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Rausch 07-30-2013 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 9844278)
I hate it when dickhead cops tell people to shut up. How he writes the report, or if he issues a ticket, has direct implications on how the insurance will determine fault.

Has anyone seen this video? The police were compelled with a subpoena to release this dash cam video. They still claim that the dash cam on the first police car malfunctioned and did not record what happened before this video starts. Some people believe the police did nothing wrong, but the majority of people think what the police did was way over the top and not called for. A member of my extended family was a detective with the rank of Lt. in the KCPD vice department, and he believes that these police officers were out of line, but also told me that the way the woman turns could be considered "resisting" but overall the officers showed a lack of common sense, and that the first officer should have done a better job of assessing the situation. He also stated that the odds of the first officers dash cam malfunctioning or not recording were very low.

VIDEO: Man alleges misconduct by Mission, KS police


She's ****'n crazy. Threat's to "break people's arms" is where I quit feeling sorry for you...

Omaha 07-30-2013 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 9844461)
She's ****'n crazy. Threat's to "break people's arms" is where I quit feeling sorry for you...

I think he's talking about the KCTV story.

Omaha 07-30-2013 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 9844278)
I hate it when dickhead cops tell people to shut up. How he writes the report, or if he issues a ticket, has direct implications on how the insurance will determine fault.

Has anyone seen this video? The police were compelled with a subpoena to release this dash cam video. They still claim that the dash cam on the first police car malfunctioned and did not record what happened before this video starts. Some people believe the police did nothing wrong, but the majority of people think what the police did was way over the top and not called for. A member of my extended family was a detective with the rank of Lt. in the KCPD vice department, and he believes that these police officers were out of line, but also told me that the way the woman turns could be considered "resisting" but overall the officers showed a lack of common sense, and that the first officer should have done a better job of assessing the situation. He also stated that the odds of the first officers dash cam malfunctioning or not recording were very low.

VIDEO: Man alleges misconduct by Mission, KS police


Holy shit. OK, at first I gave the guy cop the benefit of the doubt because he probably didn't know what he was driving up on. But the lady was being cooperative & he was being a complete douche while he had her handcuffed on the side of the street. He probably didn't break any laws, but he's a shitty human being at best. I can absolutely see why the husband is pissed out of his mind.

frankotank 07-30-2013 01:55 PM

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DMAC 07-30-2013 02:46 PM

Yes, Applebees is fail.

ShowtimeSBMVP 07-30-2013 08:00 PM

Ceej 07-30-2013 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsandO'sfan (Post 9846403)

Real life Kenny ****ing Powers!

Pants 07-31-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 9844278)
I hate it when dickhead cops tell people to shut up. How he writes the report, or if he issues a ticket, has direct implications on how the insurance will determine fault.

Has anyone seen this video? The police were compelled with a subpoena to release this dash cam video. They still claim that the dash cam on the first police car malfunctioned and did not record what happened before this video starts. Some people believe the police did nothing wrong, but the majority of people think what the police did was way over the top and not called for. A member of my extended family was a detective with the rank of Lt. in the KCPD vice department, and he believes that these police officers were out of line, but also told me that the way the woman turns could be considered "resisting" but overall the officers showed a lack of common sense, and that the first officer should have done a better job of assessing the situation. He also stated that the odds of the first officers dash cam malfunctioning or not recording were very low.

VIDEO: Man alleges misconduct by Mission, KS police


That woman was banging on the door of a post office that had just closed and throwing rocks through the mail slot. The post office called the police and the woman did not comply when asked to cease and desist by the cops. That bitch is ****ing crazy. The video is edited by the husband. 'Nuff said.

This will all come out during trial. In the meantime, it's probably best to reserve judgement.

RockChalk 07-31-2013 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 9847006)
That woman was banging on the door of a post office that had just closed and throwing rocks through the mail slot. The post office called the police and the woman did not comply when asked to cease and desist by the cops. That bitch is ****ing crazy. The video is edited by the husband. 'Nuff said.

This will all come out during trial. In the meantime, it's probably best to reserve judgement.

For some people on this board (and in this world), police officers are wrong no matter what the evidence shows. It's best to not argue with them, because nothing will convince them otherwise. I go on just assuming the people that use this logic (that 100% of officer's are power abusers) despite evidence that indicates otherwise, are criminals or past criminals, themselves.

Omaha 07-31-2013 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 9847006)
That woman was banging on the door of a post office that had just closed and throwing rocks through the mail slot. The post office called the police and the woman did not comply when asked to cease and desist by the cops. That bitch is ****ing crazy. The video is edited by the husband. 'Nuff said.

This will all come out during trial. In the meantime, it's probably best to reserve judgement.

According to the comments, the case against her was dropped.

Baby Lee 07-31-2013 09:43 AM

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ChiefsFanatic 07-31-2013 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by RockChalk (Post 9847369)
For some people on this board (and in this world), police officers are wrong no matter what the evidence shows. It's best to not argue with them, because nothing will convince them otherwise. I go on just assuming the people that use this logic (that 100% of officer's are power abusers) despite evidence that indicates otherwise, are criminals or past criminals, themselves.

Well, I don't know if most of what they did was wrong, but I can see from a common sense viewpoint that they went about the entire thing the wrong way.

What I do know is that performing a cavity search in public isn't legal. Just recently a policewoman in Texas was fired and charged with two counts of sexual assault for performing a roadside cavity search on two women.

BigRedChief 08-01-2013 07:41 PM

BigRedChief 08-01-2013 07:42 PM

BigRedChief 08-01-2013 07:44 PM

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