabbit hole after one of my typical breaks from it…so excited for Witch Queen, cannot wait for Tuesday!

I got back into it with Season 15 after basically not playing since vanilla D2.

Rework of Void and weapon crafting should be fun.

Rausch 02-20-2022 04:57 PM

Just got Blood Bowl II and so far I'm loving it.

As a kid in the comix stores it always looked cool and I always wanted to try it. The table top game was a bit pricey with miniatures and paint and all and not many people around here played.

This is basically a turn based chess/checkers type of thing with comedic, football, and fantasy elements. Elf, undead, Orc, etc positional players. There's touchdowns, passing, and running. Easy and fun to play but seems extremely hard to master. I'm only 5 games in to the tutorial/story mode but it's addictive fun you can pick up or put down after 30-50 minute matches.

MMXcalibur 02-20-2022 08:46 PM

Elden Ring is a Day One purchase.

Hoping to get some work out of my PS5

htismaqe 02-21-2022 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16154655)
I think I enjoyed the fact that it was so massive. There was so much to explore and I enjoyed discovering new things across the Greeks islands.

What stands out in my memory:

I liked Alexios and thought his voice actor did a good job.

Kassandra as Deimos was a pretty cool villain.

Sailing/ship stuff was awesome and I typically hate ship missions.

Combat felt fluid and I loved the amount of weapons and armor to customize.

I love mythology so the mixture of that and Isu technology was cool.


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 16154676)
Agreed on the sailing parts. Both sailing and naval combat are well done in that game. Plus the amount of customization to your ship/crew was a nice feature. They made you care about your ship without overwhelming you with it. I loved being Alexios and having my ship crewed by the Daughters of Artemis and having my LTs be former mercenaries and territory leaders. I my only issue with the naval part at all (and this might just be a me thing) was the extremely high cost in materials needed to upgrade my ship.

I'm not finding any compelling reason to actually be on my ship, other than to get to submerged areas. There's no real aim to it other than a few fetch quests. Maybe I need to progress the story a bit more? I mean AC Black Flag had the whole fleet thing so capturing ships was a goal in and of itself. The only reason I have right now to use my ship is to get resources to upgrade my ship. Right now, I'm better suited to use those resources to upgrade my weapons instead.

The Franchise 02-21-2022 10:25 AM

Was on a video game hiatus for a while because of life. About to start up Far Cry 6 tonight since I got it for Christmas. I've heard shitty things about it but I've liked the Far Cry series for a while now.

tredadda 02-21-2022 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16155662)
I'm not finding any compelling reason to actually be on my ship, other than to get to submerged areas. There's no real aim to it other than a few fetch quests. Maybe I need to progress the story a bit more? I mean AC Black Flag had the whole fleet thing so capturing ships was a goal in and of itself. The only reason I have right now to use my ship is to get resources to upgrade my ship. Right now, I'm better suited to use those resources to upgrade my weapons instead.

You will use your ship more to island hop down the road as well as to fight naval conquest battles on some of the smaller islands. I am not sure how far you are in the game, so I don’t want to spoil anything, but you will have to utilize your ship more than you think as part of the main story line.

Fish 02-21-2022 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 16155787)
Was on a video game hiatus for a while because of life. About to start up Far Cry 6 tonight since I got it for Christmas. I've heard shitty things about it but I've liked the Far Cry series for a while now.

I finished it. But it was pretty weak compared to previous Far Cry games. Just felt flat. The storyline wasn't as good. Graphics are pretty sweet though.

htismaqe 02-21-2022 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16155876)
I finished it. But it was pretty weak compared to previous Far Cry games. Just felt flat. The storyline wasn't as good. Graphics are pretty sweet though.

I enjoyed playing Far Cry New Dawn but it was easily the worst story in the bunch. They've gone downhill in the story department the last couple of entries but the gameplay is still top notch.

htismaqe 02-21-2022 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 16155796)
You will use your ship more to island hop down the road as well as to fight naval conquest battles on some of the smaller islands. I am not sure how far you are in the game, so I don’t want to spoil anything, but you will have to utilize your ship more than you think as part of the main story line.

That's good to know. Right now there's really no incentive to me hopping on my ship to do anything. It's really hard to isolate targets and not get swarmed and the rewards are just meh.

Maybe if I could find some ships that had better cargo, I like looting the chests and finding garbage. Not.

Fish 02-21-2022 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16155888)
That's good to know. Right now there's really no incentive to me hopping on my ship to do anything. It's really hard to isolate targets and not get swarmed and the rewards are just meh.

Maybe if I could find some ships that had better cargo, I like looting the chests and finding garbage. Not.

There are many different sizes of ships. The good ones you can't really take on until you upgrade your ship. There's also a bunch of missions involving the ship. And there are several Cultists that hang out on ships.

I really enjoyed the ship stuff myself. I spent a lot of time just sailing around getting into fights.

htismaqe 02-21-2022 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16155902)
There are many different sizes of ships. The good ones you can't really take on until you upgrade your ship. There's also a bunch of missions involving the ship. And there are several Cultists that hang out on ships.

I really enjoyed the ship stuff myself. I spent a lot of time just sailing around getting into fights.

Thanks, that's good to know. I did kill one cultist that was on a ship and it netted some pretty killer set gear so hopefully there's more of that.

Honestly, the thing that is keeping me going right now is the looting. It's an interesting dynamic in that they give the player choice in keeping their gear and just leveling it up but you can't actually change the appearance to something high level until you've acquired that high level gear. So building the perfect load out is multi-faceted, especially if you're into the cosmetics.

tredadda 02-21-2022 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16155910)
Thanks, that's good to know. I did kill one cultist that was on a ship and it netted some pretty killer set gear so hopefully there's more of that.

Honestly, the thing that is keeping me going right now is the looting. It's an interesting dynamic in that they give the player choice in keeping their gear and just leveling it up but you can't actually change the appearance to something high level until you've acquired that high level gear. So building the perfect load out is multi-faceted, especially if you're into the cosmetics.

You can also seek out Alpha ships (although I would not recommend that until you have upgraded yours quite a bit). They have cool gear to change your ship some.

The Franchise 02-21-2022 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16155876)
I finished it. But it was pretty weak compared to previous Far Cry games. Just felt flat. The storyline wasn't as good. Graphics are pretty sweet though.

Well they've gotten worse with each I can see that.

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